Shooting on private property

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Shooting on private property


Post by Defndr90 »

Not sure this is the right spot for this but wasn't sure where else to put it.

I am looking at purchasing a bit of property in Hunt county. Where can I find any information about shooting on my own property? I would think as long as it wasn't in a city limits and had a good backstop I would be good.
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Re: Shooting on private property


Post by Big Tuna »

It depends on local laws and the size of the property. Check the local government code.
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Re: Shooting on private property


Post by comp73 »

Depends on the size of the land parcel and proximity to buildings. Here's the statute

Sec. 229.002. REGULATION OF DISCHARGE OF WEAPON. A municipality may not apply a regulation relating to the discharge of firearms or other weapons in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the municipality or in an area annexed by the municipality after September 1, 1981, if the firearm or other weapon is:

(1) a shotgun, air rifle or pistol, BB gun, or bow and arrow discharged:

(A) on a tract of land of 10 acres or more and more than 150 feet from a residence or occupied building located on another property; and

(B) in a manner not reasonably expected to cause a projectile to cross the boundary of the tract; or

(2) a center fire or rim fire rifle or pistol of any caliber discharged:

(A) on a tract of land of 50 acres or more and more than 300 feet from a residence or occupied building located on another property; and

(B) in a manner not reasonably expected to cause a projectile to cross the boundary of the tract.
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Rex B
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Re: Shooting on private property


Post by Rex B »

I'm in Tarrant county, in a residential area 3 streets wide bordered by Keller on the East and Fort Worth on the West. About 100 homes, with lots from about .75 acre to 8 acres.
We can shoot in our backyards legally per the Sheriffs office. I have been known to test fire a .22 occasionally, but I haven't in a long time.

When we asked what to do about coyotes in our yards, the deputy at the HOA meeting said "just shoot 'em". You could pick out the liberals in the room by the expressions on their faces. "rlol"
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Re: Shooting on private property


Post by barres »

Rex B wrote:When we asked what to do about coyotes in our yards, the deputy at the HOA meeting said "just shoot 'em". You could pick out the liberals in the room by the expressions on their faces. "rlol"

That's hilarious! Glad law enforcement in your neck of the woods has some common sense to them. :clapping:
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Re: Shooting on private property


Post by Defndr90 »

Thanks for the inputs. I tried a Google search but couldn't find any information to get me started.

Rex, that sounds like the best way to get rid of a coyote to me. Best advice I ever heard come out of a HOA meeting.
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Re: Shooting on private property


Post by The Mad Moderate »

Rex B wrote:I'm in Tarrant county, in a residential area 3 streets wide bordered by Keller on the East and Fort Worth on the West. About 100 homes, with lots from about .75 acre to 8 acres.
We can shoot in our backyards legally per the Sheriffs office. I have been known to test fire a .22 occasionally, but I haven't in a long time.

When we asked what to do about coyotes in our yards, the deputy at the HOA meeting said "just shoot 'em". You could pick out the liberals in the room by the expressions on their faces. "rlol"
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Re: Shooting on private property


Post by Rex B »

It was real quiet for a few seconds after he said that.
Everyone was looking around the room to see what the others thought about that. :mrgreen:

BTW, ours is not a typical HOA. We only activated it to fight annexation by Ft Worth.
I'll never live in a neighborhood with one of those all-powerful HOAs
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Re: Shooting on private property


Post by KD5NRH »

Rex B wrote:When we asked what to do about coyotes in our yards, the deputy at the HOA meeting said "just shoot 'em". You could pick out the liberals in the room by the expressions on their faces. "rlol"
If you want to see that look again, use a Mosin Nagant M44 on the coyotes. :evil2:
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