Waco Kid wrote:I thought that one of the people who stopped the attack was a concealed license holder - but that he did not fire.
I could only imagine what would have happened if someone started firing back at the shooter... in a crowd. I think that would have been even worse. I'm almost *glad* nobody shot back at him - minimized collateral damage. I do wish it would have been stopped earlier though.
Waco Kid wrote:I thought that one of the people who stopped the attack was a concealed license holder - but that he did not fire.
I could only imagine what would have happened if someone started firing back at the shooter... in a crowd. I think that would have been even worse. I'm almost *glad* nobody shot back at him - minimized collateral damage. I do wish it would have been stopped earlier though.
Joe Zamudio held down the shooter. search his name in this forum
As much fun as it would be to turn Joe Zamudio into a larger-than-life legend among right-to-carry advocates, he (according to his own account) actually played a much smaller role in subduing the gunman than did two or three other people.
Joe Zamudio is 24 years old, I entered Community College at the age of 26 ...
He ran towards the scene from a store around the corner and chose to get involved, the others merely reacted in self defense and were already there.
The woman, apparently an employee of Giffords, who had to be there, had been shot and was fighting back in SELF DEFENSE(reacting), said she tried. but Joe was the hero who heard gunshots while buying something at Walgreens, ran around the corner to the Safeway store TOWARDS the danger choosing to risk his life to help others instead of going home with his cigarettes from Walgreens, and for securing the gun, when he didn't need to get involved in the first place..
Out of the 4 heroes, which is a responsible mature "college aged" one who CHOSE to be there and secured the gun when others failed, at the risk of his own life?
Also, yes, he was armed, and showed good judgment in not drawing and causing confusion, as most antis claim would occur ... pretty smart .... for an immature college aged kid.
Last edited by RPB on Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:20 am, edited 9 times in total.
I'm no lawyer
"Never show your hole card" "Always have something in reserve"
Douva wrote:
As much fun as it would be to turn Joe Zamudio into a larger-than-life legend among right-to-carry advocates, he (according to his own account) actually played a much smaller role in subduing the gunman than did two or three other people.
The whole incident says a lot about the everyday folks of Arizona. There was a lot of instinctive courage on display in the few seconds that it took for this whole thing to go down. If this incident had happened in another place I'm not so sure there would have been so much courage.
Liberty''s Blog
"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom." John F. Kennedy
RPB wrote:Joe Zamudio is 24 years old, I entered Community College at the age of 26 ...
He ran towards the scene from a store around the corner and chose to get involved, the others merely reacted in self defense and were already there.
The woman, apparently an employee of Giffords, who had to be there, had been shot and was fighting back in SELF DEFENSE(reacting), said she tried. but Joe was the hero who heard gunshots while buying something at Walgreens, ran around the corner to the Safeway store TOWARDS the danger choosing to risk his life to help others instead of going home with his cigarettes from Walgreens, and for securing the gun, when he didn't need to get involved in the first place..
Out of the 4 heroes, which is a responsible mature "college aged" one who CHOSE to be there and secured the gun when others failed, at the risk of his own life?
Also, yes, he was armed, and showed good judgment in not drawing and causing confusion, as
most antis claim would occur ... pretty smart .... for an immature college aged
I just saw this info on msnbc of all places. They said he had his gun but did not draw it and was primarily concerned in offering assistance. I hope his good judgement and heroic actions will negate some of the bad rhetoric of the Brady people that chlers are trigger happy yahoos who will cause more damage than good.
I was in error in that he didn't "secure the gun" as some reports had said, but I still admire him much more for rising to the occasion rather than laying down, like those who play/played possum while shooters reload.
I'm no lawyer
"Never show your hole card" "Always have something in reserve"
Douva wrote:
As much fun as it would be to turn Joe Zamudio into a larger-than-life legend among right-to-carry advocates, he (according to his own account) actually played a much smaller role in subduing the gunman than did two or three other people.
The whole incident says a lot about the everyday folks of Arizona. There was a lot of instinctive courage on display in the few seconds that it took for this whole thing to go down. If this incident had happened in another place I'm not so sure there would have been so much courage.
I'm not sure about that. Think back to the folks who subdued the underwear bomber or the shoe bomber. It seems to me that there are a lot of people who are willing to jump into the fray. I agree than in some areas of the country that it is better than others.
True, it does vary some with geography (social-political views etc) but that "type" of person exists everywhere ... in some places more than others though. Overall ... that "type" of person .. is a rare minority. viewtopic.php?f=90&t=39864&p=493753#p493753" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
I'm no lawyer
"Never show your hole card" "Always have something in reserve"
mctowalot wrote:I don't want my wife's ability to defend herself and our children to be restricted because of this maniac's actions.
They should just ban maniacs.
Laws putting anti-maniacal drugs in the water supply, in case one is overlooked? .... but will the fish still bite?
Maybe if they just mix it into the Kool-Aid they all seem to be drinking.
To the OP ... I think it was : Obama's Rahm Emanuel, said: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste" and
Mar 7, 2009 BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told an audience Friday "never waste a good crisis" ..
"Westboro church" that follows the same tactless philosophy; they get criticized. (And rightly so IMHO)
If one of the citizens that moved in and help control the attacker was a permit holder, this is news that someone needs to get out to the public. Here lies the proof that a chl holder used sound judgment in not pulling a weapon in such a crowd, but did in fact step into harms way, with others to help stop the attack.
The individuals that did take controll of the shooter are true moderen day hero's. I hope that what they did does not get pushed aside in all of the political posturing that is going on. To run toward the gunfight, they deserve medals.