03Lightningrocks wrote:Pointing the gun at me and pulling the trigger would just make me think it misfired and I better respond quickly or die with a follow up round. BB gun would not have entered my mind.
The above quote was your response to the Taco Bell guy's original threatening toy gun actions, before he went and grabbed the real guns. At least that's how I understand it, forgive me if I'm wrong. I would be thinking the exact same thing. Angry guy who appears to have a real weapon and by chance the safety's on or it misfired, or something. I would take that opportunity to stop the perceived threat, just as you stated you would.
Forgive me for going off-topic without clearly mentioning I was jumping tracks. My belief is that someone running around with a realistic toy weapon in a threatening manner in a state that has armed citizens has greater potential for resulting in serious bodily injury. I wasn't talking about the kids playing in the park where it's obviously not a deadly force situation. I was talking about something like the Taco Bell situation, before the real guns came out, but where it could still easily be mistaken for a deadly force scenario.
I don't think Beiruty or I said anything with the intention of insulting Texas, just that robbing or threatening honest citizens with a realistic toy weapon in a state where they are disarmed is less likely to get you filled with holes than in a state that allows them to protect themselves.
03Lightningrocks wrote:I never said someone could not get shot by displaying a toy gun! I said it is NOT MORE LIKELY BECAUSE FOLKS HAVE A CHL!!!!! My point here was that some folks in this thread, seem to associate a CHL with a higher risk of an accidental shooting. I strongly disagree with you and others on that. I believe a CHL causes most of us to be more cautious about entering confrontation.
I'll have to disagree with you on that. I think it is more likely just because you have more armed citizens. Keep in mind I'm talking about someone with evil intent getting shot where his actions and apparent deadly weapon necessitate a deadly force response. Now if you thought I meant that there's a higher chance of kids getting shot for playing airsoft in the park just because we have CHL in Texas, then you misunderstood my intention, quite possibly because I worded my reply poorly. I also agree with you that having a CHL makes us more cautious.
Hope that clarified my position on the subject a bit.

"When I was a kid, people who did wrong were punished, restricted, and forbidden. Now, when someone does wrong, all of the rest of us are punished, restricted, and forbidden. The one who did the wrong is counselled and "understood" and fed ice cream." - speedsix