mojo84 wrote:The unique part is that the government has set up to sell you "private" insurance and they are pushing you to Medicaid, government program, even though people really are not qualified. That is definitely unique to Obamacare.
This is the statists dream: create as big a dependency as you can, because once you've got everybody on that dependence, you own them. There is something so massively evil behind this whole thing.
Anyway, I phoned my insurance agent and described what happened to him. He said that I should go ahead and try to call a navigator. He said that he has had other self-employed clients successfully navigate the process, but they had to bull their way through it by averaging income and so on. He also said that, of course, the danger is that if the system does not extrapolate your average numbers into something close to the actual annual number—like it did with me, see my previous post—then you risk understating your income and over-claiming your subsidy, and then you have to pay back the difference at the end of next tax year.......and that can add up to a LOT of money.
We are so screwed.
Totes McGoats!
Range Rule: "The front gate lock is not an acceptable target." Never Forget.
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Some years back, I had a kidney stone and the ultimate cost to fix the problem was $8500.00
With the $500.00 our insurance paid and the $250.00 deductible I paid, the hospital was happy with the total of $750.00 vs. the $8500.00 on the invoice.
So, if hospitals are happy with this financial arrangement, what's to prevent an individual negotiating when such things occur?
I can't see paying exorbitant premiums when you can negotiate.
I think insurance is for the bigger issues such as the $85,000 heart surgery or the $850,000 cancer. It would be tough to negotiate those down enough to be affordable.
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Do you sincerely believe when costs are as high as you suggest you goan be covered...?
Nuh-uh, you goan to take de big dirt nap...
Unfortunately I am all too familiar. In addition to being in the insurance business, I lost my sister and my sister in law recently to cancer. Both of their insurance bills that were near 3/4 of a million bucks each. time will tell how the death panels come into play.most people do not realize we've had them for a while.
I firmly believe a lot of the reason we're in this situation we're in now is because we started expecting insurance to cover routine and minor medical expenses.
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Just a FYI. The Dear Leader will be addressing his "subjects" any minute now with an insurance update. Should be interesting to see which law he violates with this campaign speech. Wanna bet he approaches the podium late as usual with his nose stuck squarely up in the air?
I was diagnosis with cancer eight years ago at age 40. Luckily it was before Obamacare and I had great health insurance and I got it in remission without going to the poor house even though the initial bills added up to well over $250K. With the insurance I have today it would likely bankrupt me so if (when) it reoccurs I doubt I will tell anyone and let it run its course. I'm thankful I still have life insurance and I do not wish for my wife to have to use it to pay medical bills.
I have become my own "death panel."
"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents." -- James Madison
And of coarse he shows his lack of respect for the American people by being late to his own scheduled (news conference) campaign speech. He is a total disgrace to this nation!
I had a melanoma removed from a quite improbable spot about 30 years ago and found out later that untreated melanoma kills close to 100% of the time. I was lucky it was found and ripped off...
Cancer kills most of those in my family, Father, brother, sister, uncle, and on and on. They didn't pass away, they died.
Much like you, when the next cancer diagnosis pops up for me, as I expect, I will also let nature take it's course as it will probably be liver, pancreas, or some vital something. Since death isn't optional, I'm not worried. I've reached geezer-hood, so I've already done good.
I'm not one to go through chemo and suffer all it's horror, only to die shortly thereafter anyway. To heck with that. I know too many relatives and friends who went that route and none made it out alive, but suffered greatly in the interim as chemo/radiation can be one of those things where the cure (maybe...) is worse than the disease.
My sister had lung cancer and didn't want to go the chemo route, but was talked into it by her doctor. The chemo destroyed her kidneys so she then had to be dialyzed every three or four days for the rest of her short life. She was more miserable with having to go for dialysis than the cancer caused her, not to mention the horror of chemo treatment.
Had she let nature take her, her end would've been far less painful.