chasfm11 wrote:Because Federal bureaucracies of all stripe are NOT accountable to the people, even through our elected representatives. "They" have determined that they know what is best for us and there is no deterrence the zealotry.mamabearCali wrote: If conservative, liberal, everyone hates these procedures why are they being allowed to continue.
VMI77 makes an excellent point that I really hadn't thought through completely. If there really was the potential for explosives, the current procedures put every TSA worker at risk for a premature detention.
The whole TSA strategy is cut from the same cloth as the school zero tolerance. Innocent kids are punished and there is little effect on the real problem with guns or drugs in schools. When a incident is discovered that strains even the wildest stretch of credibility, it is easy for those in charge to claim that it is "policy."
This is why I home school my kids and why we drive just about anywhere we need to go. Right now, at this moment, I can "opt out" of the system. What scares me the most is that the TSA wants to be just about everywhere and has gotten their tentacles into everything. They are reckless in everything they do, their searches and ague-ably assaults of the flying general public make no one safer. If you are really looking for bombs on a person's body do you want to do that in front of 100's/1000's of people in security lines with nothing but a rubber glove separating you from what might be a highly unstable item. They are searching passengers, but not cargo. Hello--if a person really wanted to take out a plane at 30,000 feet with the screening procedures in place today they would send the explosives by cargo--not by person. It is alarmingly reminiscent of the tactics of other brutal regimes through history and unless someone checks it we are in serious trouble here.