One problem/issue if licensed OC passes

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Re: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes


Post by joe817 »

Either that, or tell the LEO where your wallet is BEFORE you start reaching for it. Even if he doesn't ask, tell him anyway. ;-)
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Re: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes


Post by TexasCajun »

RetNavy wrote:this just popped in my head this morning..... I am right handed, i carry on my right side..... wallet is in the back right pocket..... open carrying.... stopped by a LEO and asked for ID.... reach back with right hand to get wallet.... LEO sees hand going towards weapon... ??????
When I took my CHL class, the instructor suggested moving my wallet from right hip to left front in order to access my wallet without unintentionally exposing my concealed handgun (carried behind right hip). That's been my orientation ever since.
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Re: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes


Post by txcharvel »

Abraham wrote:Carry your wallet on the opposite side of your gun.

What if he doesn't want to carry his wallet on the opposite side? I don't think this will be that big a deal, but the situation could happen. I would just let the officer know where my ID is before I reach for it.
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Re: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes


Post by oohrah »

Abraham wrote:Carry your wallet on the opposite side of your gun.

I use a front pocket wallet, so not an issue.
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Re: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes


Post by TexasCajun »

txcharvel wrote:
Abraham wrote:Carry your wallet on the opposite side of your gun.

What if he doesn't want to carry his wallet on the opposite side? I don't think this will be that big a deal, but the situation could happen. I would just let the officer know where my ID is before I reach for it.
Then prepare for an already nervous encounter to become even more so.
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Re: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes


Post by joe817 »

Good grief! Am I the only person here who has had encounters with LEO's when producing my DL & CHL??? You all are making it WAY to difficult, in a non-issue situation!

BEFORE you reach for your wallet, tell him up front where your wallet is and ask him how he wants to proceed. That de-escalates the situation before it even develops. There's nothing to be nervous about......unless you REALLY have something to be nervous about! :lol:
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Re: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes


Post by TexasCajun »

joe817 wrote:Good grief! Am I the only person here who has had encounters with LEO's when producing my DL & CHL??? You all are making it WAY to difficult, in a non-issue situation!

BEFORE you reach for your wallet, tell him up front where your wallet is and ask him how he wants to proceed. That de-escalates the situation before it even develops. There's nothing to be nervous about......unless you REALLY have something to be nervous about! :lol:
Actually, I've only had that experience twice. In both cases, I did let the officer know where my information was and asked how they wanted me to proceed. And even though I had nothing to hide, they were still nervous situations. They are only non-issue situations when they are over. While they are happening, I'm concentrating on what the officer is saying & doing while making sure that my movements are slow, deliberate, and well-telegraphed.

And yes, I do agree that some of this is being wildly over-thought. But that's one of the benefits of this forum - work through the what-ifs before they happen.
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Re: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes


Post by Rrash »

Never had an issue, ever, with a LEO when I've explained where my wallet is before reaching to get it. They understand your concern and appreciate the respect. The same would apply for ladies who carry a handgun in their purse.

In the situation with open carrying a firearm, I would think that your response and body language upon contact would tell them pretty much everything they need to know. A bad guy open carrying would presumably have a much different response when asked about having a CHL. It may take some adjustment time and maybe some funny/awkward stories - especially from LEO's uncomfortable with OC - but for the most part, I think this will become a non-issue. Just make sure to clearly communicate, keep your hands visible, and follow a LEO's commands about how he wants you to retrieve your license. LEO's will receive training on the issue as well.

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Re: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes


Post by Ruark »

Texas1999 wrote:To stop and detain you and require you to produce a license, the LEO first would need reasonable suspicion to believe you do NOT have a license to OC. They cannot just randomly stop you and demand to see a license, just as LEO cannot randomly stop a vehicle to "check and see" if the driver has a driver's license.
I keep hearing both sides of this concept. If you're fishing or hunting, a game warden can stop you at any time and check for your fishing/hunting license and a photo ID, as well as registration for your boat, inspect it for safety equipment, etc. all without any suspicion. Is that the same thing? But I'm really leery of this when OC is concerned. Some yahoo cop will want to see my CHL, then want to see my ID, and maybe he'll want me to disarm while he does it ("for my own safety...."), then he'll start lecturing me about how my gun is cocked-and-locked, or whatever. Then 10 minutes later I run into another cop and go through it all over again.

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Re: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes


Post by TexasCajun »

Ruark wrote:
Texas1999 wrote:To stop and detain you and require you to produce a license, the LEO first would need reasonable suspicion to believe you do NOT have a license to OC. They cannot just randomly stop you and demand to see a license, just as LEO cannot randomly stop a vehicle to "check and see" if the driver has a driver's license.
I keep hearing both sides of this concept. If you're fishing or hunting, a game warden can stop you at any time and check for your fishing/hunting license and a photo ID, as well as registration for your boat, inspect it for safety equipment, etc. all without any suspicion. Is that the same thing? But I'm really leery of this when OC is concerned. Some yahoo cop will want to see my CHL, then want to see my ID, and maybe he'll want me to disarm while he does it ("for my own safety...."), then he'll start lecturing me about how my gun is cocked-and-locked, or whatever. Then 10 minutes later I run into another cop and go through it all over again.
So what you're saying is that open carry isn't really as much of an advance of 2A rights as publicized. It may even be a step backward....
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Re: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes


Post by mr1337 »

TexasCajun wrote: So what you're saying is that open carry isn't really as much of an advance of 2A rights as publicized. It may even be a step backward....
Sometimes you have to take a step back to take two steps forward.

That being said, I don't think it's a step back. It's not a full step forward either. Maybe like a quarter step forward. We're not going to get unlicensed OC without first having licensed OC and have it be vetted and proven to be a non-event. It may be another 20 years before we get unlicensed OC, but at least it will be a possibility.

I don't actually think it will take 20 years, seeing as how fast gun rights are expanding in the recent years.
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Re: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes


Post by Armybrat »

mr1337 wrote:

I don't actually think it will take 20 years, seeing as how fast gun rights are expanding in the recent years.
Gun rights are not expanding, they are being regained. :tiphat:
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Re: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes


Post by anygunanywhere »

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Re: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes


Post by AJSully421 »

Last time I got stopped, I told the officer that had a CHL and I was carrying on my right hip and that my wallet was right next to it, and asked how he wanted me to proceed. He gave me a smirk, said "calm down... just get me your licenses".

It was a total non-issue because I was respectful and asked. I don't see OC being any different. A cop can look at you for about 5 seconds and know if you are squirrely.

I just don't see the OC thing being too much of a problem. Best chances are that if you walk in to any grocery store or shop in town that either no one will notice, they will assume you are a cop or security (If you are dressed decently), or worst case, you will be approached by a manager and asked to leave because you are OCing. Go out to your car, toss on your concealment rig, and go right back in.
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