Moving to Houston in a week!

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Moving to Houston in a week!


Post by TheRising »

Hello future fellow Texans....that seems right.

I have a couple of simple questions that I thought you guys would be able to answer:

1) I have a CHL from PA which has reciprocity with Texas. Am I still forced to sit through the ridiculous process of getting a Texas CHL or can I just get one because of the reciprocity? My PA CHL is still good for about 4 1/2 years, but I figured I may as well join the crowd...

2) Where should I go for the most up to date "basic" laws on carrying in Texas. I saw some reference to a 30.06 sign on some other posts and looked it up and what not. Would I be best off going to a local LEO?

3) I will be moving to the Clear Lake City area of Houston and am going to be in desperate need of a place to shoot, as I usually shoot once a week up here in Pittsburgh. I go to a range that allows you to fully load your weapon, handgun or rifle. The rate of fire for the pistol range is usually very slow to as fast as you can pull it and the rifle range is usually always slow, but I like practicing double and triple taps on my Yugo SKS and quick fire with both my M44 and Turkish Mauser, which is allowed. If you could give an opinions oon a place to shoot, I'd be very appreciative.

4) Any good gun shops in the Clear Lake/Houston area? I personally appreciate the old guns, pre-80's. I do not hunt, but I am a very big gun enthusiast/shooter.

Thanks for all your help, and please excuse me if I posted this in the wrong place.
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Re: Moving to Houston in a week!


Post by Lumberjack98 »

TheRising wrote:Hello future fellow Texans....that seems right.

I have a couple of simple questions that I thought you guys would be able to answer:

1) I have a CHL from PA which has reciprocity with Texas. Am I still forced to sit through the ridiculous process of getting a Texas CHL or can I just get one because of the reciprocity? My PA CHL is still good for about 4 1/2 years, but I figured I may as well join the crowd...

2) Where should I go for the most up to date "basic" laws on carrying in Texas. I saw some reference to a 30.06 sign on some other posts and looked it up and what not. Would I be best off going to a local LEO?

3) I will be moving to the Clear Lake City area of Houston and am going to be in desperate need of a place to shoot, as I usually shoot once a week up here in Pittsburgh. I go to a range that allows you to fully load your weapon, handgun or rifle. The rate of fire for the pistol range is usually very slow to as fast as you can pull it and the rifle range is usually always slow, but I like practicing double and triple taps on my Yugo SKS and quick fire with both my M44 and Turkish Mauser, which is allowed. If you could give an opinions oon a place to shoot, I'd be very appreciative.

4) Any good gun shops in the Clear Lake/Houston area? I personally appreciate the old guns, pre-80's. I do not hunt, but I am a very big gun enthusiast/shooter.

Thanks for all your help, and please excuse me if I posted this in the wrong place.
Congrats on the move and let me be the first to welcome you to Texas. We can run you through the initiation process later.

I'll try to answer your questions:

1) My thoughts: You should go ahead and get the Texas CHL, but I don't know if you are required to or not.

2) You can get the rules and regs (and possibly the answer to #1) here: ... sindex.htm

3) I highly recommend PSC. It's a great range.

4) I recommend checking out the gun shows that seem to come at least once a month to the George R. Brown convention center or the Pasadena convention center.

I hope that you have a safe move.
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Post by gypsy »

Welcome to Texas...shortly. I too am originally from PA-New Castle to be exact. As far as ranges go, it sounds like you'll be closest to Texas City Municipal. It's a good range, inexpensive and you can google it online for particulars. I would recommend taking the class to learn Texas law. I took it in Texas City with ElGato, and it was definately not boring. For a mere $90 you can learn all you will need to know with a CHL living here in the promised land.
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Post by jbirds1210 »

PSC is a private range in the area of your new home. Top notch place that would likely meet all of your needs. There are a number of shooting ranges in the Houston area that charge by the gun and limit mobility while shooting. When you get settled send me a message and we can meet up.....I would be happy to take you shooting one afternoon as my guest. I live about twenty minutes south of Clear Lake.

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Re: Moving to Houston in a week!


Post by txinvestigator »

TheRising wrote:Hello future fellow Texans....that seems right.

