Issues with forum moderation

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Post by jimlongley »

nitrogen wrote:I spend a lot of time on another gun forum that's a lot more "free wheeling" than this one as far as a code of conduct goes. It's not a 10-year old daughter safe forum, but it's a lot of fun, and i've made lots of great friends there.
Yeah, I have spent a lot of time on Ted Nugent's board, no "Ten Year Old Daughter Rule" there. :smile:

Someone needs to study the etymology of some words before making sweeping statements about their meaning, my grandmother, who was a bit of a card, used to add "and didn't even get kissed" which indicated that she knew the origin, after all, she was an English teacher.

I think the moderators do an excellent job and are quite circumspect. I have been chastised a time or two, and have had a post deleted (if I recal correctly) and some other censorship.

I feel the job that Charles and the moderators do enhances my experience here and consider this to be my "home" board.
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Post by OverEasy »

Charles, Thanks for the TexasCHLforum!! Thanks for the rules, especially the "10 yr. old daughter" rule.

Mods, Thanks for keeping everbody in line and respectful.

I like a board that requires people to have good manners and respect.

A bad word might slip out of my mouth once in a while and shame on me!

But if I ever typed one, it would be deleted before I would hit the "submit" button. If I didn't have that much self control I sure wouldn't carry a gun!

Everyone is welcome, as long as you obey the rules......... What's so hard about that?

Thanks again Chas. OE
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Post by casselthief »

OverEasy wrote:Everyone is welcome, as long as you obey the rules.........
What's so hard about that?
The only difficult thing I find is when people assume something is profane, when it is no where near that.
You'll notice I have never personally said ONE derogatory comment about an Admin, Mod, or Forum member. I have, on the whole, attempted to keep my posts to a lighthearted nature. I really enjoy hearing the differing viewpoints, but I notice that any one perspective that is not in line with the status quo is met with "heat."
And that doesn't usually apply to me.
I've said time, and time again I understand where "you people" are coming from, in regards to the 10YOD rule. This forum is supposed to be regarded in the same way as a senate hearing, or an "Open House." And as such profanity is unacceptable.
The times my posts have been edited for profanity, when in fact the words edited were in no way profane, I've usually given it the ole :roll: and let it go. this last one got me. Gave me a solid case of the Red 4th Point of Contact, if you get what I'm saying.
To me, it was just lame. I mean, really?
I've never said a word when a question goes unanswered. Or blatantly ignored. Usually I get some info from someone, so I look over the occasional lack of communication. I *know* you guys have the answers, but like any "Good Ole Boys" club, the newbies have to "earn" it.
I've even overlooked "somebody" following me around like they think they're a parent and busting my chops every chance they get. It ain't obvious. But once again, it gets the ole :roll: and I move on.
I give up. "You people" react to every nuance like I'm posting nudey pics. You take fun natured sarcasm like I'm bad mouthing the Pope. Yet others spray blatant bigotry and stereotyping, and it's ignored. I'm no pachoulle smellin' hippy, and I sure as Hades don't do illicit drugs, but call me what you want. You guys remember that kid who wasn't even old enough to vote that came in here spewing about HipHop culture? man, that was priceless.
Being as this is THE ONLY CHL related forum I can access at work, my options are limited. Thusly, I personally plan on staying a regular here.
maybe just on the "DownLo."
good night. :???:
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Post by KRM45 »

I too appreciate Charles and all the Moderator's hard work. This site provides a venue for me to discuss a range of topics, and gather valuable information.

There are times I get emotional about some of the posts I see, and I have 2 choices, I can respond civily, or I can ignore the thread and move on.

Thank you Charles.

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Post by KBCraig »

I appreciate the 10yod rule, but I tend to abide by that in all my communications (I admit occasional lapses in the close company of select friends).

When the Deacons were selected (hey, what better term for the "board of moderators"? :grin: ), there were some growing pains. Chief among these was the idea that mods were supposed to protect everyone's feelings -- to be "post police", in other words. A rather innocuous post of mine fell to that attitude, and I didn't appreciate having my post deleted and being chastised by PM. I told Chas. and the mod in question how I felt about it, and received replies that agreed the moderation was uncalled for, with apologies.

As I said, "growing pains". I think we're past that now. I don't even remember the moderator's name, the topic of discussion, or what I had to say about it. And that's a good reason to give people latitude in everything except blatant profanity, because a month from now, no one will remember it.

I do have concerns with the opinions expressed here that disagreements of opinion on subjects that are especially "touchy", would degenerate into profanity fests if not for moderation. That has been suggested by both moderators, and by members who have said it keeps them in check. Honestly, if moderation is the only thing keeping you in check on an internet forum, how is it that you're able to de-escalate the everyday confrontations we all face, some of which could go beyond cuss-fights, and turn into gunfights?

I thank Chas. and the Deacons for their vigilance. If I have one suggestion, it is this: give people a chance to correct their own mistakes before editing or deleting their posts.

Oh, what the heck, here's a second suggestion: since the posts don't reflect changes made by anyone other than the author, when we see a post that says "edited for 10yod rule" with no other explanation, please note that a moderator has made the change.

Now... how long until this thread gets locked? :twisted:

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Post by Liberty »

308nato wrote::iagree: with TXI
I would also like to thank all the MOD's for the great job I think they are doing to keep this a first class site as this fourm is growing very fast.
I visit other sites sometimes and just get tired of the insults thrown
at other posters sometimes when some think they know more than
anyone else.
thanks again for a great forum. :txflag:
This is a great forum and a wonderful place to gain knowledge of all the nuances of CHL and carry. Maybe the heavy handed moderation and the 1o year old daughter rule contribute to this. It also gets in the way sometimes. Certain topics such as being critical of any police actions often results in unreasonable emotional reactions. Sometimes I think the emotional reactions are calculated. Create a stink and get the topic closed and the offender gets to silence an opposing view. Is it possible that while the moderators only intentions are to keep things civil they are being manipulated?

