Itl does get better with age. I had 5. Or rather my wife had 5 (4 girls) and we raised them.
The oldest is 40 and the youngest is 28 (the son) tomorrow. Now he is interested in fishing.
The girls finally all got married and are all over the world. The son survived his teen years with
few scars. The girls ALL went through their "we have all the answers" phase and moved away from
home only to return once they learned that they couldn't afford all the answers. At least until they
finished college and started their careers and families. The son did this also, but in a little different
way. The outcome has been the same except for the family part. Some day he will.
I had many days and nights of OMG what have we done??? We were blessed with good kids in the end.
Only thing we can't get out of them is this thing that they can't wait until they can put us in a HOME!
ssnstump wrote:Itl does get better with age. I had 5. Or rather my wife had 5 (4 girls) and we raised them.
The oldest is 40 and the youngest is 28 (the son) tomorrow. Now he is interested in fishing.
The girls finally all got married and are all over the world. The son survived his teen years with
few scars. The girls ALL went through their "we have all the answers" phase and moved away from
home only to return once they learned that they couldn't afford all the answers. At least until they
finished college and started their careers and families. The son did this also, but in a little different
way. The outcome has been the same except for the family part. Some day he will.
I had many days and nights of OMG what have we done??? We were blessed with good kids in the end.
Only thing we can't get out of them is this thing that they can't wait until they can put us in a HOME!
My boys told me when I get to the wheel chair they are going to roll me out into traffic.
Raise your children to the truth and faith in God. Teach them what you know is right, to respect others.
One day they will approach you and thank you for what you did, and for the discipline you gave and the patience you showed. At that point you will realize your efforts produced much fruit.
"When democracy turns to tyranny, the armed citizen still gets to vote." Mike Vanderboegh
"The Smallest Minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." – Ayn Rand
I described ChildV being 14 as being only marginally worse than having seven "terrible-twos" in the house. She is fast approaching 23 and is an amazing young lady. She even said that when I get old and need help with my medications that she will hire a pretty young nurse to take care of me. I told her I probably qualify for that sort of help right now. Mrs DocV was not amused.
DocV wrote:I described ChildV being 14 as being only marginally worse than having seven "terrible-twos" in the house. She is fast approaching 23 and is an amazing young lady. She even said that when I get old and need help with my medications that she will hire a pretty young nurse to take care of me. I told her I probably qualify for that sort of help right now. Mrs DocV was not amused.
My folks had 6 boys. Each one of us was a handful and a half from about age 14-21. We all grew into responsible, God-fearing, law-abiding citizens after the hormonal madness passed. Proverbs 22:6, "train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it". Turned out true for me and my brothers, but we all took a vacation during our teen years. Hang in there!
“While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.” ― Samuel Adams
Along about age 25, they come to realize that you were a genius all along. Along about the time begin to spawn, they remember that they were NOT sweet little angels.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
With a support group like this I, too, may get through it after all. Mine is 12 and I'm waiting for the shoe to drop. We already have our moments.
However,I must be a glutton for punishment. I have volunteered for several years to coach her softball team, so this year I am dealing with eleven 12y olds and four 11y olds. Fortunately, I get to send most of them home after practice.
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016. NRA Patriot-Endowment Lifetime Member---------------------------------------------Si vis pacem, para bellum.................................................Patriot Guard Rider
I was given a hardshell Samsonite suitcase for an HS graduation present in 1960 and was gone at 0530 the morning after graduation. Looking back, I never caused my beloved parents (RIP) any grief because I loved and respected them AND.... because they would not put up with {it}. That was the way it was back in the 'goodle days'.
You are subject to the curse of every parent -- "May you have offspring JUST LIKE YOU".
My wife and I are fairly well educated -- we both have graduate degrees in engineering. We are convinced that someone swapped our daughter out at the hospital for the "evil spawn of satan". Of course, it's *my* fault because I did not maintain proper property control in that I glanced away for a minute when the nurse took her out of the operating room. Despite having to pull a gun on at least 3 of her boyfriends, I guess we're doing ok since we still do not qualify to be a candidate on the Jerry Springer Show.
Last edited by NavyVet1959 on Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
My wife's son is 14 1/2, and is 100% convinced that the teachers in his jr high school know nothing and that doing schoolwork and getting passing grades is highly overrated.
Most likely he will be given an "opportunity" to repeat this grade again next year, perhaps he will find humility as his friends head off to high school.
I don't fear guns; I fear voters and politicians that fear guns.
Every time I am in this position I just think back to when I was that age. Pay back from my parents are hunting me.
Now with 4 grandkids from two of four daughters I only hope I can repay the favor.
I love the sound smell of jet fuel in the morning.
Fat thumbs + IPhone = errors, please forgive.