First off let me start off saying Thanks for all of the help, the forum has been a real eye opener over the last couple of weeks, to say the least.
Second, why I decided to apply for my CHL. The reason is simple, due to my current employment it requires long durations away from the homestead. During a resent purchase of a AR-15 (my first and hopefully not my last

)the wife decided that she was wanting/willing to make personal defense a priority and ask what she could do.... Granted I had always wanted to get a CHL and I had taken her to the range a few times and she knows how and when to use a weapon (she is a dead on accurate shot by the way). But then it hit me, we have the home front covered, she knows what to do and where to go in an emergency but what about her person, when she is driving to and from wherever… IMHO the "what if" questions came to mind, knowing my wife, she wouldn't have said anything unless she was generally concerned and/or had given it a lot of thought.
So given the "green light" I called up a few shops that I frequent and none of them had an opening (for my current work schedule

). Typically they have classes once a month, some ever so often (when they have enough people), and then I was able to locate a fairly new shop to our area that just so happen had a class cancel on them just a few hours prior for the following day. Rick R. was very helpful and informative through out the class, answering all of our questions and giving advice when needed. To say the least, I will be a returning customer for quite a while

. If nothing else the class eased her mind and made us grow closer as a couple. Now my only concern is the cost of ammo just sky rocketed literally, three range days over three weeks and she is asking when we can go back... I think I have unleashed something...
All in all it's been a great experience for the both of us to say the least.