2013 Federal Legislative Session Gun Bills

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2013 Federal Legislative Session Gun Bills


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

A Member has requested a sticky to track gun bills in the U.S. Congress. This thread will remain a sticky for the remainder of 2013 to make it easier to follow these bills.


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Re: 2013 Federal Legislative Session Gun Bills


Post by MeMelYup »

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Re: 2013 Federal Legislative Session Gun Bills


Post by warhorse10_9 »

Current Firearm Legislation (to be updated periodically)

House Bills

H.R. 21 (Moran - VA) NRA Members' Gun Safety Act of 2013 - to extend the Brady Law background check procedures to all sales and transfers of firearms. Impact: Expanded background checks to all purchases and transfers; AG can deny transfers to 'terrorists'; Reporting of stolen firearms w/in 48 hours; Requirements on how states issue CHL's including local PD approval.
Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations.
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill
Take a position on H.R. 21!

H.R. 34 (Rush - IL) Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2013 - To provide for the implementation of a system of licensing for purchasers of certain firearms and for a record of sale system for those firearms, and for other purposes. Impact: Defines firearms as pistols and semi-automatic rifles w/detachable magazines; Requires all owners of firearms be licensed; 5 yr renewal period for licenses.
Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations.
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill
Take a position on H.R. 34!

H.R. 35 (Stockman - TX) Safe Schools Act of 2013 - To restore safety to America's schools.. Impact: Repeals Gun Free School Zones
Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations.
Personal Opinion: Good Bill - H.R. 133 is better completely written, removing irrelevant sections from the laws.
Take a position on H.R. 35!

H.R. 65 (Jackson Lee - TX) Child Gun Safety and Gun Access Prevention Act of 2013 - To prevent children's access to firearms. Impact: Prohibits possession and transfer of pistols, semi-automatic "assault weapons", and large capacity ammunition feeding devices to individuals under 21; Requires guns be sold with "safety device"; Sets new safe storage requirements for people with children; Requires adults accompany children in a gun show; Provides money for gun safety programs; Suggests that all schools in nation have firearm safety program.
Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations.
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill
Take a position on H.R. 65!

H.R. 93 (Cicilline - RI) Fire Sale Loophole Closing Act - To restrict FFL's with denied license renewal or license revocation to transfer business inventory. Impact: Prohibits FFL's whose renewal has been denied or license has been revoked to transfer inventory to anyone other than another FFL whose license is valid; Requires notices of revocation or denied renewal outline these statutes.
Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations.
Personal Opinion: Cautious
Take a position on H.R. 93!

H.R. 117 (Holt - NJ) Handgun Licensing and Registration Act of 2013 - To provide for the mandatory licensing and registration of handguns. Impact: Requires license possess; Requires registration of handguns; Licensing and registration process to be determined by AG unless a state already has process that meets certain requirements outlined in text.
Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations.
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill
Take a position on H.R. 117!

H.R. 133 (Massie - KY) Citizens Protection Act of 2013 - To repeal the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 and amendments to that Act.. Impact: Repeals Gun Free School Zones
Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary
Personal Opinion: Good Bill
Take a position on H.R. 133!

H.R. 137 (McCarthy - NY) Fix Gun Checks Act of 2013 - To ensure that all individuals who should be prohibited from buying a firearm are listed in the national instant criminal background check system and require a background check for every firearm sale. Impact: Require reporting of persons prohibited from purchasing firearm to NICS and sets up penalties; Adds to definition of "adjudicated as mentally defective" (extended definition does not go in effect for 2 years); Requires all transfers be conducted through an FFL for a maximum fee of $15; Does not require records be kept by transferor, just FFL (consistent with current record keeping requirements); Sets exemptions for: gifts to immediate family, transfers via a will; temporary transfers for a persons protection, temporary transfers for hunting or shooting at range, other circumstances due to limited availability of a licensed authority or AG approval.
Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations.
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill - Unenforceable without registration.
Take a position on H.R. 137!

H.R. 138 (McCarthy - NY) Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act - To prohibit the transfer or possession of large capacity ammunition feeding devices, and for other purposes. Impact: Limits magazine capacity to 10 rounds (exempts 22lr tubular magazines); Exempts possession of magazines that are lawfully possessed by an individual before passing, but prohibits future transfer of existing "large capacity" magazines; Provides exemptions for LEO's and retired LEO's.
Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations.
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill
Take a position on H.R. 138!

