Apple iPhone : Not Missed

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Apple iPhone : Not Missed


Post by snatchel »

So, for the last three or four years I have been using an iPhone of some variation: 3G, 4, 4G, then 5. I have avoided anything else because I was sold on the elegance and ease of use iPhone offered. Then my iPhone 5 started acting up and I began shopping for something new.

Enter the HTC One.

I still miss iPhone, but I'm starting to realize what I've been missing. Or maybe I have been missing nothing, and another phone finally came out that blows iPhone out of the water. Especially when I'm using email, programs like excel, and other office type stuff. Apple still wins in the ease of use category..... But I'm not sorry for switching.

Anyone else fallen off the Apple bandwagon too?
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Re: Apple iPhone : Not Missed


Post by K.Mooneyham »

snatchel wrote:So, for the last three or four years I have been using an iPhone of some variation: 3G, 4, 4G, then 5. I have avoided anything else because I was sold on the elegance and ease of use iPhone offered. Then my iPhone 5 started acting up and I began shopping for something new.

Enter the HTC One.

I still miss iPhone, but I'm starting to realize what I've been missing. Or maybe I have been missing nothing, and another phone finally came out that blows iPhone out of the water. Especially when I'm using email, programs like excel, and other office type stuff. Apple still wins in the ease of use category..... But I'm not sorry for switching.

Anyone else fallen off the Apple bandwagon too?
I've been using Android operating system phones for a while now. I currently have a Motorola Atrix II, but my previous phone was an HTC and my next phone will be an HTC. They make great phones that do what I want them to do. My wife HAD an iPhone, and recently switched to an HTC One; she seems pretty satisfied with it (except for the size because it is too big for her hand), and she was constantly complaining about her iPhone. So, I don't think you are alone at all.

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Re: Apple iPhone : Not Missed


Post by philip964 »

I have heard the HTC one is the Samsung killer. What in particular is better than the iPhone. I do not want a bigger phone than the iPhone. Is it faster? I've been waiting on the 5S coming out this summer. Apples new map program is not as good as Googles. I'm not particularly interested in learning a new phone. I just got a Windows 8 computer for the office. I can not believe why they thought it necessary to present me with a completely new "language" to learn. Just when you get comfortable with an operating system they go and change the whole thing.
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Re: Apple iPhone : Not Missed


Post by The Annoyed Man »

My last phone was an HTC "Incredible," but I've had an iPhone 4 for maybe 2-3 years now. I got it when the 4 was the "current" model. I found the Android operating system back then to be clunky, and the iPhone's to be much more elegant. Perhaps the newer versions of Android OS are better, but I have no need to find out because I'm satisfied with Apple iOS. My only complaint is that I bought a 16 GB phone and I only have 765 MB of space left on it. For what they cost, it would be nice if Apple would make an iPhone with a micro SD slot for additional storage. That's really my only complaint. Otherwise, I like the operating system, and it integrates well with all of my other computers, which are also Apple products. Anyway, for those reasons, I don't really feel the need to change operating systems, although at some point I'll upgrade to a newer model with greater capacity. In the meantime, I'm taking advantage of iCloud's PhotoStream to upload and store all of my on-camera photos. That will free up some space.
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Re: Apple iPhone : Not Missed


Post by SQLGeek »

I made the switch from an iPhone 4 to Galaxy S3 and have been pleased. I have a work iPhone 5 and I'd rather just have the S3. I will be looking at the HTC One or similar when I get a new phone.

Android was clunky but it has been greatly improved IMO. Especially with the release of Jelly Bean and the Project Butter improvements.

For somebody with many other Apple products it makes sense to have an iPhone. I use a lot of Google services and the integration with Android is phenomenal compared to having an iPhone.
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Re: Apple iPhone : Not Missed


Post by AEA »

The iPhone4 was my first (and last) Apple purchase.

I went from the iPhone4 to a unlocked Samsung Galaxy Ace Plus S7500L and couldn't be happier! I never liked the iTunes requirement just to work a phone and their firmware updates thru iTunes was a joke!

Not to mention the cost of the phone and the cost of the service. CRAZY! :grumble
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Re: Apple iPhone : Not Missed


Post by DocV »

I had an HTC Incredible. Android was clunky and the HTC went away along with my over-priced cellular plan. Being surrounded by Wifi, I now use an iPod touch with Skype, Google Voice along with a minimal OnStar plan for mobile needs.
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Re: Apple iPhone : Not Missed


Post by jimlongley »

I "switched" from Apple to not Apple a very long time ago, back when I was still writing code in Z80 assembler.

Actually one of the biggest reasons I switched was because of Apple's anti-gun policies.
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Re: Apple iPhone : Not Missed


Post by MadMonkey »

I used to have an iPhone 3G, but I bought it right before they updated to the new OS and when that happened it was one of the slowest, least reliable phones I've ever had. Not to mention I had a ton of problems before that with updating and syncing.

I switched to Android a few years ago and refuse to go back.
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Re: Apple iPhone : Not Missed


Post by Skiprr »

Samsung Galaxy S III here. Ain't perfect, but I prefer the Android OS.

I'm in no hurry to upgrade to the S 4, though.
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Re: Apple iPhone : Not Missed


Post by Wodathunkit »

This question is as passionate as the "Ford vs Chevy" debate. Kudos to both of these companies for making loyal customers.

