Apothix wrote:I was mainly drawn to the easy of firing and my accuracy of the Five Seven and 92FS compared to the other weapons I have shot, would any of you have some recommendations that may be better geared toward CCW that have the accuracy and low recoil of the two that may be a better fit. example: My Glock32 is fitted with a .40 cal barrel but I am a terrible shot with it, so it really doesn't do me much good.
Recommendations would depend on WHY you
think you're a "bad shot" with the Glock and why you think you're a better shot with the others. I'll briefly examine a few possibilities:
BARREL LENGTH: FN & 92FS both have longer barrels and longer sight radius than the mid-size Glock. Generally speaking, longer = more accurate in both cases. I am a
slightly better shot with longer barrel than shorter barrel, but it's not a huge difference in accuracy especially when the difference in barrel or sight radius length is an inch or less - meaning difference between a full-size and mid-size Glock (4.5-inch vs. 4-inch) or even between Government and Commander 1911 (5-inch vs. 4.25-inch) shouldn't make a night and day difference. But the subcompacts - 3.8-inch barrel or less CAN make a difference. Any gun - even a full-size Glock, with longer barrel could help if this is the problem - but I suspect it's something more.
CALIBER: Does the recoil of .357 Sig or .40 S&W bother you? Especially on a smaller/lighter frame like a Glock 23/32? If this is the case, simply switching to a Glock or similar in 9mm should help a bunch. Both .40 & .357 are snappy rounds compared to a standard-pressure 9mm.
GRIP: this one could be the real key, IMHO. Do the other guns just "feel better" in your hands? Grip ergonomics plays a huge part in shootability of one pistol vs. another within the confines of each individual's own hands. And Glocks simply DO NOT fit everyone. This could be because of grip size, shape, angle, beavertail, or even backstrap to trigger distance. If you like the basic Glock design - polymer frame, striker-fired action, then try one of the many similar pistols that have emulated Glock in the last decade or so - Springfield XD/XDM, Smith & Wesson M&P, Ruger SR9/SR40, etc. You could also have your Glock's grip altered either by a professional or DIY if you're brave enough - involves reshaping the polymer with heat guns, soldering irons, and/or even adding polymer to form new shapes like an extended beaver tail. Lastly, if you really like Glock best for some reason perhaps investigate an "improved" Glock frame from a company like Lone Wolf
TRIGGER/ACTION: this one I would suspect the least because most people I've met can shoot a stock Glock trigger just fine, but perhaps you don't like the feel of that trigger/action - which can at times be a bit "mushy" and can stack upon before the final break. perhaps you would prefer a single-action-only like a 1911 or Browning HiPower where you must first thumb off the safety then engage a short, crisp single-action trigger that just drops an already cocked hammer. Or perhaps you'd prefer double-action/single-action like a Beretta or Sig Sauer. Perhaps even a double-action-only like found on some Sigs and others.