Mosul falls to ISIS

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Mosul falls to ISIS


Post by philip964 » ... TopStories" onclick=";return false;

ISIS now controls Mosul and Fallujah.

We left 2.5 years ago.

Didn't take long.

So was Ron Paul right all along?

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Re: Mosul falls to ISIS


Post by philip964 » ... ce-1452190" onclick=";return false;

ISIS now world's richest terror organization after seizing central bank in Iraq.
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Re: Mosul falls to ISIS


Post by anygunanywhere »

The nuclear option would have been the best choice.

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Re: Mosul falls to ISIS


Post by RoyGBiv »

It's difficult to put into words the tragedy that is our President.
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Re: Mosul falls to ISIS


Post by Beiruty »

And the real trouble in Middle east starts now. It is really a sad epoch in life of civilians in Syria and Iraq, and in couple years, in Afghanistan.
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Re: Mosul falls to ISIS


Post by baldeagle »

Think of all the American lives lost freeing Fallujah and Mosul - and for what?
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Re: Mosul falls to ISIS


Post by philip964 » ... cAFWHQtDMD" onclick=";return false;

How many days till Iraq falls to ISIS or ISIL.

By the way they don't take prisoners. The just execute the police and soldiers they capture.

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Re: Mosul falls to ISIS


Post by Mike.B »

baldeagle wrote:Think of all the American lives lost freeing Fallujah and Mosul - and for what?
We could say similar things about Viet Nam. Meanwhile illegal weapons, drugs and common criminals cross our border with impunity. When do we stop playing Team America World Police and use the military to actually protect our national borders?

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Re: Mosul falls to ISIS


Post by philip964 »

I have trouble keeping the players straight.

Sunni - Saudi Arabia, lots of oil, tend to be very strict, burkas, women have no rights, furniture. Al Quaeda.

Shia- Iran, some oil, tend to be more secular, head scarfs, seized our embassy staff, woman do much better.

They all seem to hate Israel.

In Syria, the Shia leader who you see in a suit most times has a rebellion on his hands with the Sunni's. Obama seems to support the Sunni's even though they like to kill Christians when they have a chance. The Christians and Russia have sided with the Shia's.

Sadam in Iraq was a Sunni. They held power over the majority Shia's. When we invaded, we kicked the Sunni's out of power, since in a democracy majority rules. We disbanded the army as it was mainly Sunni and started over.

We left two years ago. Iraq has a million man army. But apparently the Sunni's ISIS or ISIL are better fighters as they have won significant surprise victories in Iraq in the last few days. ISIS or ISIL uses the Al Qaeda flag BTW. Their goal is to create a Caliphate, new country, out of Syria and Iraq. We may have provided weapons to the group by supporting the rebels in Syria. Many weapons may have also come from Libya after the downfall of Gaddafi. The Bengaizi coverup may have had something to do with our helping the Syrian Sunni rebels ( and Al Qaeda) get Libyan weapons. Who knows.

Anyone have any other insights to this.

Yeah and if your 60 or older you have been here before. At least so far no videos of pushing perfectly good Hueys off the decks of aircraft carriers.

All the Shia's that helped us during the Iraq war will probably be targeted for death, so expect a lot of new immigrants.

And you thought Obama's presidency couldn't get worse.

It will be Bush's fault.

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Re: Mosul falls to ISIS


Post by Dori »

One of the things I like about The Americans was seeing Afghan rebels from the Soviet perspective.

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Re: Mosul falls to ISIS


Post by philip964 » ... 30899.html" onclick=";return false;

Now the main topic of the news.

Iran may come to the Iraq's defense against ISIS.

Obama may have denied air strikes two weeks ago when asked.

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Re: Mosul falls to ISIS


Post by mamabearCali »

Sigh....perhaps a mostly secular despot was not such a horrible thing. :banghead: We can't win. :banghead:
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Re: Mosul falls to ISIS


Post by Beiruty »

mamabearCali wrote:Sigh....perhaps a mostly secular despot was not such a horrible thing. :banghead: We can't win. :banghead:
I was against Iraq war from the start. I was 100% sure Iraq war did not serve the interest of US, nor the war was winnable. One had just to ask the British how was it in Iraq after WW2.
Now, the Iraq/Syria war is destabilizing the whole ME. :leaving
The whole Obama/Hillary Foreign policy is total failure. If for Bengazhi incident, Hillary said who cares if it was for the video or pre-planned attack. Now, what about Iraq, Syria and ISIS?!!
no-action in Syria by Obama administration led to ISIS getting stronger and nobody cared until it is too late.
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Re: Mosul falls to ISIS


Post by Redneck_Buddha »

Beiruty wrote:
mamabearCali wrote:Sigh....perhaps a mostly secular despot was not such a horrible thing. :banghead: We can't win. :banghead:
I was against Iraq war from the start. I was 100% sure Iraq war did not serve the interest of US, nor the war was winnable. One had just to ask the British how was it in Iraq after WW2.
Now, the Iraq/Syria war is destabilizing the whole ME. :leaving
The whole Obama/Hillary Foreign policy is total failure. If for Bengazhi incident, Hillary said who cares if it was for the video or pre-planned attack. Now, what about Iraq, Syria and ISIS?!!
no-action in Syria by Obama administration led to ISIS getting stronger and nobody cared until it is too late.
Unfortunately, our overarching foreign policy has been largely unsound for over 60 years. The potential sources of blowback have compounded for generations. We should have heeded Ike's farewell address. Kennedy tried, but we all know how that turned out.

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Re: Mosul falls to ISIS


Post by Cedar Park Dad »

philip964 wrote: ... TopStories

ISIS now controls Mosul and Fallujah.

We left 2.5 years ago.

Didn't take long.

So was Ron Paul right all along?
Evidently toppling Hussein wasn't the best idea in the world.
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