I have a little surprise for you. That's going to happen anyway. You MIGHT be able to ferret out the companies you directly do business with and limit your purchases to those that agree with your views, but you CANNOT do that for the manufacturer of every single item you purchase AND each wholesaler that supplies the items.VMI77 wrote:I don't get you guys? Why on earth would you knowingly finance those who oppose your 2nd Amendment rights by giving their businesses your money? And it's not just your 2nd Amendment rights they want to take from you. There is no ambiguity in this situation: Costo is openly and avowedly anti-gun and anti-selfdefense, pro-Obama and pro-DNC. Geez, why not just give your money directly to the Obama and the DNC, cut out the middleman?
http://influenceexplorer.com/organizati ... a03a7d9d8d
The best you can do is be a good steward of your money so you, hopefully, have a little extra to donate where it will do the most good.