Police take Levelland Man's CHL - Closure UPDATE 8/28/15

CHL discussions that do not fit into more specific topics

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Re: Police take Levelland Man's CHL - Improper sign


Post by mr1337 »

Jason K wrote:
Blue Demon wrote:I am a member of [a prepaid legal service] and would have called them immediately.

[Moderator edit.]
Any reason that the [a prepaid legal service] 's name can't be mentioned? I know other threads have specifically mentioned [a prepaid legal service] by name several times with no moderator intervention. Is this a new policy?

BTW, keep us informed on this case. This seems like an opportunity for TSRA, NRA, OCT, or any other pro-2A organization to help set some precedent to the 30.06 law.
The only rule close to anything prohibited naming [the prepaid legal service which shall not be named] would be the rule between #12 and #13:
TexasCHLforum is non-commercial!! With limited exceptions set out below in Rules 13, 14 & 18, do not advertise your business.
Except it's obvious that this [a prepaid legal service] is not his business.

Are we not allowed to talk about prepaid legal services that deal primarily in firearms cases on this firearm-oriented forum? I don't think Blue Demon was intending to advertise for them, but was simply adding to the discussion what he would do.

That being said, the [prepaid legal service] would not have defended you (at least if it's the [prepaid legal service] I'm thinking of) because walking past the sign was not a "use" of the firearm. Uses of the firearm include drawing and/or firing your weapon, but do not include walking into a prohibited area. Even though this area was technically not prohibited, it still isn't a use of the weapon.
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Re: Police take Levelland Man's CHL - UPDATE 3/23


Post by mojo84 »

There have already been many discussions on the topic of prepaid legal services. There are many unknowns and untested claims made by them and I think those in charge would rather not have the companies receive additional exposure on this site. jmho
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Re: Police take Levelland Man's CHL - Closure UPDATE 8/28/15


Post by troglodyte »

I have spoken with an acquaintance that has knowledge of the situation through unofficial channels. The word is all parties have chosen to quietly drop the issue. Mistakes were made. Overreaction occurred. None of the parties saw any constructive outcome to pressing the issue publicly. There is indications that several parties were instructed of the proper way to handle the situation.

A lot of fuzzy talk and I heard from a friend who heard from a friend type language but it seems to be legitimate enough since it everyone is quiet about it.

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Re: Police take Levelland Man's CHL - Closure UPDATE 8/28/15


Post by G.A. Heath »

Thanks for the update.
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Re: Police take Levelland Man's CHL - Closure UPDATE 8/28/15


Post by RHenriksen »

Glad to hear it, though unfortunate that it took almost a year to resolve.
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Re: Police take Levelland Man's CHL - Closure UPDATE 8/28/15


Post by Glockster »

troglodyte wrote:I have spoken with an acquaintance that has knowledge of the situation through unofficial channels. The word is all parties have chosen to quietly drop the issue. Mistakes were made. Overreaction occurred. None of the parties saw any constructive outcome to pressing the issue publicly. There is indications that several parties were instructed of the proper way to handle the situation.

A lot of fuzzy talk and I heard from a friend who heard from a friend type language but it seems to be legitimate enough since it everyone is quiet about it.

"The better part of valor is discretion."
After reading through six pages of posts...what does "quietly drop the issue" mean? Did he at least get his original CHL returned?
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Re: Police take Levelland Man's CHL - Closure UPDATE 8/28/15


Post by troglodyte »

"quietly drop the issue" means none of the parties felt it necessary or beneficial to press the issue, shook hands, and went their own way. Nothing too exciting just small town west Texas folks that know each other and have to live in the community together.

Yes. The DPS reissued his license shortly after the incidence.
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Re: Police take Levelland Man's CHL - Closure UPDATE 8/28/15


Post by Deltaboy »

Sounds like he needs to find another DR, the PD needs major Retraining and a,Writtten apology needs to be issued. :txflag:
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Re: Police take Levelland Man's CHL - Closure UPDATE 8/28/15


Post by Abraham »

Recall the recent thread where a CHL holder wasn't concerned about casually exposing his pistol?

Even though the gun buster sign at the clinic has no legal authority, what happened to the man in this thread could happen to any CHL holder who is careless about letting pistol be casually exposed...what with LEO's who don't know CHL law and those who do the Man With a Gun Calls, you too can take a ride while enduring a miserable time.

Concealed really does mean concealed, but hey, if some of you feel it's no big deal to let your pistol be seen, good luck.
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