While it's not the best intro thread, its a topic that has me wondering if I can even get a CHL.
Last year, after having gone through a rather nasty breakup and having to deal with not so pleasant things in my then senior year of college, I became very down. It got so bad that I had a plan in mind, had written the letter, and was about to go commit the act of suicide. fortunately, I had been texting a friend during that time, and she had enough clarity to call the sheriff. They came to my house and caught me just as I was heading to my car to leave. Rather than try to run, I was straight up with them, fully cooperated, and then was taken by one of their crisis intervention deputies to a hospital nearby. On the way, I had asked him if this would affect my ability to purchase firearms and/or get a CHL. He replied he didn't think it would, as I had cooperated and that it wasn't court adjudication, it was adjudication by a peace officer. I stayed at the hospital for 3 days and was told that I had depression. They started me on antidepressants during that time and then was released. Life had its ups and downs, but I finally graduated 2 months later and thought I had turned a corner in my life...never having to revisit this dark time in my life again. That is, until I got to the part of the CHL application asking about psychiatric care. At the moment, I'm still seeing a psychiatrist, who has told me that he thinks I am for the most part over the depression, but wants to keep me on the meds a little while longer just to be sure. So, after this long background, is this something I need to include on my CHL application? What chances would I have at being able to get a CHL given this incident? Thanks for any and all input!