Questions about after basic training and before during AIT.

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Questions about after basic training and before during AIT.


Post by x007x »

Hello, I'm shipping out to basic soon, and I know you are given pretty much what you need. But what is given after basic if anything? I know it's a broad question, but I was trying to make a list of items that I would need to purchase myself.

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Re: Questions about after basic training and before during A


Post by n5wd »

x007x wrote:Hello, I'm shipping out to basic soon, and I know you are given pretty much what you need. But what is given after basic if anything? I know it's a broad question, but I was trying to make a list of items that I would need to purchase myself.
What service? What AIT?
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Re: Questions about after basic training and before during A


Post by x007x »

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Re: Questions about after basic training and before during A


Post by spongeworthy »

You should be given most necessities you need for training at in-processing for AIT. Between basic and AIT you'll have what is issued during basic such as ACUs and related uniform gear. Toiletries and other items will be on you of course and you can get those at the PX, but I'd wait until you arrive at your AIT base before buying anything other than the most basic stuff.

You will be herded through the process like a sheep and unlikely to need much for the first phase of your AIT as you have very little autonomy or control over your situation. Just keep your mouth shut at basic and do what you're told, enjoy the camaraderie, and don't attract -any- attention to yourself.

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Re: Questions about after basic training and before during A


Post by howdy »

I don't know about the Army, but the Marines issued us these cheap Converse basketball shoes for PT/running. I brought a good pair of running shoes and they allowed us to us them. So much nicer and lighter. (this was in 1972) You can't have any drugs of any kind, so don't take aspirin/ibuprofen. I took stamped post cards but I doubt you could even find those today. Take cheap toiletry items just in case they issue you that and make you chunk yours. Just keep in mind the DI's are doing their is not personal. If they are on your case now, they will be on somebody else's case next, so don't get stressed over getting yelled at. Don't be cocky, do your job and let them know you are trying. I got yelled at for being "average". They really could not find anything to yell at me for so that was it...."you are just make me sick". Try to be in the best physical shape possible when you arrive. The PT starts pretty strong and you will have little time to build up to it. They don't like suck ups/whiners, so don't do that. Take pictures and get the e-mail addresses of those in your platoon. When you are my age you will be glad you did.

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Re: Questions about after basic training and before during A


Post by JP171 »

x007x wrote:Army. 15R Attack helicopter repairer. Eustis, VA.

I would think you are going to go OSUT, if not then don't buy anything tween Basic and AIT, you won't need it and won't be allowed to have it. When you get to reception they will get you a mighty fine haircut so don't bother with cutting your hair before basic, they will issue you 4 complete sets of ACU or Scorpion cammo, they will take you to the PX for towels, soap deodorant shampoo and toothpaste don't take any of it with you they will also have you get a boot care kit at the PX use it or suffer. basically take one set of civilian clothes as a spare and nothing more you won't need it Private I promise you won't. take a few pics of family or your GF, leave the Cell phone at home along with the kindle cause you don't need it, if the ARMY didn't issue you something you don't need it period, remember this young padawan and you shall triumph over the drill instructor
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Re: Questions about after basic training and before during A


Post by suthdj »

Remember mind oved matter. They dont mind and you dont matter.

As mentioned above only thing you need is what they give you and personal hygiene items from PX.
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Re: Questions about after basic training and before during A


Post by CoffeeNut »

You're given a paycheck but everything else is issued. At reception you'll get an advance on your first paycheck that allows you to buy running shoes that are within regulation, towels, flashlight and other items such as a phone card. My company made infrequent runs to the PX to get more necessities such as shampoo and deodorant as well as haircuts. I did OSUT so we kept all of our crap until the end.

You'll have a family day in between basic and AIT (unless they changed that) so I'd advise taking your cellphone as well as other items that are listed on a sheet your recruiter should give you before leaving. If not the Army has one on their recruiting website. Take your cellphone regardless because they use it as a reward these days and you don't want to be the only guy who can't check into the real world when they allow it and even if you never see it until graduation you'll at least have it for the flight home.

