ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?

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Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?


Post by mr surveyor »

Longview mall is 30.06
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Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?


Post by Cedar Park Dad »

MechAg94 wrote:That is the rub when considering this scenario. In terms of defending yourself and your family, what to do is a no-brainer. Going further and counter attacking is something to consider as well though it might depend on what you carry. In my list above, I was sort of visualizing everyone in a particular store evacuating out the back.

I thought I heard the Nigeria attack came in from all directions so the odds of one or more CHL holders being confronted at the mall entrances is pretty high. For me, I am not sure I am comfortable counterattacking with my pistol (as in the other side of the mall). However, the opportunity to seize a rifle would provide a much better opportunity.
I don't now about the Nigeria Mall, but most closed in (vs. open air) malls at least here have lots and lots of exits. In contrast to crazy shooter scenario, I'd proffer the best solution is absolutely not to find somewhere safe and sit tight, but instead get out of there through the nearest anchor store in the mall. Odds are they aren't covered. If they are take them out. The people stuck in the Nigeria mall were the ones executed wholesale.
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Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?


Post by VMI77 »

I've never heard of a mall that had anything I wanted at a price I'm willing to pay. Anything a mall sells I can buy cheaper from Amazon and have delivered to my door. I can't even remember the last time I was in a mall, so I don't have to worry about a mall defense plan.
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Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?


Post by gljjt »

VMI77 wrote:I've never heard of a mall that had anything I wanted at a price I'm willing to pay. Anything a mall sells I can buy cheaper from Amazon and have delivered to my door. I can't even remember the last time I was in a mall, so I don't have to worry about a mall defense plan.
Sounds like your plan is the same as mine. Don't go to malls! I am rethinking my movie theatre plans however. I do enjoy an occasional movie on the big screen. I think I may suspend that for at least a while.
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Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

We can avoid malls and movie theaters, but most of us who regularly attend church aren't going to forgo that, so planning for the inevitable is something everyone should consider. Playing the odds is nothing more than applying the "other guy syndrome" to a different subject. Statistics don't mean anything when you are the one hit by lightening, robbed at gunpoint, or miss the lottery by one number.

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Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?


Post by Keith B »

Charles L. Cotton wrote: Playing the odds is nothing more than applying the "other guy syndrome" to a different subject. Statistics don't mean anything when you are the one hit by lightening, robbed at gunpoint, or miss the lottery by one number.

I use the odds to say it more than likely won't happen to me, so I am not going to let the threat scare me away from going to a mall or the movies. HOWEVER, lightning CAN strike at any time, and I have previously been the victim of the damage, so I make sure to be properly grounded as to negate the potential of getting hit or killed. This is my analogy for making sure if I go to a mall, movie theater, church or anywhere else public I take my grounding rod (aka my CCW) to be ready to defend myself and my family. :thumbs2:
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Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?


Post by RoyGBiv »

Tangential... In case anyone is interested, HBO is running a documentary "Terror At The Mall".
It ran last night. I missed it, but if you have HBO I believe it's "On Demand" for no extra cost. Check your provider/listings.


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Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?


Post by Vol Texan »

Keith B wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote: Playing the odds is nothing more than applying the "other guy syndrome" to a different subject. Statistics don't mean anything when you are the one hit by lightening, robbed at gunpoint, or miss the lottery by one number.

I use the odds to say it more than likely won't happen to me, so I am not going to let the threat scare me away from going to a mall or the movies. HOWEVER, lightning CAN strike at any time, and I have previously been the victim of the damage, so I make sure to be properly grounded as to negate the potential of getting hit or killed. This is my analogy for making sure if I go to a mall, movie theater, church or anywhere else public I take my grounding rod (aka my CCW) to be ready to defend myself and my family. :thumbs2:
Exactly this :iagree:

While it's great to say I'll avoid these places, I have a family, and we live in Houston, and we cannot stay holed up in my home all the time. They deserve better than that, and so do I. Sure, I hate the malls, but if I need to go, I'll go. For instance, every year, my daughter and I have a tradition of going to the local mall and getting her photo with Santa Claus. I cannot stand the line, and the idiocy of the mall during the season, but as long as my little girl still has that innocence, I'm going to soak it up for as long as I can. We've only been to Disney once, but we'll go again. Again, I hate the lines, and the price is a bit high, but as long as she still believes in magic (and that really was Snow White she just saw), I'll do it again and again.

If the threat of terror causes us to retreat to our safe zones too much, then the terrorists have won. I travel internationally for work to places sketchier than the worst parts of Houston and to places safer than the best parts of rural Texas. My wife owns her own business with walk-in traffic, and she cannot avoid going there.

For me, I always go prepared, my wife always goes prepared, and we maintain situational awareness. No, we don't go wandering around with our 6-year old during the Mardi Gras parade, and we don't go to IHOP in Houston at 3am, and we don't wander around aimlessly in the bad parts of town. But we do go out and about as we wish, and will continue to do so. The only thing we've done to compensate is switch from going to the biggest Catholic church near our house (Six Flags over the Vatican) to a much smaller one a wee bit further away. We prefer the smaller community feeling anyway, and figure it's a nice risk prevention.
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Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?


Post by gljjt »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:We can avoid malls and movie theaters, but most of us who regularly attend church aren't going to forgo that, so planning for the inevitable is something everyone should consider. Playing the odds is nothing more than applying the "other guy syndrome" to a different subject. Statistics don't mean anything when you are the one hit by lightening, robbed at gunpoint, or miss the lottery by one number.

Chas., I agree. I don't enjoy malls and have chosen not to go. I am torn on theaters. Church decision is long been made and not subject to change. I go, I carry.

Planning is prudent. In some cases, avoidance may be prudent. My only real concerns (for terrorists) for me and mine (we don't use trains, buses, etc, and some other soft targets) are schools/universities and their functions, malls and theaters. It can happen anywhere, but crowds in those areas are at highest risk for me and mine, IMHO. The risk can be mitigated by going to malls on weekdays, matinee movies, etc. Not much you can do about school except be alert and always have an exit plan.
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Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?


Post by anygunanywhere »

Interesting article.
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Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?


Post by nightmare »

Vol Texan wrote:
Tic Tac wrote:A society that decides to license and tax my RKBA is unworthy of those arms in its defense.
Ooooh...I'm going to have to borrow that one.
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Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Tic Tac wrote:In a situation like that, my weapons are for exfil only. A society that decides to license and tax my RKBA is unworthy of those arms in its defense.
I'm not sure I understand. This thread is about a terrorist attack in a mall. Are you saying you wouldn't help defend innocent people because Texas has a concealed handgun law?

Still waiting for an answer.

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Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?


Post by Excaliber »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:We can avoid malls and movie theaters, but most of us who regularly attend church aren't going to forgo that, so planning for the inevitable is something everyone should consider. Playing the odds is nothing more than applying the "other guy syndrome" to a different subject. Statistics don't mean anything when you are the one hit by lightening, robbed at gunpoint, or miss the lottery by one number.

Here's another way of looking at this:

Statistical risk is theoretical and fractional.

Victimization is real and is always either zero or one hundred percent.

No one is ever 3% robbed or 7% killed.

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Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?


Post by nightmare »

If that's directed to me, I leave judgment of innocence in God's hands. Man's got to know his limitations.

Regardless, I have no duty to protect a society that violates my rights, whether in matters great or small.
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