H.R. 141 (McCarthy - NY) Gun Show Loophole Closing Act of 2013 - To require criminal background checks on all firearms transactions occurring at gun shows. Impact: Requires Registration of Gun Show Operators (with fee); Operators must report time, location, duration and a list of all vendors at a gun show 30 days prior to gun show; Operators must retain a ledger of all gun show vendors for as long as AG determines; Background check requirements on all purchases (NICS): Records kept according standard FFL transfers (just as if they sold the gun), No personal info kept, all tranfers reported to AG within 10 days; Sets Up Penalties.
Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations.
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill - Places undo restrictions on gun show operators. Registration of gun show operators could be used as a way to shut down gun shows that are disliked by politicians.
Take a position on H.R. 141!

H.R. 142 (McCarthy - NY) Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2013 - To require face to face purchases of ammunition, to require licensing of ammunition dealers, and to require reporting regarding bulk purchases of ammunition. Impact: Requires license to import, manufacture, or sell ammunition (seems to outlaw reloading? second opinion please); Requires logging of personal information for all ammo sales by dealer just as if a firearm was being purchased; Prevents shipping of ammunition to anyone other than a licensed dealer; Requires reporting of sale of over 1000 rounds of ammunition within a 5 day period to any single individual.
Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations.
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill
Take a position on H.R. 142!

H.R. 226 (DeLauro - CT ) Support Assault Firearms Elimination and Reduction for our Streets Act - To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow a credit against tax for surrendering to authorities certain assault weapons. Impact: Sets up tax credit of $2000 for turning in a legally possessed "assault weapon" (Credit to be distributed across 2 years taxes); Defines "assault weapon," including list of named rifles or features; Expires after 2 years.
Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill - It serves to further stigmatized sporting rifles as "evil."
Take a position on H.R. 226!

H.R. 227 (Deutch - FL ) Buyback Our Safety Act - To establish a gun buyback grant program. Impact: Establishes a grant system for gun buybacks; Funds research to National Academy of Sciences to study guns likely to be used in violent crime in order to set prices during buyback.
Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations.
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill - It serves to further stigmatized sporting rifles as "evil."
Take a position on H.R. 227!

H.R. 236 (Langevin - NY) Crackdown on Deadbeat Gun Dealers Act of 2013 - To ensure greater accountability by licensed firearms dealers. Impact: Increases number of allowed dealer inspections within a given year from one to three; Increases maximum penalty from one to five years; Sets appeal process for dealers; Sets maximum civil penalty to $10,000 per violation; Authorizes hiring 50 additional personnel to carry out inspections;
Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations.
Personal Opinion: Seems to be reasonable - I would welcome discussion on this bill from an FFL to discuss negative impacts I may not understand.
Take a position on H.R. 236!

H.R. 238 (Meng - NY) Fire Sale Loophole Closing Act (Same as HR 93) - To restrict FFL's with denied license renewal or license revocation to transfer business inventory. Impact: Prohibits FFL's whose renewal has been denied or license has been revoked to transfer inventory to anyone other than another FFL whose license is valid; Requires notices of revocation or denied renewal outline these statutes.
Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations.
Personal Opinion: Cautious
Take a position on H.R. 238!

H.R. 321 (Maloney - NY) Firearm Safety and Public Health Research Act of 2013 - To amend the Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2013 (Public Law 112-175) to permit research on firearms safety and gun violence..
Status: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
Personal Opinion: Very Cautious - Funding will most likely be funneled to anti-gun agencies.
Take a position on H.R. 321!

H.R. 322 (Miller - FL) Hunting, Fishing, and Recreational Shooting Protection Act - To amend the Toxic Substances Control Act to clarify the jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection Agency with respect to certain sporting good articles, and to exempt those articles from a definition under that Act.. Impact: Prevents EPA from regulating ammunition or sporting goods for fishing.
Status: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
Personal Opinion: Good Bill
Take a position on H.R. 322!