I have a couple of simple questions that I thought you guys would be able to answer:

1) I have a CHL from PA which has reciprocity with Texas. Am I still forced to sit through the ridiculous process of getting a Texas CHL or can I just get one because of the reciprocity? My PA CHL is still good for about 4 1/2 years, but I figured I may as well join the crowd...
Reciprocity means Texas recognizes your CHL for carry in Texas. To obtain a Texas CHL you will have to go thru a Texas CHL class and apply.

I don't believe it is ridiculous to ask that CHL holders be required to know TEXAS carry laws and deadly force laws.
2) Where should I go for the most up to date "basic" laws on carrying in Texas. I saw some reference to a 30.06 sign on some other posts and looked it up and what not. Would I be best off going to a local LEO?
Don't depend on a local LEO to know enough about these specific laws.

The Texas Laws can be found under These sections of the Texas Penal Code;

46.01, 46.02 46.03, 46.035 and 46.15 ... m#46.01.00

The basic rules are; you cannot carry any firearm;

(1) on the physical premises of a school or
educational institution, any grounds or building on which an
activity sponsored by a school or educational institution is being
conducted, or a passenger transportation vehicle of a school or
educational institution,
(2) on the premises of a polling place on the day of an
election or while early voting is in progress;
(3) on the premises of any government court or offices
utilized by the court, unless pursuant to written regulations or
written authorization of the court;
(4) on the premises of a racetrack; (this is defined as where paramutual betting is and racetracks)
(5) in or into a secured area of an airport; or
(6) within 1,000 feet of premises the location of
as a place of execution.

A CHL holder is restricted additionally;

(a) intentionally fails to conceal the handgun.
(1) on the premises of a business that has a permit or
license issued under Alcoholic Beverage Code, if the business derives 51 percent or more of its income from the sale or service of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption, as determined by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission under Section 104.06, Alcoholic Beverage Code;
(2) on the premises where a high school, collegiate,
or professional sporting event or interscholastic event is taking
place, unless the license holder is a participant in the event and a
handgun is used in the event;
(3) on the premises of a correctional facility;
(4) on the premises of a hospital licensed under
Chapter 241, Health and Safety Code, or on the premises of a nursing
home licensed under Chapter 242, Health and Safety Code, unless the
license holder has written authorization of the hospital or nursing
home administration, as appropriate;
(5) in an amusement park; or
(6) on the premises of a church, synagogue, or other
established place of religious worship.
(c) at any meeting of a governmental entity.
(d) A license holder commits an offense if, while
intoxicated, the license holder carries a handgun.

For all of those, premise does not include parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, etc.

For Churches, Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Amusement Parks, they must post a 30.06 sign for you to be prohibited.

30.06 of the Penal Code is Criminal Trespass by a license holder. ... m#30.06.00

Basically a sign must must be posted that meets the requirements of 30.06 for you to be restricted from carrying in a private business. Verbal notice also suffices.

Hope this helps. Ask any other questions if you need clarification
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Post by Liberty »

Texas maintains a site that has the applicable laws, I'm not sure where its at but you can find a link to it at Someone here though will probably give you the link.
I would still get the Texas CHL when you get a chance after you take care of the driver lisence transfer and all. I know its a hassle, but it just might save you even more hassle if you run into an LEO who is not all that familiar with how recipricy works. Also each state is so different and understanding the laws is not so easy if you don't have someone to explain it all.

As Longtooth says El Gato is the man, every minute of his class is worthwhile, and he will guide help with every facit of trhe process from forms to fingerprints to pictures.
There are 3 ranges south outh of you.
Galveston Rifle and Gun Club. It is Membership only but the rates are pretty reasonable. I think the Rifle range is out to 200 yds there is a a good pistal rangre also .. Place is pretty nice.I haven't joined there but I think I will very shortly.

Texas City Municiple Range. I think it Cost 6 dollars to shoot there, they have resident and senior rates also. Nice range but not as much shade and weather protection as Galveston.

League City is a private range, I've never been there there, and have heard some negative things about the place.

PSC is in Pearland anfd might be the closest place to you. Lots of people from here go there, so its got to be one of the safest and friendliest places. Its a membership place also. I've never been there either.

