Armed protestors show up for meeting of Mom's against guns

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Re: Armed protestors show up for meeting of Mom's against gu


Post by hillfighter »

Beiruty wrote:TPC §46.01 is for definitions. What is TPC §46.01(a)(6)?
I think he meant 42.01(a)(8) like his earlier post .

"displays a firearm or other deadly weapon in a public place in a manner calculated to alarm"
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Re: Armed protestors show up for meeting of Mom's against gu


Post by jmra »

Beiruty wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Beiruty wrote:
n5wd wrote:Regardless of TPM's biases, if that photograph was a true representation of the events near a Moms Demand Action yada yada public meeting, then Open Carry Texas just made it a lot harder to envision open-carry happening in Texas. The saying "perception is reality" should make those members of OCT re-think if they're part of the problem, or part of the solution.
it was noted on another website, that they were posing for a photo not threatening anyone.
If that's accurate, then I retract my statement about TPC §46.01(a)(6).

here is the link to the Article with a photo form another angle.
[ Image ]

The "Threatening" same photo from another angle.
[ Image ] ... -violence/" onclick=";return false;
Still a stupid move. If you feel it necessary to show up the "Moms", why not show up with signs and flags? Makes the point without giving the opposition ammo (pun intended).
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Re: Armed protestors show up for meeting of Mom's against gu


Post by G.A. Heath »

I think I will offer up 4 rules for open carry, these rules will be a guide to get good Public Relations.

Rule 1: Don't be an @** and don't let others make you look like one too.
The point of this rule is the key to getting good PR, The other three rules ensure this one is followed.

Rule 2: Don't touch your weapon, unless it is needed.
If you touch your weapon you give the opposition a chance to violate rule number 1. This simple and seemingly innocent act can result in a negative photo opportunity for the opposition and even allow them to file a police report against you or your group.

Rule 3: Interaction is critical.
When you encounter law enforcement you have to interact with them for the good of your event, your organisation, and the rest of the gun rights movement. You personally have a right not to interact with law enforcement, but for P.R. purposes you need to interact to avoid violating Rule #1. When approached by the media you must interact with them in the most professional manner possible. Interacting with the public and getting good PR is the goal, so you must put forward an effort to look as good as possible to the media and the general public. Having an open carry food drive for a local food bank will generate good PR, adopting a very busy highway and picking up litter is another high profile way to generate good PR. Confrontation must be avoided as it makes it easy to violate Rule #1.

Rule 4: Control your event and your crowd.
Keep your event on target, if you are having an open carry event then have just an open carry event. Ranting about Obamacare, tax rates, and other topics will distract from your purpose and confuse the public. Keep your crowd under control, do NOT allow them to hurt your image and the image of everyone involved in gun rights.
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Re: Armed protestors show up for meeting of Mom's against gu


Post by pcgizzmo »

Like I posted on another board. There is absolutely nothing illegal about what they did but EVERYTHING wrong with how they did it.

If they can't see they are doing more harm than good there isn't really much anyone can say to them. It's just ashamed that they end up being the one's to get so much of the attention and none of it is good. The sad thing for the rest of us is there is no way to separate those that want to do things the right way because in the minds of the anti-gun groups we all get lumped into the same category.
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Re: Armed protestors show up for meeting of Mom's against gu


Post by TexasGal »

The picture from the correct angle looks far better, BUT, having the very public display of "scary" guns in protest of any group with the word "mothers" in it is really hard to imagine as coming out with sympathy and support for the people with the guns. The group would have done much better to bring polite signs and polite behavior. Looking non-threatening to average citizens who are on the fence deciding how to vote seems like a no-brainer. A friend in Oklahoma commented to me last week that when they passed open carry, the signs on businesses forbidding carry blossomed considerably. I will take her first-hand experience as an indicator we would see even more if OC were passed here.
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Re: Armed protestors show up for meeting of Mom's against gu


Post by tommyg »

I can see why they make a protest by carrying guns outside of anti gun meetings.
Overall this is a bad idea it will make the anti gun idiots try harder.

A better way is to stand outside with protest signs instead of guns.
Count the number of anti gunners coming out and take up a collection and give about 10 dollars
to the NRA for every one of the anti gunners attending and make sure
they know that they are supporting the NRA by attending.