H.R. 332 (Schiff - CA) Equal Access to Justice for Victims of Gun Violence Act - To provide victims of gun violence access to the same civil remedies as are available to those injured through other means.. Impact: Allows victims of gun violence to sue manufactures of firearms.
Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill
Take a position on H.R. 332!

H.R. 339 (Gingrey - GA) Fairness in Firearm Testing Act - To require the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to make video recordings of the examination and testing of firearms and ammunition, and for other purposes. Impact:Requires ATF to make video recordings of its testing to determine if something is a firearm and its firearm type; Requires that video evidence be provided on request to owners of said firearm as well as defendants in a criminal proceeding involving said firearm; Prevents an item from being entered into evidence by the ATF unless the ATF has done the video testing or such a restriction has been waived.
Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary
Personal Opinion: Good Bill
Take a position on H.R. 339!

H.R. 404 (Schiff - CA) Straw Purchaser Penalty Enhancement Act - To enhance criminal penalties for straw purchasers of firearms. Impact:: Increases penalties for providing false information when purchasing a firearm, if the reason for providing that false information is to purchase two or more firearms for restricted persons, and to conceal that intent; Mandatory additional sentence of two years for each violation (in addition to the 5 for just providing false info); Violators ineligible for probation for the violation; No time served allowances; Sentences for such violations can be served concurrently with one another, but cannot be served concurrently with sentences for unrelated crimes; Provides that new sentencing requirements be outlined on form 4473 (form to transfer a firearm).
Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Personal Opinion: Seems Reasonable - Stiffens penalties for already defined criminal activity.
Take a position on H.R. 404!

H.R. 427 (Quigley - IL) Trafficking Reduction And Criminal Enforcement (TRACE) Act - To prevent the illegal sale of firearms, and for other purpoes. Impact: Requires second hidden serial number be placed on every firearm produced 12 months after passing; Allows ATF to keep all information submitted to NICS for 180 days before destruction of data relating to approved NICS transactions; Requires FFL's do physical checks of their inventory; AG determines everything about the physical checks (how often, what is involved, etc.); Elimination of Limitations on use of Gun trace information (this is title of Section 5, I cannot find relevant portions of law that are being changed, title speaks for itself.)
Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill - I don't like hidden SN's or the fact that they are essentially providing a way for the AG to regulate FFL's to death with requirement on physical inventory checks.
Take a position on H.R. 427!

H.R. 431 (Speier - CA) Gun Transparency and Accountability (Gun TRAC) Act of 2013 - To restore certain authorities of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to administer the firearms laws, and for other purposes. Impact: Allows for use of contents of the Firearms trace system database to be used in civil suits; Requires all information from approved NICS checks to be retained for 90 days before destruction (this would include personal identifying information); Funds previous requirement; Elimination of limitation on imposition of requirement that firearms dealers to conduct physical checks of firearms inventory (This is the title of Sec 4. I cannot find the referenced note in the text of current law); Sets fines and penalties (up to 5 years imprisonment) for violating an inventory reporting order; Denies future FFL applications for former FFL's who have had their license revoked.
Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill
Take a position on H.R. 431!

H.R. 437 (McCarthy - NY) Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 - To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes. Impact: Nearly identical to S. 150. Defines Assault Weapons based upon 1 feature test and provides an explicit list; Ban's the future manufacture and transfer of "assault-weapons" and magazines holding more than 10 rounds; Grandfathers existing "assault weapons" and requires a background check through a FFL to transfer them; Grandfathers existing magazines over 10 rounds; Establishes buyback program for grandfathered "assault weapons" and magazines; Provides a list of firearms many if not all of which would not have been affected by the ban as "exempted" firearms. House version allows transfer of grandfathered assault weapons for gifts to family or in the execution of a will without going through an FFL
Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Personal Opinion: Very Bad Bill
Take a position on H.R. 437!