Welcome aboard !!!!!
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Re: Moving to Houston in a week!


Post by Crossfire »

TheRising wrote: 1) I have a CHL from PA which has reciprocity with Texas. Am I still forced to sit through the ridiculous process of getting a Texas CHL or can I just get one because of the reciprocity? My PA CHL is still good for about 4 1/2 years, but I figured I may as well join the crowd...
If you want a Texas CHL, then yes, you will indeed have to go through the process, including the 10 hour class and the $140 license fee. No one gets a free pass because of a reciprocal license.
Welcome to Texas!
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Post by stevie_d_64 »


Can't add much to what others have said...

I'd just encourage you to get things lined up to take the Texas CHL and get that out of the way...

Its not difficult, and there are plenty of instructors and facilities to choose from right where you are intending to move to...Many discuss things here on this forum as well...

I'm down in the S.E. part of Harris County/Clear Lake/NASA area as well...

Give some of us a holler...Be glad to meet with you when you get settled in...
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Post by Liberty »

Dang.. What a great post TXI, A great encapsulation!!!!!! I'm printing this one out!!!

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Post by TheRising »

I really appreciate all of the replies!! TXI, you summed up a lot of good info, thanks a lot.

I checked out PSC and I will, barring any unforeseen problems, be joining the club. It is definitely going to be the closest to where I am hoping to live (close to the Johnson Space Center, which is where I will be working). Once I get down in the area, on January 8th or so, I'll try to drop a line on the board. My father is assisting me in the move and I know he would definitely like to see the PSC range as he is a shooter like myself. We only have 5 days to find apartments and all the other regular stuff that goes into the whole relocation process, but if we can fit it in, I would definitely like to meet up with some of you.

One more thing. There is an application fee of $140 to process the CHL. Are these classes that ElGato teaches extra, or inclusive? Also, where does he usually teach these classes.

Thanks a lot for the help. It makes at least one part of my move a bit easier!!
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Post by seamusTX »

Welcome to the Lone Star State.

If you're moving to the Clear Lake area, PSC is far and away the best deal. I would join if it weren't so far from where I live.

Gun stores are becoming rare, even in Texas. The sports superstores like Academy can provide your basic needs. PRODEFENSE in Webster can provide most of what they don't. You can look them up in the phone book when you need to. They're in the shopping center on the southwest corner of NASA Road 1 and I-45.

For window shopping, check out Collectors Firearms. Their prices seem a bit high. Anyone know if they will bargain?

There are frequent gun shows in Houston and Pasadena, more than one a month.

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Post by Stupid »

A few times I was there, they told me to get out.

Guns shows are nice.
seamusTX wrote:Welcome to the Lone Star State.

For window shopping, check out Collectors Firearms. Their prices seem a bit high. Anyone know if they will bargain?

There are frequent gun shows in Houston and Pasadena, more than one a month.

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Post by DustinB »

TheRising wrote:One more thing. There is an application fee of $140 to process the CHL. Are these classes that ElGato teaches extra, or inclusive? Also, where does he usually teach these classes.
The $140 goes to the state for the license. ElGato charges $89 for the class, which is about as cheap as they come, especially since he includes fingerprints and photos in the class. I took his class to get my CHL and I highly recommend him, good teacher and a great guy to shoot with.

He usually teaches the class at the Nestler Center in Texas City and has the range portion a few miles down the road at the Texas City Range.

As for a good range to join, I would recommend PSC as well. You can do pretty much any type/style of shooting out there as long as you are safe/not an idiot. :lol: I chose PSC because of the people, freedom to shoot and practice what you want, and the excellent facilities. All that in a mostly private setting.

Definately let us know if/when you would like to check it out, I'll join jbirds in showing you guys around.
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Post by seamusTX »

Stupid wrote:A few times I was there [Collectors Firearms], they told me to get out.
Do you mind if I ask what you did just before they told you to get out?

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Post by KBCraig »

seamusTX wrote:
Stupid wrote:A few times I was there [Collectors Firearms], they told me to get out.
Do you mind if I ask what you did just before they told you to get out?
Perhaps he was asking Stupid questions. :grin:
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