Easier said than done...

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Heartland Patriot

Easier said than done...


Post by Heartland Patriot »

I've really been thinking a lot about an "IF they passed a full-on AWB/confiscation", such as Feinstein and Bloomberg have called for, that somehow actually made its way through both the House and Senate. There are who knows how many MILLIONS of semi-automatic rifles in private hands in our nation. Lets say for the sake of argument that 90+% of people who own them suddenly decided to play "good little boys and girls" and "turn them in". That still leaves some unknown TENS, even HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of semi-automatic rifles in private hands of how many people who would NOT be willing to simply roll over like the Brits and Aussies did. Which gets me to the real heart of this: WHO is going to ENFORCE this thing, even if it were to get passed? Are there really enough LEOs who are even willing to go into otherwise law-abiding folks' homes to get these rifles? (I'm curious how high this would be on a "to-do" list of an LEO such as gigag04, or even his boss.) Seems like local law enforcement is already plenty busy with regular criminals and stuff like domestic violence calls and catching speeders, etc. Additionally, there just ain't enough "Feds" to devote to this, either. I'm sure irritated by smack talking anti-2A types and curious what is going to come of all of this, but I've decided I just cannot worry that much about it, not yet. A thing is always easier said than done.
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Re: Easier said than done...


Post by anygunanywhere »

Heartland Patriot wrote:I've really been thinking a lot about an "IF they passed a full-on AWB/confiscation", such as Feinstein and Bloomberg have called for, that somehow actually made its way through both the House and Senate. There are who knows how many MILLIONS of semi-automatic rifles in private hands in our nation. Lets say for the sake of argument that 90+% of people who own them suddenly decided to play "good little boys and girls" and "turn them in". That still leaves some unknown TENS, even HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of semi-automatic rifles in private hands of how many people who would NOT be willing to simply roll over like the Brits and Aussies did. Which gets me to the real heart of this: WHO is going to ENFORCE this thing, even if it were to get passed? Are there really enough LEOs who are even willing to go into otherwise law-abiding folks' homes to get these rifles? (I'm curious how high this would be on a "to-do" list of an LEO such as gigag04, or even his boss.) Seems like local law enforcement is already plenty busy with regular criminals and stuff like domestic violence calls and catching speeders, etc. Additionally, there just ain't enough "Feds" to devote to this, either. I'm sure irritated by smack talking anti-2A types and curious what is going to come of all of this, but I've decided I just cannot worry that much about it, not yet. A thing is always easier said than done.
I have pretty much reached the end of any tolerance, however small it ever was, for any further infringements on my rights.

There are very few that I associate with that hold the grabbers point of view. I wear my love of all my rights in the open for all to see.

If someone were to actually spout this grabber nonsense around me, I have a simple question for them. I ask them plainly that since they want my rights eliminated, why don't they do it? If they think that I should not possess firearms, why don't they just leap up and try and take them. Bring it. Let your big dog leap off the porch and try. I have the same message for the infected pustule and his orcs. These scum suckers are no more than third world dictators. They will send someone else to do their dirty work. They will send someone's son or daughter, dad or mom to confoscate your weapons. I will ask the grabbers that since they don't have the sand to do the work themselves, whose loved one are they going to send to the slaughter?

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Re: Easier said than done...


Post by Diesel42 »

No one could convince me 12 years ago that our government could implement the silly security rules that exist in our airports now.

The government will create another TSA, give them guns, and a mandate to disarm anyone. I get sick to my stomach every time I try and watch the news. Y'all keep praying, this problem is bigger than any of us.
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Re: Easier said than done...


Post by Beiruty »

Think positive and productive, save your dollars for the next wave of donations to protect 2ndA.

Look at Syria, the most tyrannical system that I ever saw, latest president the son of another tyrant and genocide killer, killed more than 40,000 of his own people, 100ks are missing and assumed killed in the prison. In the mid 1980s, even my cousin was detained at the Beirut, LB airport by Syrian Security apparatus and returned to his mom with multiple head shots after extensive questioning. He is a a Lebanese citizen.
Syria, only thugs of the regime had firearms, everyone else was disarmed. Now, revolution came out of the wombs of tyranny. You see the result, a civil war that affects all.

US is a NOT a tyranny, but succumbing to gun-grabbers is first step of losing my right to defend my self, a right an animal has. I would fight for my right with my pen, dollars, and my vote.
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Re: Easier said than done...


Post by RoyGBiv »

I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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Re: Easier said than done...


Post by VMI77 »

I posted this on another thread but it fits better here.

I don't think there will be a confiscation ---not because they care about gun owner reaction, but because the mechanics of the process, especially the compensation aspect, will likely put the issue into the courts. However, if they go the confiscation route, there are various paths they can follow....from likely to less likely, but still possible:

1. Require everyone to turn in their weapons. Those not turned in will be functionally useless because anyone caught using one or in possession of one will end up in prison for 5 years or so --unless of course, they're an actual criminal, like a gang banger, in which case they'll just get the charges dropped or probation. Forget about getting any kind of market value...what they'd do is give you a tax credit, and the amount you can claim will be stated in an IRS table for each weapon type. I'd guess something like $500 for an AR, probably not more than $750. They will probably also ask for a declaration on the form that you don't have any prohibited weapons so they can nail you for perjury too if you are later caught with one. This obviously won't be effective for actually getting the weapons turned in....so it would just be a "we did something" exercise.

