Stopped by Irving LEO

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Re: Stopped by Irving LEO


Post by Bob in Big D »

RPBrown wrote:
speedsix wrote:
Keith B wrote:
barstoolguru wrote:Irving likes 635 because its open and the roadway has big shoulders for cops safety
As far as your speed; speedometers are not always accurate at high speeds and can fluctuate a couple of mph. this is why they don't write tickets under 10 mph over the speed limit
I have seen tickets frequently written during saturation days for between 5 & 10 over
...they've had news stories within the last two years of writing for 2-3 miles some jurisdictions...can't count on the grace anymore...
Wife got stopped in Grand Prairie a couple of weeks ago for 53 in a 50 on Belt Line.

As for the Op's situation, I know a few Irving motor cops. They have told me several times that more times than not they will give warnings if its not over 10. They also know walking up to the car if it will be a warning or citation. However, the persons attitude can easily change that.
My demeanor is always respectful with "yes sir and no sir". I had my DL & CHL out in my left hand with the window down. He introduced himself, saw my CHL, asked where the gun was took down my info, then said be right back. Came back with the ticket like he was in a big get to the next ticket. Granted I was speeding but the whole point is I was not going 76. When i questioned the speed he raised his voice and I looked him in the eye and knew if I continued to question him it would get ugly. This was really a slam bam thank you sir stop. Anyway I will pay and take DDC.....assuming they let me at 16 over.
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Re: Stopped by Irving LEO


Post by LabRat »

Keith B wrote:
surprise_i'm_armed wrote:OP:

Speed monitoring is surveillance.

Equip yourself with the best counter-surveillance - a Valentine One.

$395 up front will take the worry out of being fast.

We choose not to be crime victims by carrying heat.

Choosing not to be a revenue source for cities and towns is another form
of protection.

Not a big help against Lidar unless you equip it with a laser jammer (yes, they are legal against Lidar), but will run another $800+.

My opinion, just keep your speed down or pay the consequences if caught.
I agree, just keep the speed lower and you're not likely to get pinched.

However, Lidar/Laser jammers are illegal in Texas as of 9/1/2011.

An Irving PD officer (coincidence??...I think not) testified before the Transportation committee in support of the bill. Guess he (or the department) didn't like getting a JTG (Jam To Gun) when running revenue enhancement, er speed enforcement :smash: patrols.

Here is the summary of the bill (HB 1116; 82(R) - 2011)

Legislative Session: 82(R)

House Bill 1116
House Author: Harper-Brown et al.

Effective: 9-1-11
Senate Sponsor: Shapiro

House Bill 1116 amends the Transportation Code to prohibit, with certain exceptions, purchase, sale, installation, or use of a device, a mechanism, an instrument, or equipment that is designed, manufactured, or used to interfere with a radar or laser device used to measure the speed of a motor vehicle. The bill makes it a Class C misdemeanor to violate such a prohibition.
This is not legal advice.
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Re: Stopped by Irving LEO


Post by Keith B »

LabRat wrote: However, Lidar/Laser jammers are illegal in Texas as of 9/1/2011.
Ahh, didn't know that a bill had been introduced and passed. I stand corrected. :tiphat:
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Re: Stopped by Irving LEO


Post by Ol Zeke »

LabRat wrote: when running revenue enhancement, er speed enforcement :smash: patrols.
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Re: Stopped by Irving LEO


Post by RPBrown »

I find it ammusing that the Irving PD testified and the representative that presented the bill (Harper-Brown) is from Irving. Keeping it close to home I guess
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Re: Stopped by Irving LEO


Post by Heartland Patriot »

Heartland Patriot wrote:Sorry to hear that...all I can say is whenever I go through there I ALWAYS see the Irving PD out radaring...those paychecks don't pay themselves, I guess. While I understand that excessive speed can be dangerous under some circumstances, I've seen lots of people who weren't really driving that fast, but they sure were pulling some dumb stunts acting like they were NASCAR drivers in traffic whipping in and out, and they must have all had broken hands because they were having problems turning on those signals... :roll: THOSE are the kinds of folks I'd like to see pulled over, not someone who's going a few miles over the limit in a safe manner.
I just want to clarify that I'm not ENDORSING speeding, just that I find it to be less of a problem than those who feel themselves to be professional race car drivers while in traffic. For the record, I've had exactly ONE speeding ticket, when I was 22 years old, on Highway 82 outside Sherman. Speed went down for the country club and I didn't notice for whatever reason. It was an unusual encounter because I didn't have a real address at the time since I was changing duty stations and being stationed in England. I gave the LEO my orders and my military ID with my DL. Amazingly enough, the ticket made it to my new unit in England and I paid it even though I didn't come back to Texas for 4 years.
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Re: Stopped by Irving LEO


Post by RPBrown »

C-dub wrote:
RPBrown wrote: Wife got stopped in Grand Prairie a couple of weeks ago for 53 in a 50 on Belt Line.

As for the Op's situation, I know a few Irving motor cops. They have told me several times that more times than not they will give warnings if its not over 10. They also know walking up to the car if it will be a warning or citation. However, the persons attitude can easily change that.
I didn't know there was any place on Belt Line that was 50 mph.

Sorry, I missed this before. Yes, between Hunter Ferrell and the Irving city limit its 50 mph
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