0 Days to Parking Lot!!!!!!!!!!

CHL discussions that do not fit into more specific topics

Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton

Will the parking lot law have a significant impact on how often you carry?

Yes - without a doubt
Some impact - the law will help, but I don't drive to work everyday
No - my employer is cool about guns (including those self employed)
No - no guns at work but parking lot has not been off limits
No - don't ask, don't tell - employer says no but my personal security trumps my job security
No - don't work, just fish - (I'm retired suckas!!)
No - too big of a chance of it being stolen from the car
No - the law left me out in the cold - I still can't store it in my car at work
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Re: 9 Days to Parking Lot - Poll


Post by Wfahey »

sigma9 wrote:
Wfahey wrote:New company policy just came out. They changed the wording to "unlicensed possession" and changed search requirements to corporate vehicles only so I am good to go! :thumbs2:
I believe even this wording is wrong. Correct me if I'm mistaken. I think the new law does not say CHL holders only it basically says anyone that is legally aloud to possess a firearm. Isn't that right?

So the wording "unlicensed possession" would be wrong.
Wording might be wrong but it used to say "not in parking lot and we can search anytime we want." Both of those are gone which is fine by me. They can jack up the rest of it and put gun buster signs on the doors as much as they want. I either had to park at Wal-Mart or the Bank and hoof it from there or leave the gun at home. Since work is not in the best part of town, it is nice to be able to park in a gated parking lot with Security patrols. Now I can have my cake and eat it too. :hurry:
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Re: 9 Days to Parking Lot - Poll


Post by C-dub »

SwimFan85 wrote:
C-dub wrote:Still waiting on my company's new policy. I'm having less and less faith that they will not mess it up.
Do they search vehicles in the parking lot now?
It is a policy that they can and we had to sign a document stating we understood and agreed to that as a condition of employment. It was less for the discovery of weapons and more for theft deterrent. I am unaware of any actual searches being conducted. I am aware of a few managers and even one of our VP's keeping a gun in their vehicle against company policy.

I'm worried that they think they are somehow exempt and will still try to prohibit guns in the parking lot. I'm also concerned that even if they get one part right they will leave out those carrying under the MPA like Wfahey's company.
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Re: 9 Days to Parking Lot - Poll


Post by Wfahey »

[quote="C-dub]I'm worried that they think they are somehow exempt and will still try to prohibit guns in the parking lot. I'm also concerned that even if they get one part right they will leave out those carrying under the MPA like Wfahey's company.[/quote]

What about corporate legal? At my last company and even this one, the legal dept has always been very approachable and love to get involved in anything that gets them out of reading contracts all day. :rules: Maybe just a note indicating the current policy is sideways of the new law will prompt some change? My .02 anyway. I wish you the best. :tiphat:
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Re: 7 Days to Parking Lot - Poll


Post by terryg »

1 Week to go!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: 1 Days to Parking Lot - Poll


Post by terryg »

A little more than 24 hours to go to commuting freedom!!!!

Not counting the 13 retired votes, 45 out of 145 (31%) said the new law will have a significant impact on how often they carry.
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Re: 9 Days to Parking Lot - Poll


Post by C-dub »

Wfahey wrote:[quote="C-dub]I'm worried that they think they are somehow exempt and will still try to prohibit guns in the parking lot. I'm also concerned that even if they get one part right they will leave out those carrying under the MPA like Wfahey's company.
What about corporate legal? At my last company and even this one, the legal dept has always been very approachable and love to get involved in anything that gets them out of reading contracts all day. :rules: Maybe just a note indicating the current policy is sideways of the new law will prompt some change? My .02 anyway. I wish you the best. :tiphat:[/quote][/quote]
It's possible. In the 8 years I've been there I have met him once. I'm not sure there is a "team" since he's the only one I've ever heard anyone talk about. He does seem nice and approachable and open minded, but he is still a puppet of our leadership. I know they do not want guns in the building.

With only one day to go there is still no new policy. It may come out today, but I'm not holding my breath. I still think that they will not even announce any change at all when and if they do make a change. They may wait and see who asks about it. I wouldn't put that past them. However, I do know one VP that used to carry in her car and another that is in the process of getting his CHL.
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016.
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Re: 1 Day to Parking Lot - Poll


Post by adv »

Roll on the 1st Sept., a huge difference to me. From 12.01am tonight I will never be more than 30 yards away from my carry - except when I travel overseas.
What a great State this is. :txflag:

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Re: 1 Day to Parking Lot - Poll


Post by cowboymd »

I'm waiting to see if the current policy is revised and publicized, or if the no guns on property policy just goes away quietly? Also curious to see if the proper 30.06 signs at the entrances of the parking lots disappear.
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Re: 1 Day to Parking Lot - Poll


Post by Wfahey »

cowboymd wrote:I'm waiting to see if the current policy is revised and publicized, or if the no guns on property policy just goes away quietly? Also curious to see if the proper 30.06 signs at the entrances of the parking lots disappear.
Our company rewrote the policy and treated it like it is an annual refresher for everyone. I think the uninitiate would not really understand the wording and think it is just the same thing they signed when they went through the new hire process. But if looked at closely, they have done away with the personal vehicle search and inclusion of parking lots.
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Re: 1 Day to Parking Lot - Poll


Post by canvasbck »

I left work today with a smile knowing that it's the last time I'll be there that the place will be a declared gun free zone. :txflag:
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Re: 1 Day to Parking Lot - Poll


Post by bkjunk »

I saw some correspondence from my HR dept. about needing to change the policy, but as of this afternoon the policy had not been changed. Regardless, I will be good to go. Two years ago, in anticipation of this law passing then, I installed a holster behind my passenger seat. It is an easy reach from the drivers seat and I keep it covered with black towel on black carpet.
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Re: 0 Days to Parking Lot!!!!!!!!!!


Post by terryg »

Tomorrow morning my daily commute will be changed forever!!!!

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Re: 0 Days to Parking Lot!!!!!!!!!!


Post by Mrcoffee »

My work has always allowed me to leave in car or put in company safe.
I leave in car, since I would have better chance of getting to it there than in the safe, if it was need. ;-)

Still have not got them to let me carry it to my tool box.... but keep hoping!! :mrgreen:
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Re: 1 Day to Parking Lot - Poll


Post by speedsix »

adv wrote:Roll on the 1st Sept., a huge difference to me. From 12.01am tonight I will never be more than 30 yards away from my carry - except when I travel overseas.
What a great State this is. :txflag:

...this is in my opinion the greatest benefit of the law...there'll be more of us than there will of them...if trouble pops up at the office, they'll be facing within say two minutes several armed citizens...that'll change the outcome considerably...instead of noone being armed...

...I hope most folks don't shake a red flag at HR and cause them to bow up and hassle...let it quietly take effect and they'll get too busy to mess with you about it...choose your battles...

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Re: 1 Day to Parking Lot - Poll


Post by 3dfxMM »

cowboymd wrote:I'm waiting to see if the current policy is revised and publicized, or if the no guns on property policy just goes away quietly? Also curious to see if the proper 30.06 signs at the entrances of the parking lots disappear.
Nothing about this new law negates those 30.06 signs. They will still make it illegal for you, or anybody else with a CHL, to carry a gun when leaving the car. Thanks to the MPA, the 30.06 signs had no bearing on having a gun in the car. The only thing this law does is prevent some employers from making it against company policy to have a gun in the car.

I do not mean to downplay the importance of this law. It is one of the good ones.
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