H.R. 452 (Maloney - NY) Gun Trafficking Prevention Act of 2013 - To prevent gun trafficking. Impact: Sets up max 20 year penalty for: buying firearm with intent to transfer to another person if that firearm has moved or been involved in interstate or foreign commerce; providing false information when buying a firearm; or directing, promoting, or facilitating the above 2 activities; Provides that organizers of the above crimes, if they involve 5 or more people,can receive an additional 5 years; Provides people conspiring to perpetrate the above offenses be punished with imprisonment of up to 10 years. Exempts Purchasing bonafide gifts provided the gift be given to a person allowed to possess a firearm as well as firearms given through an estate; Allows revision of penalties by a sentencing commission based upon the number of firearms involved in an offense.
Status: Referred to Committee on the Judiciary
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill - Form 4473 includes a question about drug use including marijuana, you must not be a user to buy a gun. 20 years is too harsh a penalty for lying about marijuana use.
Take a position on H.R. 452!

H.R. 538 (Engel - NY) PLEA Act - To protect the Nation's law enforcement officers by banning the Five-seveN Pistol and 5.7 x 28mm SS190, SS192, SS195LF, SS196, and SS197 cartridges, testing handguns and ammunition for capability to penetrate body armor, and prohibiting the manufacture, importation, sale, or purchase of such handguns or ammunition by civilians. Impact: States that congress finds the FN-Five-seveN has been recovered on streets and that it is advertised to pierce body armor; Redefines armor piercing ammunition to include any ammunition tested by AG to pierce the "minimum body armor standard" for police officers (as determined by AG); Explicitly bans the FN Five-seveN and the above mentioned cartridges for civilians (complete ban, no grandfathering).
Status: Referred to Committee on the Judiciary
Personal Opinion: Very Bad Bill
Take a position on H.R. 538!

H.R. 575 (Stockman - TX) Second Amendment Protection Act - To express the sense of the Congress that the United States should not adopt any treaty that poses a threat to national sovereignty or abridges any rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution, such as the right to keep and bear arms, and to withhold funding from the United Nations unless the President certifies that the United Nations has not taken action to restrict, attempt to restrict, or otherwise adversely infringe upon the rights of individuals in the United States to keep and bear arms, or abridge any of the other constitutionally protected rights of citizens of the United States.
Status: Referred to Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Personal Opinion: Good Bill
Take a position on H.R. 575!

H.R. 577 (Stockman - TX) Veterans Second Amendment Protection Act - To amend title 38, United States Code, to clarify the conditions under which certain persons may be treated as adjudicated mentally incompetent for certain purposes. Impact: Declares that a person who is mentally incapacitated, deemed mentally incompetent, or experiencing an extended loss of consciousness shall not be considered adjudicated as a mental defective in the context of firearms rights unless a judicial member has declared them a danger to themselves or others
Status: Referred to Committee on Veterans' Affairs.
Personal Opinion: Good Bill
Take a position on H.R. 577!

H.R. 578 (Stutzman - IN) Respecting States' Rights and Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2013 - To allow reciprocity for the carrying of certain concealed firearms. Impact: If someone possesses a ccw permit or presides in a state where there is constitutional carry (and they are not a prohibited person in that state), hey can carry in any state that issues CCW permits or has constitutional carry; Must abide by each states laws pertaining to ccw; When in states with multiple licensing schemes, a person carrying in non-resident states will be able to carry under the unrestricted licensing type of those non-resident states.
Status: Referred to Committee on the Judiciary
Preliminary Personal Opinion: Cautious - Great to have national reciprocity, but I am very cautious about the feds sticking their noses in state issues like concealed carry.
Take a position on H.R. 578!

H.R. 619 (Nadler - NY) Keep Kids Safe Act of 2013 - To amend title 18, United States Code, to place limitations on the possession, sale, and other disposition of a firearm by persons convicted of misdemeanor sex offenses against children. Impact: Prohibits the possession, sale, and other disposition of a firearm by persons who have been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor sex offense against a minor; Defines Misdemeanor sex offense against a minor as a criminal offense that has, as an element, a sexual act or sexual contact with another, or an attempt or conspiracy to commit such an offense against a person below the age of 18; Requires that the offense have been eligible for trial by jury and tried as such or had that right waived by convicted person and representation by attorney was available or waived by convicted person; Exempts those with expunged records or pardons/civil rights restorations.
Status: Referred to Committee on the Judiciary
Preliminary Personal Opinion: Bad Bill - Could affect people who were in relationships near the end of high school or even teenagers who engaged in sexual acts.
Take a position on H.R. 619!

