Mass Shooting in Connecticut-THREAD NAME CHANGE

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Re: Mass Shooting in Connecticut-THREAD NAME CHANGE


Post by E.Marquez »

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Re: Mass Shooting in Connecticut-THREAD NAME CHANGE


Post by anygunanywhere »

I got that one too. I replied with:

I didn't sign the petition to receive left wing propaganda that supports infringing on what little is left of my second amendment right to keep and bear arms. The only thing you can do that would eliminate the type of violence that took the recent lives of 26 innocents is to remove restrictions to firearms posession and eliminate gun free zones. All of your proposals indicate your extreme ignorance of facts and your insistent pandering to emotions.

Follow the constitution. Oh, wait. You have to read it and understand it before you can follow it. Or did your oath of office not mean anything to you?

I know it is not a monitored email but I could not resist.

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Re: Mass Shooting in Connecticut-THREAD NAME CHANGE


Post by sjfcontrol »

anygunanywhere wrote:I got that one too. I replied with:

I didn't sign the petition to receive left wing propaganda that supports infringing on what little is left of my second amendment right to keep and bear arms. The only thing you can do that would eliminate the type of violence that took the recent lives of 26 innocents is to remove restrictions to firearms posession and eliminate gun free zones. All of your proposals indicate your extreme ignorance of facts and your insistent pandering to emotions.

Follow the constitution. Oh, wait. You have to read it and understand it before you can follow it. Or did your oath of office not mean anything to you?

I know it is not a monitored email but I could not resist.

You just got yourself put on a special list... :mrgreen:
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Re: Mass Shooting in Connecticut-THREAD NAME CHANGE


Post by anygunanywhere »

sjfcontrol wrote:
You just got yourself put on a special list... :mrgreen:
I am on multiple lists. I did the same thing with emails about abortion. They stopped sending me emails on that pretty quickly. I like being on lists. Makes me feel special.

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Re: Mass Shooting in Connecticut-THREAD NAME CHANGE


Post by philip964 » ... -1.1291408" onclick=";return false;

Recent article on the Sandy Hook shooting, has some new information.

Attack planned for at least two years.

Elementary school chosen as it was undefended and he could get the most points very easily.

Changed magazine as he entered each new room, even if not empty. Apparently his video game training, taught him he could get the most points this way.

Did not want someone else to kill him, that way they would get his points.

Had a spreadsheet master list with over 500 names. Researched mass killings almost like a doctorial thesis. Spread sheet was 4 feet wide 9 feet long with 9pt font. Contained all information on mass shootings, weapons used, tactics, etc.

Many first responders in Sandy Hook have resigned. Saw teachers bodies attempting to shield children from carnage.

Speaker did not want to say the name of the killer, as this only gets him what he wanted. Called him a "glory killer".

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Re: Mass Shooting in Connecticut-THREAD NAME CHANGE


Post by RPB »

Thanks for that followup article; does make a point...
ban gunfree high point/easy point scoring/safe for criminal zones ... -1.1291408" onclick=";return false;
I'm no lawyer

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Re: Mass Shooting in Connecticut-THREAD NAME CHANGE


Post by TexasGal »

“It really was like he was lost in one of his own sick games. That’s what we heard. That he learned something from his game that you learn in (police) school, about how if you’re moving from room to room — the way he was in that school — you have to reload before you get to the next room. Maybe he has a 30-round magazine clip, and he’s only used half of it. But he’s willing to dump 15 rounds and have a new clip before he arrives in the next room.”Read more: ... z2NxZNATVW" onclick=";return false;

Makes it very clear that 30 round magazines were not an advantage to him. Hence the furor over them is even more useless. The sad thing here is we see just how much being the most defenseless prey made him choose children. It is also clear his planning was so methodical that he would have found a way to do this even if there had been no guns involved. He was that determined. Violent video games may not adversely affect normal people, but the abnormal among us can be. He was.
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Re: Mass Shooting in Connecticut-THREAD NAME CHANGE


Post by K.Mooneyham »

TexasGal wrote:“It really was like he was lost in one of his own sick games. That’s what we heard. That he learned something from his game that you learn in (police) school, about how if you’re moving from room to room — the way he was in that school — you have to reload before you get to the next room. Maybe he has a 30-round magazine clip, and he’s only used half of it. But he’s willing to dump 15 rounds and have a new clip before he arrives in the next room.”Read more: ... z2NxZNATVW" onclick=";return false;