Every once in a while I see a racial slur that is allowed while the every day 4 letter word is excised out. What is more offencive? Please don't censor out these remarks though. I find the clues they give to a posters charactor useful.
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Post by stevie_d_64 »

I happen to know what we all think, most of the time...Yeah right, I'm psychic... :roll:

And at 2am in the morning sometimes emotions (yes, its ok to have those too) let their fingers do the walking on the keyboards...I'm guilty of it...

Whats been good about this place is that everyone has been helping the discussions, whether they (threads) are on track or not...

This has been true since this websites creation...

I believe the guidlines and rules are simple, and that is what keeps folks coming in and participating...

We all have our little diversions of other gun chat forums and the like...

This is the one I obviously spend way too much time in because it is that comfortable to me...I know I'll get a response out of a few of you...

I'm also not afraid to write down and ask questions (that many others think that I should know the answer to), I do this because I am not afraid to ask what some may not feel comfortable asking themselves...Yeah, I know some things...Not everything, and I make no bubble that can't be burst...

But I also know there are some good folks out there that know this is a great place to go to and see interaction (mature, good-natured and sometimes off-topic and silly) that encourages this website to be in their daily surfing routine...

I go way back to the day when PDO first started to come alive on the internet...There are a few others that were around that time as well...I've seen and participated in a lot of them...And when December 2004 rolled around, and when I signed on to participate here, I had high hopes for this place...

I was not dissapointed, and have not seen serious problems, and will continue to support and value this place over all others I have come across over the years...

So lets get back to work...

I for one don't mind a crowded kitchen...So lets try to not throw salt in any wounds...
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Post by RPBrown »

I've been a member here for 2 years. I am on this forum by far more than any other. Not only is it like an interet famly, there is a wealth of information to be gained from the members here. I would hope that if I went off the deep end that a Mod would edit or delete my post.
We know the rules here and agreed to abide by them when we signed on.

Yes I watch my P's & Q's a lot more here, but is out of respect for not only Charles, but each and every member here.

The rules that have been set up are part of the reason for the success of the forum. When I joined there were 150 other members. Now there are closed to 1400. That means some growing pains. Hence the Mods. Personally, I think they are doing a good job.

I've said it before here and I will say it again now, Thanks to Charles and all of the moderators for keeping us in line with the very things that have made this forum a success.

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Post by Crossfire »

RPBrown wrote:... Not only is it like an internet famly, there is a wealth of information to be gained from the members here...
Yep, that's us. Just one big, generally happy, moderately dysfunctional, family.

Now, if someone would please pass the mashed potatoes...
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Post by 308nato »

Do you want white or brown gravey for those taters? :mrgreen:

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Post by cyphur »

First off, I want to say thanks to all the moderators. I know from experience what a time consuming, thankless job it is. Big thumbs up!! And a big thanks to Chas for a great forum!

I am a senior moderator on a website with over 88,000 members. There are a group of 40-50 or so of us that have pretty extensive powers throughout the website and are expected to carry the website for the most part, bringing only serious issues or pandemic problems to the attention of the site owners. That site is run as a business, a source of revenue(six figures a year) and it is definitely not 10yods. With over 100 moderators and growing, we have a very diverse opinion base and we often discuss members who have issues - however most decisions are made by individual moderators. I can say for a fact that you get MUCH more freedom of speech over here. Over on my site some of the threads you've posted up, would have been trashcanned without so much as a warning. We also regulate signatures a great deal and no warnings are issued there either. With a userbase nearing 100k it is entirely impractical.

Sorry for the long winded background, but I think it is awesome that there is a group moderation attitude here, since it is a smaller board, it keeps it more family-oriented. I have not run into any issues with the moderators so far, and while I have been accused of being a NaziMod before, I can gladly say I have not noticed any of that behavior over here. I've made some great friends through this message board, and as each month passes that number increases.

Keep up the good job mods!

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Post by Diode »

llwatson wrote:
RPBrown wrote:... Not only is it like an internet famly, there is a wealth of information to be gained from the members here...
Yep, that's us. Just one big, generally happy, moderately dysfunctional, family.

Now, if someone would please pass the mashed potatoes...
I knew there was a title to my catagory. I'm a JOBGHMDF.....

Thanks Mr. C for the forum and you Mod's are ok in my book anyday!

jim :grin:
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Post by nitrogen »

A bit of an addendum to my previous post:

The reason I hated the word "Restriction" is it implies that there are things I can't say. I really don't get that feeling here. I think I need to watch HOW I say things, and it takes a bit of effort to refrain from using some of the colorful language and phrases I might use normally, but it's well within my abilities, and hey, it's good for ya
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Post by TxD »

Can't remember who said this.

"You believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant to say."

Mods on here do a great job.

Just use your manners and don't cuss.
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Post by KBCraig »

Here's a truism that applies online as well as in "meat life": birds of a feather truly do flock together.

I belong to several forums, mailing lists, and newsgroups. Each has its own "tone" that is maintained without moderation in most cases, or minimal reminders at best.

The tone here at TexasCHLforum is already set. The tone is one of politeness and clean language. The environment attracts people who appreciate such a community.


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