Moderator: carlson1
The gun is fine...Wife Unit bought one just like it last year??? Maybe year before last...I forgit...I got to shoot one magazine through it before I had it taken away from me...I guess I looked like I had too much fun with it...NcongruNt wrote:You and your fancy stainless steel countertops.
Even though I only got to put 17 rounds through my wifes 24/7...It really felt good in the hand, balance, weight and operation were nice and smooth...gregthehand wrote:What do you think of that 24/7? Sorry I know it's hijacking the thread but I can't help it. I have been thinking about getting one in .45 and leaving it as a truck gun. I want something reliable and accurate, but also cheap incase it gets stolen. Is it accurate? Any failures that keep reaccuring?