Hahaha... Yep... No matter where you are, they think they have the best food. My SIL and daughter were in New York City. I tried to talk them out of going. She ignores me now that she is 33 as much as when she was 14...

. Anyway... They were going on today about how they ate the best pizza they ever had in some joint that sold it by the slice. She said they didn't have seats in the place. You either walked away with it or stood at a table. Weird!!
I was in New Jersey a few years back doing a racing trip. We wanted Mexican food. I kid you not, they had no Mexican food places... Anywhere. We can't go a block in Texas without tripping over Mexican food.
In Memphis my daughter ordered corn tortillas with her breakfast at IHOP. They had no idea what she was talking about. The waiter asked her if she wanted corn on her tortillas. We cracked up laughing. She had to eat flour.
Sorry... Got off topic.