Present CHL if not carrying?

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Present CHL if not carrying?


Post by jeremybme »

I am new to the forum just got my Plastic a few days ago. Been carrying everywhere i go so far.
I had a question, If pulled over should you present your CHL if you do not have a weapon on you or in the car?

I ask because the instructor of my CHL class said that the LEO will run your plates and know you are a CHL holder and therefore assume you are carrying, so just present your CHL and state you are not carrying at this time.

and yet i didn't think LEO's could run your plates and see that you have a CHL ?

hopefully someone here can clarify

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Re: Present CHL if not carrying?


Post by Dave09 »

To my knowledge it will not come up if they run your plates. but once they run your drivers license it will. I deal with cops running my plates about twice a month if not more and from what ive seen it doesnt pull up my chl at all. But this is all based off the cops being a surprised each time they approach my car and I inform them that I am a chl holder.

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Re: Present CHL if not carrying?


Post by JP171 »

they run the plate, then the name of the registered owner and get CHL status from that. you are NOT required to show your CHL if you are not carrying, opinions vary as to whether you should or not and even with LEO's the opinion varies from show it all the time or only if your carrying, it will come up during the DL check and they may ask. I have heard of some LEO's getting a case of the rear because you didn't show if you weren't carrying because they don't know the law and some that say I don't need that and some that tell you I don't need that even if you are armed. so its up to you as far as when your not armed as to show or not show

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Re: Present CHL if not carrying?


Post by S&Wfanatic »

I always hand them mine. They hand it back and say thanks. :thumbs2:
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Re: Present CHL if not carrying?


Post by Salty1 »

Think of it this way, you do not give them your CHL when stopped because you are not carrying. They run your license for warrants and find out you have a CHL. How happy do you think they will be that they were not informed? I get it that the law does not require it and not providing it is not required. I think of it this way, I will give it to them, it certifies that you went through all the work to get a CHL and were certified as a "good guy". I believe that my CHL has gotten me out of a few tickets, at least one I would have deserved. Respect goes a long way in determining the outcome of a given situation and could also save you some cash.....
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Re: Present CHL if not carrying?


Post by joe817 »

S&Wfanatic wrote:I always hand them mine. They hand it back and say thanks. :thumbs2:
I do too. Always. Common courtesy for me. When I've been stopped, it's hands on the wheel; no other movement except rolling down the window. When they get to the window, I always say, without fail: "Before we get started officer, I have to tell you that I have a CHL and I am armed(or unarmed, if that's the case which is never). And without fail, it's always a cordial encounter. ;-) :thumbs2:
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Re: Present CHL if not carrying?


Post by cw3van »

joe817 wrote:
S&Wfanatic wrote:I always hand them mine. They hand it back and say thanks. :thumbs2:
I do too. Always. Common courtesy for me. When I've been stopped, it's hands on the wheel; no other movement except rolling down the window. When they get to the window, I always say, without fail: "Before we get started officer, I have to tell you that I have a CHL and I am armed(or unarmed, if that's the case which is never). And without fail, it's always a cordial encounter. ;-) :thumbs2:
:iagree: Most LEOs I know & served with appreciate knowing that you're a CHL holder early in a roadside interview situation.
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Re: Present CHL if not carrying?


Post by WildBill »

S&Wfanatic wrote:I always hand them mine. They hand it back and say thanks. :thumbs2:
:iagree: Even though it is not required by law, I do the same.
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Re: Present CHL if not carrying?


Post by jeremybme »

Thanks everyone, Very good advice, and i think i'll error on always presenting it and just stating whether i am or am not carrying, Probably all involved would feel better.
Not that i plan to get pulled over anyways :-)

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Re: Present CHL if not carrying?


Post by skeathley »

It is a common courtesy to give him both licenses. That courtesy may not get you out of a ticket, but it won't hurt. Letting him be surprised definitely won't get you out of a ticket.

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Re: Present CHL if not carrying?


Post by billfromtx »

If LEO runs your license, it will show up on their screen that you have a CHL. My wife works for the Texas DPS and confirmed. It is a good idea to provide both DL and CHL every time you are asked for ID by LEO carrying or not.
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Re: Present CHL if not carrying?


Post by Keith B »

billfromtx wrote:If LEO runs your license, it will show up on their screen that you have a CHL. My wife works for the Texas DPS and confirmed. It is a good idea to provide both DL and CHL every time you are asked for ID by LEO carrying or not.
That is your Drivers License, not your license plate.
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Re: Present CHL if not carrying?


Post by RoyGBiv »

If I'm ever pulled over and NOT carrying, I'm sure I'd be too embarrassed about it to admit it voluntarily. :lol:

Ok,... seriously...
I would inform verbally but not pull my CHL card.
Hand my DL and say "I do have a CHL but I am not carrying any weapons today".

Then I'd be hoping for a "why not" reply. ;-)
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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Re: Present CHL if not carrying?


Post by jeremybme »

RoyGBiv wrote:If I'm ever pulled over and NOT carrying, I'm sure I'd be too embarrassed about it to admit it voluntarily. :lol:

Ok,... seriously...
I would inform verbally but not pull my CHL card.
Hand my DL and say "I do have a CHL but I am not carrying any weapons today".

Then I'd be hoping for a "why not" reply. ;-)

Thanks everyone, I'm still so new to this, and haven't found a great holster yet, and i'm still trying to get my Wife used to me carrying all the time.
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Re: Present CHL if not carrying?


Post by Pawpaw »

jeremybme wrote:
RoyGBiv wrote:If I'm ever pulled over and NOT carrying, I'm sure I'd be too embarrassed about it to admit it voluntarily. :lol:

Ok,... seriously...
I would inform verbally but not pull my CHL card.
Hand my DL and say "I do have a CHL but I am not carrying any weapons today".

Then I'd be hoping for a "why not" reply. ;-)

Thanks everyone, I'm still so new to this, and haven't found a great holster yet, and i'm still trying to get my Wife used to me carrying all the time.
As far as your wife goes, just carry and be quiet about it. Sooner or later, she'll discover you've been carrying and she hasn't noticed. Since she didn't notice, it must not have been a big deal. ;-)

The whole "present if not carrying" is a moot point for me. I carry everywhere I legally can.
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