The Annoyed Man wrote:...
So right from the get-go.....NO.....Trayvon Martin did not have "the same right" to be there as George Zimmerman......even though Trayvon Martin had been invited to visit the fiancé's apartment. It is a gated community, implying controlled access. I have friends here who live in gated communities. If they invite me to visit them inside their community, I am allowed to go straight from the gate to their house. I'm not allowed unrestricted access to the community just because I'm inside the gate. There's a reason it's gated...
that is one of the (many) things that TM apologists overlook. GZ didn't recognize the person on the property, and that's because the person on the property wasn't a tenant.
Of course that didn't give GZ a right to shoot him, but it
certainly was justification for observing him.
GZ also noted he looked like he was on drugs or something. Guess that was a lucky guess too.
Then something occurred to me today, when I was listening to a talk show host talk about the Skittles & drink being "2/3 of the ingredients needed for the drug cocktail known as 'lean'" - I never thought about it until today. I had just heard that, and then pulled into a store to get a soft drink, and it hit me.
When I buy a soft drink, even on the bike, I open it and start drinking it. Even if I drink it slowly, I
start right away. TM's drink was unopened. Of course, if it was 2/3 of the ingredients I needed, and the other 1/3 was at home, I'd leave it closed...