Wfahey wrote:[quote="C-dub]I'm worried that they think they are somehow exempt and will still try to prohibit guns in the parking lot. I'm also concerned that even if they get one part right they will leave out those carrying under the MPA like Wfahey's company.
What about corporate legal? At my last company and even this one, the legal dept has always been very approachable and love to get involved in anything that gets them out of reading contracts all day.

Maybe just a note indicating the current policy is sideways of the new law will prompt some change? My .02 anyway. I wish you the best.

It's possible. In the 8 years I've been there I have met him once. I'm not sure there is a "team" since he's the only one I've ever heard anyone talk about. He does seem nice and approachable and open minded, but he is still a puppet of our leadership. I know they do not want guns in the building.
With only one day to go there is still no new policy. It may come out today, but I'm not holding my breath. I still think that they will not even announce any change at all when and if they do make a change. They may wait and see who asks about it. I wouldn't put that past them. However, I do know one VP that used to carry in her car and another that is in the process of getting his CHL.