oohrah wrote:My doctor is not posted, but I leave it in the car, because I know I'm going to be taking my pants off ('m at that age).
I have no problem with having to disrobe as they leave the office and I can wrap my gun up on my clothes. My concern is the extra poundage added when I get weighed in.
I was on the verge of running late for an appointment to have a skin lesion removed. Typically, I get the gun off before the weigh in but I really didn't expect one that day, given the procedure. When the nurse said "step on the scale", I weighed my options (don't you just love puns?) and the simply complied. The big increase in my weight didn't come up with my doctor until my next visit a couple of weeks later when I quickly dropped all of those extra pounds.
This is the part that struck me (bolded) - This clinic is part of a teaching hospital (S&W) but is not on the actual hospital grounds. Is it still acceptable to carry?
Ruger3 wrote:Hospitals are required to posted proper 30:06 signs if they do not want you carrying OR if they are part of a college/teaching hospital then they are no carry zones.
04/01/2013 - Online application
06/22/2013 - Plastic in hand 75 days - mailbox to mailbox 03/17 - renewal - 42 days plastic in hand
chasfm11 wrote: I was on the verge of running late for an appointment to have a skin lesion removed. Typically, I get the gun off before the weigh in but I really didn't expect one that day, given the procedure. When the nurse said "step on the scale", I weighed my options (don't you just love puns?) and the simply complied. The big increase in my weight didn't come up with my doctor until my next visit a couple of weeks later when I quickly dropped all of those extra pounds.
chasfm11 wrote: I was on the verge of running late for an appointment to have a skin lesion removed. Typically, I get the gun off before the weigh in but I really didn't expect one that day, given the procedure. When the nurse said "step on the scale", I weighed my options (don't you just love puns?) and the simply complied. The big increase in my weight didn't come up with my doctor until my next visit a couple of weeks later when I quickly dropped all of those extra pounds.
My bank also has the gunbuster sign and I haven't let it concern me for years. Serveral months ago a lady that I know fairly well in the bank mentioned that a few of the bank officers and some of their wives took a concealed carry course together. The gunbuster sign has remained so, like some others on this forum, I assume it is just to make some bank lawyers happy. Even though I know a couple of the officers fairly well, I haven't asked any questions.
oohrah wrote:My doctor is not posted, but I leave it in the car, because I know I'm going to be taking my pants off ('m at that age).
I have no problem with having to disrobe as they leave the office and I can wrap my gun up on my clothes. My concern is the extra poundage added when I get weighed in.
I tell the nurse to deduct 3 lbs. She knows, as does my primary doctor. My wife is in the room with me. I have, on occasion, given her the gun to put in her purse when I've had to disrobe.
chasfm11 wrote: I was on the verge of running late for an appointment to have a skin lesion removed. Typically, I get the gun off before the weigh in but I really didn't expect one that day, given the procedure. When the nurse said "step on the scale", I weighed my options (don't you just love puns?) and the simply complied. The big increase in my weight didn't come up with my doctor until my next visit a couple of weeks later when I quickly dropped all of those extra pounds.