I'm an apple guy, I use the phone, pad, and Mac. I won't switch just because of the flow between all the devices, however my iPhone 3 is a dinosaur. I was waiting for the 5s this summer before I upgrade. It sounds like the 5s isn't all that much of an improvement from the 5, or the 4s for that matter. That is somewhat disappointing. I think Samsung makes a good product that you'll be happy with.
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Re: Apple iPhone : Not Missed


Post by The Annoyed Man »

jimlongley wrote:I "switched" from Apple to not Apple a very long time ago, back when I was still writing code in Z80 assembler.

Actually one of the biggest reasons I switched was because of Apple's anti-gun policies.
Jim, this is not an attack against you. I'm just addressing the sentiment you expressed in that second sentence.....

I don't know specifically what Apple's "anti-gun policies" are, although I am sure that they do exist. On the other hand, I'm not sure that anybody could find any major hi-tech corporation, foreign or domestic, including Microsoft, IBM, Google, Samsung, HTC, Nokia, or any others that aren't anti-gun in some way or other—either by the personal inclinations of their founders and CEOs, or by the actual corporate policies. You can't even build your own computer, install a free open-source operating system on it, or install free open-source applications on it, without using products manufactured, sold, or distributed under GNU or other free open source licenses by people who are for the most part anti-gun in some way or other. In fact, I have only ONE app on my iPhone (and I also used the Android version on my old HTC phone) that I know for a certain fact is written and sold by someone who is pro-gun, and that is my ballistics calculator.

I am sure that some of my customers are "anti-gun," as I am also sure that some of my vendors are "anti-gun." We certainly have the right—although government is doing its very best to crush it through the mandated-by-law purchase of health insurance—to give our business to only those companies which are overtly pro-gun, or at least not overtly anti-gun. However, I would be out of business shortly if I applied that standard to my business, and I would be hard pressed in my personal life to obtain any services or even to buy food if that were the standard I apply to my life.

I am an evangelical Christian too, and unashamedly so, but if I were to apply that standard and only do business—either personally or professionally—with other self-proclaimed evangelical Christians, then I would starve to death and go naked in the streets, and there would be no gas in my car or water coming out of my lawn sprinklers.

Google is demonstrably anti-gun, but I use their paid Google Apps Pro service to manage my company email because it is really, REALLY good, and the price is acceptable to me. I offer my clients an email service included in my hosting package, but I will mention Google Apps Pro to them if I think that will best serve their needs. OTH, I have a client who has a gun-related business, and they were using the Google interface to check their email coming through my server, and they were recently told that Google was blocking all of their domain email because it had gun-related stuff in its content (I think it was their logo in the signature which bothered Google). I can't blame them one bit for abandoning Google and going back to using my email hosting service, but I will still continue to use Google Apps Pro because it makes my business more efficient. I always recommend Paypal as a payment processing gateway first and foremost to those of my clients who want shopping cart systems because Paypal willingly shoulders all of the PCI Compliance issues and gateway security, and they are very, VERY good at what they do. Since my clients are ALL small businesses, this is the best recommendation I can make for them. OTH, I met with a new prospective client this past Friday. While they are not philosophically opposed to using Paypal as a payment gateway for their online shopping cart system to manage CHL class registrations and gun-related accessory sales, they are also an FFL, and they are going to be selling firearms online in the not too distant future. Paypal will not process those kinds of transactions, and so we have to explore alternatives, up to and including that of my building their site on another server besides mine, using a hosted shopping cart solution with an integrated payment gateway.

I could go on, but my point is that it is impractical for me, indeed probably for most people, to limit myself to only doing business with companies which are not anti-gun. In fact, for most of them, how would you even know they are anti-gun unless they had made some overt announcement like Google's announced policy against including gun advertising in their search results, or Paypal's announced policy against processing online gun-sale transactions? I think it is a safe bet that 99% of the companies out there have "no gun" policies included in their employee policies and procedures. Doesn't that make them "anti-gun?"

I won't shop at Grapevine Mills Mall because they overtly block me from entering the mall armed by posting 30.06 signs at the entrances. But, it is easy for me to observe that standard because I am equidistant from Grapevine Mills and the Northeast Mall in Hurst, and the Northeast Mall doesn't keep me out with 30.06 signs. And even if they did, I can find clothing stores and appliance stores and gift shops and restaurants, etc., etc., etc., without having to go to a mall to find them. But I'll be that if I asked to see a copy of the employee manuals for each and everyone of those stores not located in a mall, I would find them to be anti-gun.

Then what do I do?

Life is short and harder than it needs to be. I don't think any of this is going to change until either I go home to glory, or it is changed at the barrel of a gun and respect and reverence for the Constitution—ALL of it—is restored.....whichever comes first. But until then, personally, I can't make my business decisions or even most of my personal purchasing decisions based on whether or not the vendor/provider is anti-gun. So with regard to the topic of this thread, such a thing never enters my mind in deciding which cellphone platform I'm going to buy and use.
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Re: Apple iPhone : Not Missed


Post by iAmSam »

You don't know what you're missing.
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Re: Apple iPhone : Not Missed


Post by Jumping Frog » ... ate-apple/" onclick=";return false;

Fortune Magazine weighing in with 10 reasons I hate Apple.
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Re: Apple iPhone : Not Missed


Post by magicglock »

I'm one of the few dual platform users. The platform I like the most depends on what need I am addressing. I tend to lean to the Apple devices except for the phone. I have everything Apple but went back to Android for my phone. I hate everything about the iPhone with the exception of the display and camera. Getting ready to buy the new HTC One. Great phone.
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