Thank you Fuchs, I'll be sure to watch for the reference for chapter 411. I can see a couple of the pics too, but was hoping to see the first three that were originally posted. I certainly don't want to make any mistakes where I carry, so I guess if in doubt, I'll stay out (until I can clarify).Fuchs wrote:The 51% sign shows up for me. So does the old 30.06 sign. The new 30.06 sign is basically the same size but reference "Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code" instead of "4413 (29ee) Revised Statutes" (or V.C.S.) as the concealed handgun law.mtnthundr2 wrote:Can somebody please revive this thread? I'm brand new to CHL (just waiting on my card that was mailed Friday 6-20-14) and I would like to see the photos that the OP posted that are now dead links (404 file not found). Are there newer photos of signs that can be posted so we can have a visual of whats currently compliant with the law versus outdated signs that aren't?

hahaha, Fuchs, I think we both posted at the same time .....thanks for your earlier reply and thank you too, for posting the photos!!