H.R. 661 (Lee - CA) Tiahrt Restrictions Repeal Act - To repeal certain impediments to the administration of the firearms laws. Impact: Repeals Tiahrt Amendment; Removes restrictions on physical checks of FFL's inventory; Removes requirement to destroy NICS records after 24 hrs.
Status: Referred to Committee on the Judiciary
Personal Opinion: Horrible Bill - This will create a de facto registration by removing requirement that NICS check information be destroyed.
Take a position on H.R. 661!

H.R. 720 (King - NY) Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2013 - To increase public safety by permitting the Attorney General to deny the transfer of firearms or the issuance of firearms and explosives licenses to known or suspected dangerous terrorists. Impact: Same as S.34; Allows AG to deny transfer of firearm, explosives permit, or FFL to anyone they "reasonably" deem to be associated with terrorist activity; In appeals of denial, the AG can withhold information relating to determination that denied person was involved in terrorism; Appeal of denied transfer must occur within 60 days.
Status: Referred to Committee on the Judiciary
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill - The term terrorist could be used to deny law abiding citizens the right to firearms, at the whim of the AG.
Take a position on H.R. 720!

H.R. 722 (King - NY) To combat illegal gun trafficking, and for other purposes. - Text not yet available.
Status: Referred to Committee on the Judiciary
Preliminary Personal Opinion: Most Likely Bad Bill -
Take a position on H.R. 722!

H.R. 793 (Sanchez - CA) To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to impose an excise tax on concealable firearms and to require the Attorney General to establish a firearms buyback grant program. - Text not yet available.
Status: Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill - The term terrorist could be used to deny law abiding citizens the right to firearms, at the whim of the AG.
Take a position on H.R. 793!

Senate Bills

S. 2 (Reid - NV) Sandy Hook Elementary School Violence Reduction Act To reduce violence and protect the citizens of the United States. Impact: Symbolic, sets up congressional agenda.
Status: Referred to Committee on the Judiciary
Personal Opinion: Useless Bill - Symbolic gesture so Democrats can say they are doing something.
Take a position on S. 2!

S. 22 (Lautenberg - NJ) Gun Show Background Check Act of 2013 - To establish background check procedures for gun shows. Impact: Much of text identical to H.R. 141; Requires Registration of Gun Show Promoters (with fee); Promoters must report time, location, duration and a list of all vendors at a gun show 30 days prior to gun show; Promoters must retain a ledger of all gun show vendors for as long as AG determines; Background check requirements on all purchases (NICS): Records kept according standard FFL transfers (just as if they sold the gun), No personal info kept, all tranfers reported to AG within 10 days; Sets Up Penalties; Senate version allows AG to require FFLs who facilitate gun transfers at a gun show report additional information (except personal information) within 10 days of the transfers.
Status: Referred to Committee on the Judiciary
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill
Take a position on S. 22!

S. 33 (Lautenberg - NJ) Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act of 2013 - To prohibit the transfer or possession of large capacity ammunition feeding devices, and for other purposes. Impact:Nearly identical to H. R. 138; Limits magazine capacity to 10 rounds (exempts 22lr tubular magazines); Exempts possession of magazines that are lawfully possessed by an individual before passing, but prohibits future transfer of existing "large capacity" magazines; Provides exemptions for LEO's and retired LEO's; This, Senate, version adds provisions for seizure should certain crimes be violated.
Status: Referred to Committee on the Judiciary
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill
Take a position on S. 33!

S. 34 (Lautenberg - NJ) Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2013 - To increase public safety by permitting the Attorney General to deny the transfer of firearms or the issuance of firearms and explosives licenses to known or suspected dangerous terrorists. Impact: Allows AG to deny transfer of firearm, explosives permit, or FFL to anyone they "reasonably" deem to be associated with terrorist activity; In appeals of denial, the AG can withhold information relating to determination that denied person was involved in terrorism; Appeal of denied transfer must occur within 60 days.
Status: Referred to Committee on the Judiciary
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill - The term terrorist could be used to deny law abiding citizens the right to firearms, at the whim of the AG.
Take a position on S. 34!