Makes it very clear that 30 round magazines were not an advantage to him. Hence the furor over them is even more useless. The sad thing here is we see just how much being the most defenseless prey made him choose children. It is also clear his planning was so methodical that he would have found a way to do this even if there had been no guns involved. He was that determined. Violent video games may not adversely affect normal people, but the abnormal among us can be. He was.
John F. Hinckley Jr., the man who attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan, was obsessed with the Robert DeNiro movie, "Taxi Driver". The Columbine shooters planned on using explosives to kill even more people (thank goodness it didn't work) and one of them was into Frederich Nietzsche. Those are just two examples I remembered off the top of my head. In every one of these sick, evil deeds the perpetrators latch onto something to justify their vile acts and planned their deeds ahead of time. They read things, view things, listen to things and indeed play things that millions of others have read, viewed, listened to, or played and NOT go on to do any vile acts. Most of these actions, minus a few such as the Reagan shooting, happened in "gun free zones" which are really "soft target zones". The NRA proposal to put LEOs into schools and/or have other responsible folks there ARMED is the best deterent. The bad guys want easy, quick kills. Its a lot more straightforward to harden targets than to try and figure out what motivates any particular nutball killer, a task that could prove almost endless.
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Re: Mass Shooting in Connecticut-THREAD NAME CHANGE


Post by Jumping Frog »

Most of these actions, minus a few such as the Reagan shooting, happened in "gun free zones" which are really "soft target zones".
The Reagan shooting was also a "gun free zone", aka "criminal protection zone", aka CPZ.

All of DC was a CPZ at that time.
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Re: Mass Shooting in Connecticut-THREAD NAME CHANGE


Post by Robert*PPS »

In this article ( ... preadsheet), investigators acknowledge that Lanza had a very detailed spreadsheet of mass killings designed in a way to make it look like a score sheet. This gives indication that he did not just snap, but had been planning the attack for a while, and that he most likely chose the elementary school because it was the softest of targets i.e. He would be able to top the score sheet.

This is very pertinent information that needs to be forced into today's discussions because it is tangible proof that the gun free zone was targeted BECAUSE of its status as such, and because the majority of lives in the building were small children.

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Re: Mass Shooting in Connecticut-THREAD NAME CHANGE


Post by philip964 » ... -supplies/" onclick=";return false;

Since the Sandy Hook school shooting, bullet proof school supplies could become a new trend. Backpack inserts, book covers.

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Re: Mass Shooting in Connecticut-THREAD NAME CHANGE


Post by philip964 » ... 24023.html" onclick=";return false;

School district is trying to keep secret the school records of the shooter.

Interesting how there are so many secrets. So many reasons for secrets. In this case I'm sure it is protecting the shooters privacy.

Not that anyone has anything to hide.

Yeah its the lax gun laws.

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Re: Mass Shooting in Connecticut-THREAD NAME CHANGE


Post by philip964 » ... ok-review/" onclick=";return false;

A book on the shootings is coming out by an author who also wrote books on the two other recent mass shootings.

He feels that the shooter was much more predictable than the other shooters. In other words the fact than no one did anything before he killed was surprising.

His mother taught him to shoot at the age of 4.

His room was littered with violent materials, articles on mass shooters, etc. His mom had been in his room as little as three days before.

Mom bought guns and transferred them to the son. Didn't sound like she had the guns locked up as it may have been reported.

Author does not feel stricter gun laws would have prevented the shootings. The mom and son violated Conn. gun laws.

Mom had told friends that her son was a lost cause. She vacationed and left him alone in the house.

His initial target was the high school but two police cars there, scared him off.

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Re: Mass Shooting in Connecticut-THREAD NAME CHANGE


Post by K.Mooneyham »

Such a thing as evil exists in this world; each person may feel free to ascribe it to whatever their conscience dictates, but it does exist. All the gun laws ever won't stop evil people from trying to do evil things.
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Re: Mass Shooting in Connecticut-THREAD NAME CHANGE


Post by philip964 » ... d/25658730" onclick=";return false;

Girl stabbed to death at high school in Connecticut. May have said no to prom request.

See new gun laws working.
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