I could watch this all day long...

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Re: I could watch this all day long...


Post by jmra »

bagman45 wrote:OK, so can someone explain to me WHY, with ALL of those cool machines running 24X7 at ALL ammo factories in ALL calibers, there is STILL NO AMMO AVAILABLE - ESPECIALLY .22LR??????? It's JUST NUTS!!!! :banghead: Oh, forgot, the government is buying all of it; and of course, THEY get priority...... :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
More than 15 million NICS checks over the last 6 months has a lot to do with it. How many firearms sales does that 16 million represent? Multiple firearms can be purchased on one NICS call. People with CHLs don't register in that number. Private sales of safe queen guns (for which no one was purchasing ammo) does not register in that number.
So we could be talking 20 to 30 million (or more) additional firearms in circulation over a six month period. What is the first thing all those people do right after they shell out cash for those new guns? That is why there is no ammo on the shelves. If you really think that people who have been "hoarding" ammo over the last 4 years are the ones buying it now, well all I can tell you is my ammo safe runneth over and I haven't bought ammo in bulk in almost a year nor will I at current prices.

So to sum it up, if over the last six months 25 million firearms have been put into circulation and for each firearm walmarts 3 box limit of 100 rounds per box was purchased (a lot of us burn thru 300 rounds in one visit to the range) that would result in 7.5 billion rounds (that's almost 5 times the amount of ammo the gov has placed on order for the next 5 years). That is just for firearms introduced into circulation the last 6 months. That doesn't account for any "regulars" purchasing ammo for the range. That is why there is no ammo on the shelves.
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Re: I could watch this all day long...


Post by Beiruty »

Russia alone and China if you want can flood the US market with good quality range ammo in a week. However, most likely US import regulations is the key. Talk to your senators/house reps to allow more lax regulation for ammo imports.

Ammo sales per year is like $5B or less. That is peanuts for Russia or China.

Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/danielfishe ... the-1970s/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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