Cannot carry extra magazines??

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Re: Cannot carry extra magazines??


Post by Crossfire »

ghostrider wrote:
He said that it doesn't matter because in Texas you are not allowed to carry extra magazines in concealed carry, only what is in the gun.
where does stuff like this come from?
That's a great question! Who knows?!

I had a student this past Saturday who told me that he KNOWS for a fact that the "traveling law" says he can carry a gun across a county line, but cannot carry it back unless he spends the night in said county. Ummmm, WHAT? :shock:

I don't think I ever did convince him what the law really says, because he used to be a deputy sheriff back in the day, and what do I know anyway...
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Re: Cannot carry extra magazines??


Post by rm9792 »

Chris Brines wrote:Interesting, and I'm glad to see that this was a misunderstanding, because a law abiding citizen protecting him or herself could get hurt or killed if that law were a reality. Now, I took my CHL class today and want to be sure I heard something correctly....If I am not mistaken my instructor said that if you are being threatened physically by someone who is obviously physically larger and stronger than you, whether with or without a gun, and you draw your weapon because it escalates to the point you are in fear for your safety....Sorry, that's a bit of a run on sentence...


If you are in this position and the threatening person says, "go ahead shoot me", it is then legal to shoot them?
Whether they say that or anything is irrelevant. Did you feel your life was in danger? Did you reasonably feel anothers life was in danger? Was the level of force you used reasonable? I dont give a whit about physical size or apparent strength. You do not know the skill of the person attacking you. You do not know if they have a weapon hidden. You do not know the attackers mindset, is he high/desperate/suicidal? I would not hesitate to draw on a 18yr old gangbanger much smaller than me if I felt he was actually threatening me. An extreme,rare, but true situation is female and child bangers carrying guns, they are a great equalizer in a bad way too, sorry Samuel Colt. If you draw your gun then you better be prepared to fire to stop the threat, period. If you dont have the mindset to do so then you just gave a thug a weapon. I am a vet from Desert Storm, I did shoot when needed so I am confident I will do so again but if you have never been in that situation you really need to get more training and decide what you will do. Welcome to the group, lots of real good (and valid) info here.
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Re: Cannot carry extra magazines??


Post by MasterOfNone »

Crossfire wrote:
ghostrider wrote:
He said that it doesn't matter because in Texas you are not allowed to carry extra magazines in concealed carry, only what is in the gun.
where does stuff like this come from?
That's a great question! Who knows?!

I had a student this past Saturday who told me that he KNOWS for a fact that the "traveling law" says he can carry a gun across a county line, but cannot carry it back unless he spends the night in said county. Ummmm, WHAT? :shock:

I don't think I ever did convince him what the law really says, because he used to be a deputy sheriff back in the day, and what do I know anyway...
Was his name "Cletus" or "Enos"?
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Re: Cannot carry extra magazines??


Post by C-dub »

MasterOfNone wrote:
Crossfire wrote:
ghostrider wrote:
He said that it doesn't matter because in Texas you are not allowed to carry extra magazines in concealed carry, only what is in the gun.
where does stuff like this come from?
That's a great question! Who knows?!

I had a student this past Saturday who told me that he KNOWS for a fact that the "traveling law" says he can carry a gun across a county line, but cannot carry it back unless he spends the night in said county. Ummmm, WHAT? :shock:

I don't think I ever did convince him what the law really says, because he used to be a deputy sheriff back in the day, and what do I know anyway...
Was his name "Cletus" or "Enos"?
Aww, c'mon now. Cletus was a tow truck driver. Roscoe was the sheriff and Enos was his Deputy. :mrgreen:
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016.
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Re: Cannot carry extra magazines??


Post by sjfcontrol »

C-dub wrote:
MasterOfNone wrote:
Crossfire wrote:
ghostrider wrote:
He said that it doesn't matter because in Texas you are not allowed to carry extra magazines in concealed carry, only what is in the gun.
where does stuff like this come from?
That's a great question! Who knows?!

I had a student this past Saturday who told me that he KNOWS for a fact that the "traveling law" says he can carry a gun across a county line, but cannot carry it back unless he spends the night in said county. Ummmm, WHAT? :shock:

I don't think I ever did convince him what the law really says, because he used to be a deputy sheriff back in the day, and what do I know anyway...
Was his name "Cletus" or "Enos"?
Aww, c'mon now. Cletus was a tow truck driver. Roscoe was the sheriff and Enos was his Deputy. :mrgreen:
Barney -- And he can only carry the pistol across county lines if the bullet is in his uniform shirt pocket.
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Re: Cannot carry extra magazines??


