Well my wife is partially deaf. She woudln't need headphones to be in this situation.But this goes back to situational awareness. If you run around with headphones on while carrying and someone makes an stupid but innocent move and grabs your arm or some other method of stopping you, you need to be sure of what you are drawing your gun on.
Agreed. I'm just noting grabbing someone from behind is a good way to get shot, or getting a foot in the old baby maker, which may in fact be worse.I will say it again, initial reaction of being startled and pulling away to assess the situation is totally appropriate.

We are in complete agreement. Of course, we don't cry in our family, unless someone drops some of the wife's home baked cake. Then there's lots of crying (and joy on the part of the dogs).Her post reaction, her whining and crying fit and refusing to ID after knowing it was a police officer was not.