Teamless wrote:All of the Gun Shows that I have been to (Houston/Pasadena), you are not supposed to have any magazines (loaded) so you would not (or should not, if you followed the posted signs) be able to reload your weapon until you reached your vehicle.
Even if you did have a magazine handy, I would not reload the gun in plain view of anyone else, it would be in the restroom or in my vehicle
A little common sense goes a long ways here.
First of all, there's no legal exemption from intentional failure to conceal just because you're leaving a gun show.
There's also the very practical consideration that if reloading / reholstering in the lobby of the show venue were permitted, it wouldn't take very long for some knucklehead to touch off an ND that causes a serious injury or death and would not be helpful to the passage of some good bills currently in the legislature.
The ND issue is the primary reason behind the 30.06 posting of gun shows in the first place. If everyone were allowed to carry loaded inside, there would be a whole lot more ND's than there are now - which is still way too many. If you doubt that, just pay attention to the muzzle discipline of folks at a show as they examine guns and point them at everyone and everything in sight.
I'm not talking about Forum members - but there are a lot of "other guys" out there who don't take responsible gun handling as seriously as our good friends here. The stuff they do fills the pages of "Never again", and the folks who run the show have to maintain a safe environment for everyone in order to stay in business.
Be discreet, keep a low profile, and you can be pretty sure you'll remain free to go about your business unhassled.