Glocks have gone to the Pots

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Re: Glocks have gone to the Pots


Post by CompVest »

longtooth wrote:Not my area to moderate but a plea & friendly reminder

"G" rated form.
In the past every bathroom thread that has been started has moved to inuendo & jokes pretty fast.
They have all had to be locked.

True or false question #17 on your CHL test was, "Think before you speak (post). Be cautious w/ the 1st words that rise readily to your lips (keybord)"
:tiphat: LT
It appears that this warning was not read or is being ignored.

I don't believe that the last two posts had anything to do with the topic and are fast headed to getting the thread locked.
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Re: Glocks have gone to the Pots


Post by smyrna »

HotLeadSolutions wrote: Which leads me to a question...What to do with your weapon in a public bathroom if you have "Duty" (or doodie :read: ) to do?
If its a Glock, I would flush and get a 1911. (I know, I know...I just opened a big can of worms...)

Seriously, use common sense.

Advice I've heard before but would NOT trust (too many bad things can happen...)
[*]lay it on the floor
[*]lay it on the toilet back, paper holder
[*]hang it on a coat hook

The best advice I've heard and have actually used...
0. Constantly repeat to self, "Booger hook off the bang switch, Booger hook off the bang switch,...)
1. Loosen pants.
2. Remove handgun from holster.
3. sit down with pants and underwear dropped no lower than just below the knees.
4. Use underwear as a "sling" to hold yer shootin iron while you do your business.
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Re: Glocks have gone to the Pots


Post by TexasComputerDude »

My solution...


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Re: Glocks have gone to the Pots


Post by Carry-a-Kimber »

Thanks for the story, lots of info on what to do when you gotta use public facilities from other topics. None of these have been locked, lets hope this one doesn't. :tiphat:
viewtopic.php?f=53&t=19863&hilit=toilet" onclick=";return false;
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=32688&hilit=restroom+toilet" onclick=";return false;
viewtopic.php?f=23&t=30304&hilit=restroom+toilet" onclick=";return false;
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=13954&hilit=public+toilet+restroom" onclick=";return false;
viewtopic.php?t=9367&start=0" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Glocks have gone to the Pots


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

The title of this post scared me. I was afraid the newer Glocks were having problems. Thank goodness it ended up being another thread about what to do with your weapon while going to the bathroom. :roll: Let's make it a thread about how to use the search feature. :clapping:

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Re: Glocks have gone to the Pots


Post by Carry-a-Kimber »

03Lightningrocks wrote: Let's make it a thread about how to use the search feature. :clapping:
:iagree: And welcome back, people been lookin for you. :lol:
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Re: Glocks have gone to the Pots


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Carry-a-Kimber wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote: Let's make it a thread about how to use the search feature. :clapping:
:iagree: And welcome back, people been lookin for you. :lol:
People looking for me has happened before.... :mrgreen: ... and not always for good reasons. :biggrinjester:

My year has been blessed with pain, Doctors... partial loss of motorskills and surgery. I am all well now and finally weened off my pain meds. Life is good and I am back to being able to wipe with my right hand again.(wanted to keep on topic) Seriously... it got to the point where my offspring would laugh at me when I would carry on my right side. They wondered what the point was since my right arm and hand had quit working. It amazes me what nerve damage can do.

Anyway... alls good again, thanks for the welcome back. :cheers2:

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Re: Glocks have gone to the Pots


Post by Carry-a-Kimber »

Glad you are back to "normal", too bad you ran outta the pain meds though. :lol::
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Re: Glocks have gone to the Pots


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Sputz wrote:Well the good thing is since its a Glock you can be rest assured it'll fire even if covered in "doodie". :shock:

Thanks for the story,

You can also be assured that it won't change its looks one bit. :smilelol5:
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Re: Glocks have gone to the Pots


Post by C-dub »

Well, maybe the first thing for your friend to do is remember he's carrying. I will usually pick a stall at the end, if possible, so others won't be walking by. That way if the only place to set it is on the TP holder it won't be as likely to be seen through the small slit in the door. Otherwise, I mostly set it on the tank if I have to go.
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Re: Glocks have gone to the Pots


Post by alvins »

C-dub wrote:Well, maybe the first thing for your friend to do is remember he's carrying. I will usually pick a stall at the end, if possible, so others won't be walking by. That way if the only place to set it is on the TP holder it won't be as likely to be seen through the small slit in the door. Otherwise, I mostly set it on the tank if I have to go.
thats why you take a long strip of toilet paper and twist one end and stick it into the crack of the door and let it hang down to cover the crack so no one can see in.

When your done doing your business use it to clean yourself.
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Re: Glocks have gone to the Pots


Post by threoh8 »

I'm not a fan of setting the firearm anywhere. Distractions happen, and I'd sure hate to leave something like that in a place like that. When I have an "away game", I hold the pistol or holster before loosening anything, and work from there. Nothing gets separated from me. Nothing goes to the floor or on a hook, etc.

I'm reminded of seeing soldiers on exercises using portolets. Some actually left their rifles outside while doing their business. Call me names, but I corrected that whenever I saw it. Funny, but when actually deployed to a combat zone, I never saw that. Folks kept the weapons close at hand.
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Re: Glocks have gone to the Pots


Post by jframe.38 »

This is one of the reasons that I am a gigantic proponet of pocket carry. When using the facilities, I leave the firearm in the pocket and use the restroom in the normal manner as I have my entire life.

When deciding to carry concealed I wanted to make as few lifestyle adjustments as I possibly could. I was unwilling to alter how I had been using the restroom for decades. This is part of the reason that I pocket carry.

In addition to not worrying about changing my restroom routine, pocket carry allowed me to not have to worry about how I reached for objects in a store, hugged, etc.

Every time that I see such a "bathroom thread" it confirms why I prefer pocket carry to belt carry for reasons of being practical in my day to day life.
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Re: Glocks have gone to the Pots


Post by HotLeadSolutions »

Thanks to everyone for your replies. I have passed them along to my neighbor. His excuse was...he is used to his duty weapon being holstered, and he does not normally carry concealed in that manner. I told him about these forums, and he joined, but he wont tell me his screen name...Wonder why??!! "rlol"
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Re: Glocks have gone to the Pots


Post by Randy797 »

I am new to CC and learned at home just how easily my P3-AT with the side clip falls out of my pocket when seated . . .
I simply re-fasten my belt to keep the pocket upright when nature calls and I am far from the home Throne.
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