Post by MasterOfNone »

C-dub wrote:
MasterOfNone wrote:
Crossfire wrote:
ghostrider wrote:
He said that it doesn't matter because in Texas you are not allowed to carry extra magazines in concealed carry, only what is in the gun.
where does stuff like this come from?
That's a great question! Who knows?!

I had a student this past Saturday who told me that he KNOWS for a fact that the "traveling law" says he can carry a gun across a county line, but cannot carry it back unless he spends the night in said county. Ummmm, WHAT? :shock:

I don't think I ever did convince him what the law really says, because he used to be a deputy sheriff back in the day, and what do I know anyway...
Was his name "Cletus" or "Enos"?
Aww, c'mon now. Cletus was a tow truck driver. Roscoe was the sheriff and Enos was his Deputy. :mrgreen:
Cooter was the mechanic / tow truck driver. Cletus was Boo Hogg's second cousin twice removed and worked as a deputy.
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Re: Cannot carry extra magazines??


Post by ITRY2FLY »

Crossfire wrote:
ghostrider wrote:
He said that it doesn't matter because in Texas you are not allowed to carry extra magazines in concealed carry, only what is in the gun.
where does stuff like this come from?
That's a great question! Who knows?!

I had a student this past Saturday who told me that he KNOWS for a fact that the "traveling law" says he can carry a gun across a county line, but cannot carry it back unless he spends the night in said county. Ummmm, WHAT? :shock:

I don't think I ever did convince him what the law really says, because he used to be a deputy sheriff back in the day, and what do I know anyway...
I think there are some folks out there who really believe 2 half-truths equal 1 whole fact. Sometimes it seems that the longer incorrect information or rumor stagnates in someones grey matter the more it solidifies into their own 'fact', and there is not much moving them off that stance short of an often embarrassing cited factual reference. I'm the kind of person that Snopes checks just about every rumor or internet fad I come across. It's just too much fun to have factual information when speaking :)
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Re: Cannot carry extra magazines??


Post by C-dub »

MasterOfNone wrote: I don't think I ever did convince him what the law really says, because he used to be a deputy sheriff back in the day, and what do I know anyway...
Was his name "Cletus" or "Enos"?[/quote]
Aww, c'mon now. Cletus was a tow truck driver. Roscoe was the sheriff and Enos was his Deputy. :mrgreen:[/quote]
Cooter was the mechanic / tow truck driver. Cletus was Boo Hogg's second cousin twice removed and worked as a deputy.
Cooter! OMG :oops:

I completely forgot about Cletus. "rlol"
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016.
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Re: Cannot carry extra magazines??


Post by RPB »

I have no idea what you guys are talking about. heh heh.

I'd think the only States who wouldn't allow a spare mag are the ones who "know" you only "need" 6 or 10 bullets to stop 6 or 10 gangstahs
I'm no lawyer

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Re: Cannot carry extra magazines??


Post by Drjfiremedic »

Seems like people are just making stuff up now :lol:

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Re: Cannot carry extra magazines??


Post by Dave2 »

RPB wrote:I'd think the only States who wouldn't allow a spare mag are the ones who "know" you only "need" 6 or 10 bullets to stop 6 or 10 gangstahs
AFAIK, CA doesn't have any restrictions, other than the 10-round magazine capacity limit, but I'm not nearly as well as versed in CA law as I'd like to be.
I am not a lawyer, nor have I played one on TV, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, nor should anything I say be taken as legal advice. If it is important that any information be accurate, do not use me as the only source.
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Re: Cannot carry extra magazines??


Post by RSJ »

Interesting little piece of info--- In Oklahoma, you can't carry over .45 cal. (practically, I think few guns even carry-able over .45) (no mag capacity or quantity restriction though)
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Re: Cannot carry extra magazines??


Post by rm9792 »

There are a few different .50 calibers out there that are carryable.
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Re: Cannot carry extra magazines??


Post by Skiprr »

ITRY2FLY wrote:I'm the kind of person that Snopes checks just about every rumor or internet fad I come across. It's just too much fun to have factual information when speaking :)
And you believe Snopes irrecoverably why?
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Re: Cannot carry extra magazines??


Post by Scott in Houston »

MasterOfNone wrote:
I don't think I ever did convince him what the law really says, because he used to be a deputy sheriff back in the day, and what do I know anyway...
Was his name "Cletus" or "Enos"?[/quote]

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