S. 35 (Lautenberg - NJ) Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2013 - To require face to face purchases of ammunition, to require licensing of ammunition dealers, and to require reporting regarding bulk purchases of ammunition. Impact: Identical to H.R. 142; Requires license to import, manufacture, or sell ammunition (seems to outlaw reloading? second opinion please); Requires logging of personal information for all ammo sales by dealer just as if a firearm was being purchased; Prevents shipping of ammunition to anyone other than a licensed dealer; Requires reporting of sale of over 1000 rounds of ammunition within a 5 day period to any single individual.
Status: Referred to Committee on the Judiciary
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill
Take a position on S. 35!

S. 54 (Leahy - VT) Stop Illegal Trafficking in Firearms Act of 2013 - To increase public safety by punishing and deterring firearms trafficking. - Impact: Sets up max 20 year penalty for straw purchase of firearm; straw purchase defined as buying firearm with intent to transfer to another person if that firearm has moved or been involved in interstate or foreign commerce; Exempts bonafide gifts (as long as nothing tangible was received in return) as well as firearms as contest prizes provided transferee can own firearm under the law; Establishes 30 year penalty if there is reasonable cause to believe the straw purchase will be used in crime; Outlines Fines and Forfeitures for a violation, includes forfeiture of proceeds and personal items used to traffic the firearms; Includes provisions to make trafficking ammunition illegal as well (basically cant buy ammunition: for someone who can't buy it themselves, to be used for furtherance of drug crime, or for illegal exportation); Sets up additional penalties for trafficking that will aid crime (max 30 years in addition to 30 years penalty defined earlier; not eligible for concurrent sentencing); Sets up 10 year penalty for trafficking to outside of the US.
Status: Referred to Committee on the Judiciary
Personal Opinion: Seems Reasonable - The definitions provided do not forbid gift giving or future private sale of a firearms as long as making private sales was not the original intent of the purchase. Seems to be focused on doing what it says. I do not personally see any potentially negative side effects for law abiding citizens. Basically it explicitly sets up stiffer penalties for stuff that is already illegal without making more things illegal.
Take a position on S. 54!

S. 147 (Boxer - CA) Common Sense Concealed Firearms Permit Act of 2013 - To establish minimum standards for States that allow the carrying of concealed firearms. Impact: Sets up minimum requirements for states issuing Concealed carry licenses including: Local law enforcement participation in issuing; Applicants be be legal residents of US and 21 years old; Applicants show they are "worthy" of public trust; Applicants demonstrate "good cause" for requesting a concealed carry permit. This bill effectively forces every state to become may issue.
Status: Referred to Committee on the Judiciary
Personal Opinion: Very Bad Bill Federal government should have no place to set requirements for state issue of CHL's.
Take a position on S. 147!

S. 150 (Feinstein - CA) Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 - To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes. Impact: Defines Assault Weapons based upon 1 feature test and provides an explicit list; Ban's the future manufacture and transfer of "assault-weapons" and magazines holding more than 10 rounds; Grandfathers existing "assault weapons" and requires a background check through a FFL to transfer them; Grandfathers existing magazines over 10 rounds; Establishes buyback program for grandfathered "assault weapons" and magazines; Provides a list of firearms many if not all of which would not have been affected by the ban as "exempted" firearms.
Status: Referred to Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings held.
Personal Opinion: Very Bad Bill The final list of "exempted" firearms is an obvious ploy to say "Hey we like guns!" Also bump fire stocks would be considered assault weapons. No bullet button.
Take a position on S. 150!

S. 174 (Blumenthal - CT) Ammunition Background Check Act of 2013 - To appropriately restrict sales of ammunition. Impact: Requires background check for the sale or transfer of ammunition just as if it was a firearm even for private sales; Requires sales of "large quantities of ammunition" (As determined by AG;for private sales it is 1000 rounds) to be reported to AG on date of sale; Requires ammunition be bought in ones home state; Makes ammunition theft more illegal; Makes it illegal to transfer ammunition that can be used in a handgun to a juvenile; Juvenile possession of any ammunition that can be used in a handgun is illegal (Exemptions for some temporary transfers); Requires dealers of ammunition to have FFL; Defines teflon coated ammunition as "armor piercing"; Bans incendiary ammunition (defined as ammunition having the specialized capability to ignite on impact); Bans future transfer or possession of the above banned ammunition (grandfathered possession but future transfer is prohibited.
Status: Referred to Committee on the Judiciary
Preliminary Personal Opinion: Bad Bill
Take a position on S. 174!

