We lost a really progun ally who will step up now?

http://www.texastribune.org/texas-polit ... tv-report/
Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
Isn't he a State Representative in the Texas legislature?Gambit wrote:Joe Driver is one of the most progun Congress critters out there.
We lost a really progun ally who will step up now?
How is it that a grown man with some knowledge of the law thinks it is acceptable to double bill expenses? I am grateful for the work he has done on behalf of our gun rights, but I am very troubled by this charge against his character.State Rep. Joe Driver will plead guilty to a felony charge of abuse of office, a Travis County prosecutor told the Texas Tribune late Tuesday.
"He is going to plea to the third-degree felony," Assistant District Attorney Gregg Cox said. "It is a plea of guilt."
The indictment of the Garland Republican was first reported by Fox 4 News.
A representative for the veteran legislator said Wednesday that he would not comment on the case. The plea is expected to be entered during a Nov. 22 hearing.
Driver, who was first elected in 1992, admitted last year that for years he had double-billed his campaign and state taxpayers for travel expenses. He said he thought the practice was appropriate, at least until he was confronted about it by an Associated Press reporter.
"Now you're scaring the heck out of me," Driver told the AP, adding: "It pretty well screws my week."
Not to make make excuses for him, because he should have known better, but its pretty easy to fall into the trap of believing that campaign money actually belongs to the politician. He is raising the money, it is "his" campaign fund and actually he is just writing checks to himself. Yeah, He should have known better, and there are legal ways to get rich off a state rep job that pays $600 a month. How many are on staff for big litigation companies, and state contractors.The Annoyed Man wrote: How is it that a grown man with some knowledge of the law thinks it is acceptable to double bill expenses? I am grateful for the work he has done on behalf of our gun rights, but I am very troubled by this charge against his character.
That still doesn't explain how he thought it was OK to bill his campaign AND bill the taxpayers. If I charged a client for travel expenses, and then I tried to deduct those travel expenses on my tax return, I could get in serious trouble for that. Pretty much any fool knows you don't do stuff like that......unless you are morally compromised.Liberty wrote:Not to make make excuses for him, because he should have known better, but its pretty easy to fall into the trap of believing that campaign money actually belongs to the politician. He is raising the money, it is "his" campaign fund and actually he is just writing checks to himself. Yeah, He should have known better, and there are legal ways to get rich off a state rep job that pays $600 a month. How many are on staff for big litigation companies, and state contractors.The Annoyed Man wrote: How is it that a grown man with some knowledge of the law thinks it is acceptable to double bill expenses? I am grateful for the work he has done on behalf of our gun rights, but I am very troubled by this charge against his character.
RiverCity.45 wrote:Kind of feeds that stereotype that politicians are crooks...even the ones who support our pet causes, irrespective of their party affiliation.
I admit to being cynical about politicians.