baseballguy2001 wrote:jmra wrote:So, is the owner of this forum "terribly mis-informed" or a "government lobbyist"? Can't wait for an answer to this one.

Mr. Cotton
can't tell us the inside scoop on what's happening in Austin -- draw you own conclusion, I did.
All my reps in Austin voted correctly in my view. They were part of the 19 who voted against RINO Speaker Strauss, and they all voted for the licensed open carry legislation. As voters we voted in the most conservative legislature in history, and it looks like as 2A supporters, we got hosed.
I'll step on a soap box for a minute....
There are lots of new folks on here watching the legislature for the first time. Many have commented, myself included even though this is now the third session I've watched (not very many compared to others) that it's been very educational. What this admits is that I/we didn't really understand all the ins and outs of the process. We learn. It's interesting how adamant many of us are in our position and in the next breath admit that we are neophytes in how this all works. I get that we are frustrated and want an outcome but we should watch and learn and be cautious with our bravado.
I have seen Charles make a statement a few times that came to mind as I watched the debate yesterday. When the people that are usually very anti 2a/gun are the ones supporting what sounds good for us and/or, the ones who have been long time proven supporters are voting against it, that's a pretty good sign there is more to it than I/we are seeing on the surface and we should be thinking twice about our position. Our position is more than likely based on a lack of info or understanding. Doesn't mean always but a caution flag should be flying. I think the phrase I've seen is "when someone who is F rated is voting for it"....
....stepping off the box.