Professors plan to boycott classes where students carry

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Re: Professors plan to boycott classes where students carry


Post by srothstein »

They would not need probable cause. SCOTUS has already ruled on this several times. They have allowed searches like this at airports for security reasons. And they have said (in dicta, but it helps explain how they might rule) that the 2nd is not absolute and might not apply to "sensitive" areas. It would be easy to claim classrooms are sensitive areas and use their logic to justify the searches. Fortunately, I don't see any of this coming true any more than people left the country who said they would when Bush was re-elected.
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Re: Professors plan to boycott classes where students carry


Post by BrianSW99 »

srothstein wrote:They would not need probable cause. SCOTUS has already ruled on this several times. They have allowed searches like this at airports for security reasons. And they have said (in dicta, but it helps explain how they might rule) that the 2nd is not absolute and might not apply to "sensitive" areas. It would be easy to claim classrooms are sensitive areas and use their logic to justify the searches. Fortunately, I don't see any of this coming true any more than people left the country who said they would when Bush was re-elected.
Plus, people consent to weapons searches all the time at non-sensitive places like amusement parks, state fair, professional sports games, etc. No probable cause is needed there either.

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Re: Professors plan to boycott classes where students carry


Post by joelamosobadiah »

BrianSW99 wrote:
srothstein wrote:They would not need probable cause. SCOTUS has already ruled on this several times. They have allowed searches like this at airports for security reasons. And they have said (in dicta, but it helps explain how they might rule) that the 2nd is not absolute and might not apply to "sensitive" areas. It would be easy to claim classrooms are sensitive areas and use their logic to justify the searches. Fortunately, I don't see any of this coming true any more than people left the country who said they would when Bush was re-elected.
Plus, people consent to weapons searches all the time at non-sensitive places like amusement parks, state fair, professional sports games, etc. No probable cause is needed there either.
The key there being consent. If you want the service (air travel, entertainment, etc.) you must consent to that search. I for one hope we're never put in a place to add education to that list.

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Re: Professors plan to boycott classes where students carry


Post by BrianSW99 »

joelamosobadiah wrote:
BrianSW99 wrote:
srothstein wrote:They would not need probable cause. SCOTUS has already ruled on this several times. They have allowed searches like this at airports for security reasons. And they have said (in dicta, but it helps explain how they might rule) that the 2nd is not absolute and might not apply to "sensitive" areas. It would be easy to claim classrooms are sensitive areas and use their logic to justify the searches. Fortunately, I don't see any of this coming true any more than people left the country who said they would when Bush was re-elected.
Plus, people consent to weapons searches all the time at non-sensitive places like amusement parks, state fair, professional sports games, etc. No probable cause is needed there either.
The key there being consent. If you want the service (air travel, entertainment, etc.) you must consent to that search. I for one hope we're never put in a place to add education to that list.
It happens every school day at many high schools and jr. highs across the US. I could easily see it making it's way into the community colleges, if it hasn't already in some places.


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Re: Professors plan to boycott classes where students carry


Post by Bulldog1911 »

Well, I didn't traverse through this entire post, so forgive me if this has already been stated, but, we are talking about "Concealed hanguns". The prof should never know who has one.

I'm always tickled at the fact that professors make statements with the argument of "in MY classroom". Got news for you, it's not your classroom.

Just like I'm typing this from "MY office" in my employer's building. I have no right to restrict people from coming in. Neither do they. This is really a moot point as they have no ground to stand on.
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Re: Professors plan to boycott classes where students carry


Post by mgood »

Bulldog1911 wrote:I'm always tickled at the fact that professors make statements with the argument of "in MY classroom". Got news for you, it's not your classroom.
The student has more claim to ownership of that classroom than does the instructor.
That classroom is payed for by taxpayers and tuition.
The instructor pays taxes, some of which go to fund schools.
The students (or their parents) pay taxes, some of which go to fund schools AND the students (or their parents) pay tuition.
The instructor is a state employee, and an employee of those students, who has been entrusted with governing that classroom (someone has to be in charge) within the boundaries of state law.

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Re: Professors plan to boycott classes where students carry


Post by blue »


Now all the students in class just need a "suspicious bulge or two" to get rid of those turkey profs!

Great way to IMPROVE the schools!

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Re: Professors plan to boycott classes where students carry


Post by JJVP »

srothstein wrote:They would not need probable cause. SCOTUS has already ruled on this several times. They have allowed searches like this at airports for security reasons. And they have said (in dicta, but it helps explain how they might rule) that the 2nd is not absolute and might not apply to "sensitive" areas. It would be easy to claim classrooms are sensitive areas and use their logic to justify the searches. Fortunately, I don't see any of this coming true any more than people left the country who said they would when Bush was re-elected.
That applies to law enforcement, not to private citizens. I cannot search you, just because I have a suspicion that you have a gun or something illegal on you. The only thing that would get me, if I were to attempt it, would be a punch in the face or worse. A professor has NO authority to search you. He could call the cops to do it, but he cannot do it himself nor do I have to comply to his request. My understanding, but IANAL
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Re: Professors plan to boycott classes where students carry


Post by GEM-Texas »

A professor can't search anyone. If the professor felt threatened they could call security and they have law enforcement powers. However, the idea that one would come and search an entire class or a student just sitting there would not happen. Call everybody to search an intro class of 300?

I know this trade and some of you need to get out of the paranoid delusions, to be blunt. It's just a jerk blowing off hot air.

Get over it.
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Re: Professors plan to boycott classes where students carry


Post by tbrown »

GEM-Texas wrote:I know this trade and some of you need to get out of the paranoid delusions, to be blunt. It's just a jerk blowing off hot air.
They don't have the guts follow through and boycott. That's unfortunate, because getting them out of the classroom would noticeably raise the intelligence and maturity level of the entire room, improving the educational experience for everyone who is open to learning.
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Re: Professors plan to boycott classes where students carry


Post by para driver »

clarionite wrote: And I assume they have someone else shop for their groceries, and live on campus. Because if not they're already rubbing elbows with us evil CHL holders.
You make that point perfectly, they must NEVER, not EVER, leave the confines of their classroom... for fear of mingling with 500k+ CHL holders at the movies, grocery store and shopping mall... (lions and tigers and bears, oh my!!)

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