S. 179 (Gillibrand - NY) Gun Trafficking Prevention Act of 2013 - To prevent gun trafficking. Impact: Sets up max 20 year penalty for: buying or 2 or more firearms with intent to transfer to another person if those firearms have moved or been involved in interstate or foreign commerce and if such transfer would be punishable by imprisonment of over 1 year; receive 2 or more firearms if those firearms have moved or been involved in interstate or foreign commerce and if such receipt would be punishable by imprisonment of over 1 year; or foreign commerce providing false information when to buying 2 or more firearms; or directing, promoting, or facilitating the above 3 activities; Provides that organizers of the above crimes, if they involve 5 or more people,can receive an additional 5 years; **Exempts** Purchasing bonafide gifts provided the gift be given to a person allowed to possess a firearm as well as firearms given through an estate; Allows revision of penalties by a sentencing commission based upon the number of firearms involved in an offense or if offender is member gang, cartel or organized crime.
Status: Referred to Committee on the Judiciary
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill
Take a position on S. 179!

S. 261 (Feinstein - CA) No Firearms for Foreign Felons Act of 2013 - To establish and clarify that Congress does not authorize persons convicted of dangerous crimes in foreign courts to freely possess firearms in the United States. Impact: Makes it illegal to sell firearms to those convicted of a felony in a foreign country. Exempts those whose conviction was not subject to due process as it would be in the US.
Status: Referred to Committee on the Judiciary
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill - Though exemptions are made to ensure that convictions were made with due process, Only foreign felonies that would be considered felonies in the US should be considered.

Take a position on S. 261!

S. 374 (Schumer - NY) A bill to ensure that all individuals who should be prohibited from buying a firearm are listed in the national instant criminal background check system and require a background check for every firearm sale. - Text not yet available, Likely identical to H.R. 137
Status: Referred to Committee on the Judiciary
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill - Unenforceable without registration

Take a position on S. 374!
Last edited by warhorse10_9 on Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:34 pm, edited 58 times in total.
"I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters."
- Frank Lloyd Wright (1868-1959)

"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler."
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
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Re: 2013 Federal Legislative Session Gun Bills


Post by KaiserB »

Here are a couple dozen more

H.R. 117: Handgun Licensing and Registration Act of 2013
H.Res. 16: Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to prohibit the consideration of any bill or joint resolution carrying more than one subject.
H.R. 133: Citizens Protection Act of 2013
H.R. 93: Fire Sale Loophole Closing Act
S.Res. 6: A resolution to modify extended debate in the Senate to improve the legislative process.
H.R. 21: NRA Members’ Gun Safety Act of 2013
S.Res. 7: A resolution to permit the Senate to avoid unnecessary delay and vote on matters for which floor debate has ceased.
H.R. 142: Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2013
H.R. 65: Child Gun Safety and Gun Access Prevention Act of 2013
H.R. 137: Fix Gun Checks Act of 2013
H.R. 35: Safe Schools Act of 2013
H.R. 141: Gun Show Loophole Closing Act of 2013
S.Res. 4: A resolution to limit certain uses of the filibuster in the Senate to improve the legislative process.
H.R. 34: Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2013
S.Res. 5: A resolution amending the Standing Rules of the Senate to provide for cloture to be invoked with less than a three-fifths majority after additional debate.
H.R. 138: Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act
H.R. 236: Crackdown on Deadbeat Gun Dealers Act of 2013
H.R. 227: Buyback Our Safety Act
H.R. 322: Hunting, Fishing, and Recreational Shooting Protection Act
H.R. 339: To require the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to make video recordings of the examination and testing of firearms and ammunition, and for other purposes.
S. 33: A bill to prohibit the transfer or possession of large capacity ammunition feeding devices, and for other purposes.
S. 34: A bill to increase public safety by permitting the Attorney General to deny the transfer of firearms or the issuance of firearms and explosives licenses to known or suspected dangerous terrorists.
S. 22: A bill to establish background check procedures for gun shows.
S. 35: A bill to require face to face purchases of ammunition, to require licensing of ammunition dealers, and to require reporting regarding bulk purchases of ammunition.
H.R. 329: To amend the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007 to encourage States to provide records to the National Instant Background Check System.
S. 2: A bill to reduce violence and protect the citizens of the United States.

