2firfun50 wrote:Maybe I'll be the first to come out and openly say I'm an Obama supporter. Why am I an Obama supporter? Here is why.
1. I'm a college educated engineer who has prostituted myself for the military/industrial complex for 32 yrs. and can not afford to retire. Our for profit health care costs more than my pension.
The decision to "prostitute yourself" as your so charmingly put it was yours, and yours alone. That you chose to do it is not my problem. Nobody held a gun to your head. If you didn't respect what you do, why did you stay? That you choose to view an honest well-paid job as prostitution is a bigger comment on you than it is on defense industry jobs. There are/were plenty of other jobs in other industries for graduated engineers: automotive (General Motors), energy (Solyndra, Ener1), and other members of Obama's chrony capitalist circles. Another thing that is not my problem: your failure while you had a solid job with a good salary, to put aside enough of your earnings to supplement your pension, even if it meant cutting back on your lifestyle a little bit in order to make that happen..........kind of like the rest of us have to do.
2. I can't support anyone whose tax plan favors the rich and punish the ones who made them rich.
The "workers" didn't make the rich rich. The workers got paid. They didn't give their labor away. In many cases, they made more money in union salaries than their managers, or shareholders did. That's just more of the "Eat the Rich" baloney. It's a free market, if they didn't like the salary they got, then they could go sell their labor to another employer. Or, they could do like so many others have done, and SUCK IT UP, and start their
own business. And when you say "punish," are you for realz serious? So the 47% or so of taxpayers who pay ZERO income taxes are being punished by the remaining taxpayers who pay ALL of the taxes? Your math is deeply flawed. I submit the following to show who benefitted the most from the Bush tax cuts:
http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/incometax ... ysmost.htm
about.com wrote:According to the Office of Tax Analysis, the U.S. individual income tax is "highly progressive," with a small group of higher-income taxpayers paying most of the individual income taxes each year.
- In 2002 the latest year of available data, the top 5 percent of taxpayers paid more than one-half (53.8 percent) of all individual income taxes, but reported roughly one-third (30.6 percent) of income.
- The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid 33.7 percent of all individual income taxes in 2002. This group of taxpayers has paid more than 30 percent of individual income taxes since 1995. Moreover, since 1990 this group’s tax share has grown faster than their income share.
- Taxpayers who rank in the top 50 percent of taxpayers by income pay virtually all individual income taxes. In all years since 1990, taxpayers in this group have paid over 94 percent of all individual income taxes. In 2000, 2001, and 2002, this group paid over 96 percent of the total.
Treasury Department analysts credit President Bush's tax cuts with shifting a larger share of the individual income taxes paid to higher income taxpayers. In 2005, says the Treasury, when most of the tax cut provisions are fully in effect (e.g., lower tax rates, the $1,000 child credit, marriage penalty relief), the projected tax share for lower-income taxpayers will fall, while the tax share for higher-income taxpayers will rise.
Other facts from the implementation of the Bush tax cuts that democrats don't want to talk about: the share of taxes paid by the bottom 50 percent of taxpayers fell from 4.1 percent to 3.6 percent; the share of taxes paid by the top 1 percent of taxpayers rose from 32.3 percent to 33.7 percent; and the average tax rate for the bottom 50 percent of taxpayers fell by 27 percent as compared to a 13 percent decline for taxpayers in the top 1 percent. By the way, back then, democrats
filibustered until they could get the the Bush cuts made temporary.........the same cuts that Obama wants to extend for two years (until after the elections because he is a COWARD, and so are the other elected democrats) but doesn't believe enough in to make them permanent........except for the "Eat the Rich" part.
So, already the rich are getting soaked and the not-rich are paying a MUCH lower percentage of all taxes paid.
3. Trickle down economics simply does not work. The rich do not create jobs unless they get richer.
For one thing, "Trickle down" is not the real name of the theory, it is "Supply Side Economics." People who don't understand it call it "trickle down" because they think they are owed more than they work for. As for not creating jobs unless you get richer, are you a communist or something? Half of the jobs created in this country are created by small business people, many of whom go without so that their payroll obligations are met. Here's the problem with Obama: He hates millionaires, and he defines anyone who makes over $250,000/year as a millionaire.....even though many of them will net out $35,000/year after paying their employees and other expenses. Give me a break.
4. If you a little root cause analysis of our current economic crisis, you might just discover (as I have) it all started while Republicans were in control of all 3 branches of government.
Nice try. The economy has been struggling ever since FDR handcuffed it. Even some of his closest advisors published later that in retrospect, if they had done nothing and just kept their hands off of it, the great depression would have been shorter and less severe. Worse yet, he set in motion the permanent idea of entitlement.
5. You can't be at war for over 10 yrs., finance it it "off budget" expenditures, and cut taxes at the same time. The balloon payment is now due. And those who got rich off of the past policies need to pay the bill.
There are so many holes in this last statement....where to start?...... First of all, for the past THREE years, the democrat led senate has failed to pass a budget. Harry Reid (may his personal business turn green, shrivel up, and fall off)
won't let them! And when Obama submitted
his budget to them, they voted it down 97 to 0! His own party!!! Doesn't that tell you something? But let's go back further in history, prior to the past three years. I don't know about you, but I recall a number of times since 9/11/01 that Congress had opportunities to vote on war funding
and did so! It wasn't financed "off budget." That's just hooey. And for the record, that was during a period when for the first four years of it, republicans held both houses of Congress and the presidency. And then even in the subsequent 4 years with a republican president, an evenly divided Senate, and a democrat House,
they still passed war expenditures, on the books!! It wasn't until you had a republican House, dying to get a budget passed, a president whose own party won't pass his budget proposals because they are so
deeply irresponsible that even
democrats know it won't work, and a Senate whose head cheeseball
won't allow a senate sponsored budget to be voted on that we've had to contend with war funding "off budget." Oh, and whose discretionary spending budget funded it instead?
The problem with democrats is that they're long on "I believe this," and "I feel," and very short on fact based thinking.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
― G. Michael Hopf, "Those Who Remain"