Other than that get used to the fact that you wont have a single thing that the army didn't authorize. Enjoy :patriot:
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Re: Questions about after basic training and before during A


Post by G26ster »

x007x wrote:Army. 15R Attack helicopter repairer. Eustis, VA.
Thanks you for your choice to serve. As a former attack helicopter pilot, please learn your craft well. YOU are the first line of defense in keeping us in the air, and prevent us from becoming a "lawn dart."

I can't answer you question, but I can relate my story circa 1962 just for grins. I arrived at the reception station at Ft. Dix N.J. at 2AM in a howling rain. We were herded into a mess hall for food. The only hot food on the line was SOS and toast. I never saw SOS before in my life (although I love it now). I asked the server what it was. He said, "That's yer chow." Wow, they said we'd get "chow" 3 times a day at the briefing when swearing in, and I thought, "How I am going to eat this "chow," as the man called it, 3 times a day?"

Next morning we got an initial issues of fatigues (no camo then), and a "flying ten." It was $10 cash for the PX to buy necessities. A kings ransom :lol: Of course it was deducted from the first monthly pay check for a PVT E-1 of $78.

I wish you the best of luck in your training and service, and I wouldn't worry about the small stuff. :patriot:
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Re: Questions about after basic training and before during A


Post by x007x »

I have bough this AH-64 manuel (" onclick=";return false;)
have been reading every word. thanks.
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Re: Questions about after basic training and before during A


Post by x007x »

Thanks everyone for the advice and tips.

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Re: Questions about after basic training and before during A


Post by CoffeeNut »

I forgot to add that if you're able you should buy foot powder and moleskins regardless of how often you wear boots now. My feet still suffered but they suffered a lot less after those purchases.
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Re: Questions about after basic training and before during A


Post by RJGold »

I went to combined basic and AIT (US Army Infantry) in 1984...

I weighed 135 lbs when I got there. Graduated at 155 lbs...

The one pair of civies I took with me were worthless to me...

A buddy of mine went in at about 250 lbs. He graduated at about 215...

His civies were worthless too...

I'd say take the bare necessities to basic. If the Army doesn't issue it to you, you don't need it.

You'll have more freedom in AIT. Plan to have someone send you more stuff or buy more stuff once you get into AIT and know the rules there...

Thanks for your service.

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Re: Questions about after basic training and before during A


Post by gregthehand »

In BCT they'll issue you all you uniforms and gear. After BCT you'll have to either take a bus or fly to AIT depending on how far your BCT post is from your AIT post. Beyond your basic issue the Army issues you other equipment they think you'll need through a Central Issue Facility (CIF). When I got to my AIT (Ft. Gordon/Commo) we had to go down to the CIF and draw any gear that we would need in AIT. It wasn't very much but your AIT unit may be different. I could see them issuing mechanics coveralls.

Your recruiter should give you a list of material you'll need to show up to basic with. My advice is to pack light and buy the most basic and plain of what ever they tell you to bring. If it says white socks get white socks with no logos. You'll be amazed at how small a detail a drill sergeant will notice and latch on to.

As others have said you need to do everything you can to go un-noticed. Don't be first, don't be last, and don't volunteer for anything.
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Re: Questions about after basic training and before during A


Post by Dreamer42 »

A few small things I learned (Ft. Leonard Wood 1987) is to use an old tooth brush to help get to small crevises for cleaning gear. If you still have wall locker drawers, when you get settled, buy an extra set of the required toiletry items, web dress belt, rolled socks, etc.for display. (I collect WW2 militaria and have my Basic issue wool socks still rolled after all these years in a WW2 footlocker for display - been that way since April 1987) Leave them alone - one less thing to mess with for inspections. I used a straight pin to keep items in place, under the white towel in the drawers. Use a pin to keep black dress belt from unraveling. Slept between the sheets only three times out of 4+ months of training. Just used pillow (dust cover) blanket and slept on top of other blanket, less to get ready in AM. Do as you're told without complaining, get others to work as a team, learn when to volunteer and when to "blend in". A good, positive attitude really helps. You will think they're out to get you, but at the end of the day they're just doing their job to get you ready. Good luck.
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