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Re: 2013 Federal Legislative Session Gun Bills


Post by dicion »

You can weigh in on bills using this site. I believe it emails your representatives and senators your opinions. Overall, I found it pretty good.

https://www.popvox.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I just spent 20 minutes and gave my opinions on about 50 different bills
The majority of second amendment infringing bills are trending the 'correct' way, but this one apparently has been posted/shared on anti websites, and needs some more opposition:

https://www.popvox.com/bills/us/113/x101" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Please circulate the above bill to various places so it can be 'properly' voted on.
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Re: 2013 Federal Legislative Session Gun Bills


Post by warhorse10_9 »

Updated the list of firearms bills. Let me know if you spot more, I will update as they become available.
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Re: 2013 Federal Legislative Session Gun Bills


Post by warhorse10_9 »

Added an updated summary of Feinstein's AWB after reading text of bill here (PDF warning)
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Re: 2013 Federal Legislative Session Gun Bills


Post by The Annoyed Man »

warhorse10_9 wrote:H.R. 332 (Schiff - CA) Equal Access to Justice for Victims of Gun Violence Act - To provide victims of gun violence access to the same civil remedies as are available to those injured through other means.. Impact: Allows victims of gun violence to sue manufactures of firearms.
Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Personal Opinion: Bad Bill
WOW! First, many thanks to warhorse10_9 for having done so much work putting all this together. I just wanted to make a comment about Adam Schiff (D-CA). He was my representative when I lived in California. I knew him personally (although not well), and I knew some of his staff because they went to high school with my younger brothers. He is the most insufferably smug gun-grabber you'll ever meet. I wouldn't hire him to pick up dog scat in public parks. The mere fact that HE wrote a bill is enough of a qualifier to resist ANYTHING he tries to advance.
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Re: 2013 Federal Legislative Session Gun Bills


Post by srothstein »

Thanks for this list, Warhorse10_9. It does help.

I also want to register one minor disagreement with HR 137 by McCarthy. I consider this a bad bill. Making every transaction go through a dealer and NICS is not a good idea. We need to fight every restriction on gun rights now, not conceding even one inch. One reason I say this is because once the bill is passed, it is easy to remove exemptions and amend it. For example, they put in a maximum fee for you to pay for the NICS check to the dealer. Next year they might raise this fee when dealers complain. Then they could insert a minimum fee after that. They could remove the restriction on not keeping records of the transactions, thus giving them a national database.

I think this should be marked as a bad bill.
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Re: 2013 Federal Legislative Session Gun Bills


Post by warhorse10_9 »

srothstein wrote:Thanks for this list, Warhorse10_9. It does help.

I also want to register one minor disagreement with HR 137 by McCarthy. I consider this a bad bill. Making every transaction go through a dealer and NICS is not a good idea. We need to fight every restriction on gun rights now, not conceding even one inch. One reason I say this is because once the bill is passed, it is easy to remove exemptions and amend it. For example, they put in a maximum fee for you to pay for the NICS check to the dealer. Next year they might raise this fee when dealers complain. Then they could insert a minimum fee after that. They could remove the restriction on not keeping records of the transactions, thus giving them a national database.

I think this should be marked as a bad bill.
Okay, I will mark it as such.
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Re: 2013 Federal Legislative Session Gun Bills


Post by warhorse10_9 »

Text now available for S.33, S.34, and S.35. I added summaries for those bills.
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Re: 2013 Federal Legislative Session Gun Bills


Post by warhorse10_9 »

Added H.R. 437, house version of AWB from McCarthy.
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Re: 2013 Federal Legislative Session Gun Bills


Post by warhorse10_9 »

Added S. 174 (Blumenthal - CT) A bill to appropriately restrict sales of ammunition.
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Re: 2013 Federal Legislative Session Gun Bills


Post by Wodathunkit »

Thanks warhorse, good read, and a little scary. :shock:
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Re: 2013 Federal Legislative Session Gun Bills


Post by warhorse10_9 »

Added H.R. 339 and S. 179 and added summary for S.54
"I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters."
- Frank Lloyd Wright (1868-1959)

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