2. If they really want the weapons turned in, before they can proceed with confiscation, they need registration. If they pass any kind of registration then confiscation is definitely coming. They might require gun dealers to turn in all their 4473s. They'd also probably give rewards to those people who report on anyone who has prohibited weapons, so watch out for those liberal friends and family members. If they're serious about getting every gun they can then the registration process will take awhile, and will also require gun owners to register their weapons, all of them, not just "assault" weapons, and anyone subsequently caught with an unregistered weapon will go to prison --again, excepting actual criminals.

3. I highly doubt there will be door to door searches in either scenario. I doubt they will even go door to door with registered or known gun owners. That would send everyone in the country the message that we're in a totalitarian police state, and they want to maintain the pretense of "freedom" for as long as possible. What they may do then is target certain gun owners for shock and awe attacks carried out by the BATF. Any resistance will be met with extermination. These raids will be publicized, anyone they kill will be labeled a "terrorist," and the media will revel in the elimination of these evil and dangerous people. Most other gun owners will be afraid not to turn in prohibited weapons.
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Re: Easier said than done...


Post by The Annoyed Man »

http://www.amazon.com/Enemies-Foreign-D ... ew+bracken

Read it. It is fiction, but this is how it is going to go down. The Sandyhook shooting is very close to the kind of Black Swan event in the novel which precipitates a national ban of semiautomatic rifles, and any "sniper scopes" which make a hunting rifle into a "sniper rifle."
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Re: Easier said than done...


Post by The Annoyed Man »

http://www.buzzfeed.com/zekejmiller/pel ... t-proposal

THIS is the "republican controlled" house which you all think won't cave on an AWB. It's coming.
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Re: Easier said than done...


Post by The Annoyed Man »

And here is the effect of a couple of turncoat senators: http://www.politico.com/politico44/2012 ... 52297.html

Black Swan.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

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Heartland Patriot

Re: Easier said than done...


Post by Heartland Patriot »

The Annoyed Man wrote:http://www.buzzfeed.com/zekejmiller/pel ... t-proposal

THIS is the "republican controlled" house which you all think won't cave on an AWB. It's coming.
Yeah, I saw the headline about it. Need to go read the full story.

I hope all you you understand that I am NOT for any sort of bans, period. I just keep asking myself, "How can they pull this off"? Plus, I keep remembering the precious little playbook those folks follow:

Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals"---Rule 9: "The threat is more terrifying than the thing itself. When Alinsky leaked word that large numbers of poor people were going to tie up the washrooms of O’Hare Airport, Chicago city authorities quickly agreed to act on a longstanding commitment to a ghetto organization. They imagined the mayhem as thousands of passengers poured off airplanes to discover every washroom occupied. Then they imagined the international embarrassment and the damage to the city’s reputation."

I don't know what sort of dirty stunts the Democrat Socialist Party is going to pull. (And I do worry about Boehner caving in...but he still isn't every Republican Congressman, in and of himself.) But, at least for right now, they don't have the manpower to get the job done and I'm pretty sure THEY know that, too. I don't disbelieve any of you about what the gun-grabbers WANT to do, not in the least...they want what Hitler, Stalin and Mao wanted: a defenseless population to control. But this isn't Germany, Russia or China...its the USA and we are armed to the teeth...and they know that, too.

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Heartland Patriot

Re: Easier said than done...


Post by Heartland Patriot »

The Annoyed Man wrote:And here is the effect of a couple of turncoat senators: http://www.politico.com/politico44/2012 ... 52297.html

Black Swan.
Joe Manchin is a Democrat already anyway...if he calls himself a Democrat, then you have to count him as lost...secondly, who is the other Senator? I only saw reference to Manchin...
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Re: Easier said than done...


Post by VMI77 »

The Annoyed Man wrote:http://www.amazon.com/Enemies-Foreign-D ... ew+bracken

Read it. It is fiction, but this is how it is going to go down. The Sandyhook shooting is very close to the kind of Black Swan event in the novel which precipitates a national ban of semiautomatic rifles, and any "sniper scopes" which make a hunting rifle into a "sniper rifle."

Hey, no one needs a super hipower optical device made to allow shooters to kill from miles away. These are clearly optics of war. You didn't see powerful scopes like that on the muskets the Founders had when the Constitution was written. Nor did they have laser sights, which serve no other purpose than to make a gun more lethal. In fact, all sights serve no other purpose than making it easier to kill people. No mere civilian needs a gun with sights on it. If the threat is so far away you need a sight it's not self-defense anyway, and it's unfair to shoot animals from great distances so there is no legitimate hunting purpose served by having guns with sights. The Founders simply did not envision putting powerful optical devices on muskets to make them more lethal and they did not anticipate the use of weapons so accurate that shooters could repeatedly hit a single target. If they were still around they'd want us to use 200 year old weapons technology so as not to give us mere mundanes an unfair advantage when shooting at defenseless paper targets and animals. Banning assault sights is just simple common sense. And if it just saves the life of a single child it will be worth it, no matter how many women are raped or people are killed by clubs, knives, cars and trucks, rocks, swimming pools, fires, armed criminals, gang beatings, and inaccurate shooting --especially since anyone in the home of someone defending their family is unlikely to be a liberal anyway.
Last edited by VMI77 on Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Journalism, n. A job for people who flunked out of STEM courses, enjoy making up stories, and have no detectable integrity or morals."

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Heartland Patriot

Re: Easier said than done...


Post by Heartland Patriot »

I think the point of my post here was lost in the madness that has ensued. I'm not going to post anything more on this topic and I am truly sorry I even posted it in the first place.

I am NOT for any sort of new gun laws, period. I hate gun control and think its a load of bunk. I despise the media and the Democrat Socialist Party, and weak-kneed members of the Republican Party, as well. Please, call and/or write your Congressman/woman and Senators and tell them how important this issue is to you. Thank you.
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