This will discourage their efforts by making them supporters of an organization they dislike :mad5

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Re: Armed protestors show up for meeting of Mom's against gu


Post by TexasCajun »

G.A. Heath wrote:I think I will offer up 4 rules for open carry, these rules will be a guide to get good Public Relations.

Rule 1: Don't be an @** and don't let others make you look like one too.
The point of this rule is the key to getting good PR, The other three rules ensure this one is followed.

Rule 2: Don't touch your weapon, unless it is needed.
If you touch your weapon you give the opposition a chance to violate rule number 1. This simple and seemingly innocent act can result in a negative photo opportunity for the opposition and even allow them to file a police report against you or your group.

Rule 3: Interaction is critical.
When you encounter law enforcement you have to interact with them for the good of your event, your organisation, and the rest of the gun rights movement. You personally have a right not to interact with law enforcement, but for P.R. purposes you need to interact to avoid violating Rule #1. When approached by the media you must interact with them in the most professional manner possible. Interacting with the public and getting good PR is the goal, so you must put forward an effort to look as good as possible to the media and the general public. Having an open carry food drive for a local food bank will generate good PR, adopting a very busy highway and picking up litter is another high profile way to generate good PR. Confrontation must be avoided as it makes it easy to violate Rule #1.

Rule 4: Control your event and your crowd.
Keep your event on target, if you are having an open carry event then have just an open carry event. Ranting about Obamacare, tax rates, and other topics will distract from your purpose and confuse the public. Keep your crowd under control, do NOT allow them to hurt your image and the image of everyone involved in gun rights.
What exactly is the point of these events? When you've gathered x-number of people at point-A open-carrying rifles, shotguns, and antiques; then what? By what means do you consider an event successful or not successful?
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Re: Armed protestors show up for meeting of Mom's against gu


Post by RoyGBiv »

Beiruty wrote:Chas,

TPC §46.01 is for definitions. What is TPC §46.01(a)(6)?
He misquoted himself... Tex. Penal Code §42.01(a)(8).. see his original post above.
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Re: Armed protestors show up for meeting of Mom's against gu


Post by Cedar Park Dad »

Edit: yes from the other angle thats just a picture.

However, agreed. If you're looking to counterprotest an anti gun group, bring signs and a coherent spokesman. Pardon the pun but don't give the antigunners ammo.
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Re: Armed protestors show up for meeting of Mom's against gu


Post by Purplehood »

Excellent use of photo-angles to change the whole tenor of a picture. You gotta give it to whoever took the sideview picture as it offended even me...
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Re: Armed protestors show up for meeting of Mom's against gu


Post by The Annoyed Man »

That first photo was a false flag lying Internet meme by gun control advocates. When seen from the front, it was a group of people posing for a group photo. Look, I don't buy into this in your face open carry movement, but I sure as heck refuse to let leftist fascists try to misrepresent photos. This is like when the MSM tried to paint the Tea Party as dangerous racists by cropping a photo of a black man carrying a slung AR15 so that you couldn't tell he was black......and then calling the guy a tea party racist.


As noted on the FB post, it was one of the Mom's in Action who requested that they pose for the photo, and they MIA used the photo for a propaganda coup. Don't be fooled by this crap.
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Re: Armed protestors show up for meeting of Mom's against gu


Post by E.Marquez »

Beiruty wrote:Chas,

TPC §46.01 is for definitions. What is TPC §46.01(a)(6)?
Texas Penal Code - Section 42.01. Disorderly Conduct

Section (a)(6) is "fights with another in a public place;" so Not applicable.

Section (a)(8) as Mr Cotton posted is "displays a firearm or other deadly weapon in a
public place in a manner calculated to alarm;" and might have been applicable depending on perception of the act.
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Re: Armed protestors show up for meeting of Mom's against gu


Post by sdmahoney »

I heard that they were actually doing a march, and that parking lot happened to be the starting location. The way the news is reporting it, they were protesting the anti-gun group, which I am not sure was really the original intention.
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Re: Armed protestors show up for meeting of Mom's against gu


Post by Oldgringo »

These OC people must be shills for the anti-gunners?
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Re: Armed protestors show up for meeting of Mom's against gu


Post by suthdj »

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