JALLEN wrote:. . .I'll be carrying that until I get moved as I've sold all my 10 round magazines for the Sig and have 18 rounders waiting for me when I get to the new home.

Moderator: carlson1
JALLEN wrote:. . .I'll be carrying that until I get moved as I've sold all my 10 round magazines for the Sig and have 18 rounders waiting for me when I get to the new home.
It is always a mixed sensation, as I have sons and granddaughters who are native Californians, native San Diegans actually, and they are all but impossible to move. I was sent here 45 years ago this month as a brand new Ensign, just doing my duty!carlson1 wrote:JALLEN wrote:. . .I'll be carrying that until I get moved as I've sold all my 10 round magazines for the Sig and have 18 rounders waiting for me when I get to the new home.What a relief and freedom you must feel being able to get moved. Being in Texas all of my life I haven't experienced anything like California.
chuck j wrote:Very nice choice , ammo also .
Thank younyj wrote:^ nice carry rigs and guns.