Pocket carry with no holster

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Re: Pocket carry with no holster


Post by RoyGBiv »

oohrah wrote:absolutely always carry with something covering the trigger, that's why you have pocket holsters. safeties can get disengaged, things can catch in the trigger. NDs result.
Cannot agree with this enough... 1,000,000%.
ALWAYS carry with the trigger covered.
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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Re: Pocket carry with no holster


Post by Salty1 »

ldj1002 wrote:A little 380 Kel-Tec and nothing in the chamber, how could it possible go off? I'm sure someone can tell me.
It is not "how it could go off" it is that I do not want somebody's gun pointing at me and do not care if it is loaded or not. As I am sure you are aware, many people have been shot with "unloaded" guns.
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Re: Pocket carry with no holster


Post by ScottDLS »

Salty1 wrote:
ldj1002 wrote:A little 380 Kel-Tec and nothing in the chamber, how could it possible go off? I'm sure someone can tell me.
It is not "how it could go off" it is that I do not want somebody's gun pointing at me and do not care if it is loaded or not. As I am sure you are aware, many people have been shot with "unloaded" guns.
Hope you don't walk behind people wearing horizontal shoulder holsters, because they are regularly sweeping you. :lol:

I don't like walking on the lower floor of malls that are not posted, because of the chance of getting shot by an accidental discharge. You do know that guns go off by themselves all the time, right? Hence the term Gun Violence, instead of People Violence. I've got a big problem with all these CHL people "walking around with loaded guns".
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Re: Pocket carry with no holster


Post by TXBO »

ScottDLS wrote: Hope you don't walk behind people wearing horizontal shoulder holsters, because they are regularly sweeping you. :lol:
I hope I don't either.

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Re: Pocket carry with no holster


Post by Texsquatch »

The fact that you ask, and the story you shared kind of lead to one conclusion - you need a pocket holster.

The holster most likely will keep your gun in your pocket and prevent it from falling out or shifting around. Also, I wouldn't want to chance jamming my hand in my pocket with the possibility that the gun has rotated and the trigger is facing up.

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Re: Pocket carry with no holster


Post by mr surveyor »

unholstered pocket carry = dust bunnies which = fail to fire, which equals "problems"

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Re: Pocket carry with no holster


Post by rdcrags »

I pocket carried with no holster for a couple of years. Then, I wised up, thanks to the comments in this forum, and started using pocket holsters. Gradually increased cost and quality. Good advice from these guys.
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Re: Pocket carry with no holster


Post by hornetfan63 »

If you wear basketball shorts a lot, like me, you might want to take a look at a belly band. I carry more in that than I do anything else because it is the most comfortable way to carry.
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Re: Pocket carry with no holster


Post by John Galt »

I have never, nor will I ever pocket carry without something like a Sticky holster.
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Re: Pocket carry with no holster


Post by The Annoyed Man »

ArmedAndPolite wrote:With the P22 I feel a holster is unnecessary. What are your thoughts on pocket holsters?
Welcome to the forum, and thanks for sharing.

It is ABSOLUTELY a safety issue. Look at it this way....... pocket carry without a holster is no less dangerous than IWB carry without a holster....maybe even more so.

By way of recommendations, I recently received an Alabama Front Pocket Holster for an XDS-45: http://www.alabamaholster.com/product/f ... t-holster/

Here's a couple of pictures of it....


Note a couple of things about it (keeping in mind that this is a left-handed holster):
  1. The trigger is entirely covered in a hard shell of kydex. Nothing is getting into that trigger except your finger.
  2. The outward facing surface of the holster breaks up the outlines of the gun so that it looks like a wallet in the pocket. (I'll probably put the OEM magazine floorplate back on for pocket carry.)
  3. The inward facing surface of the holster has a sort of shelf at the top edge, where the (left-handed) user can push down with his thumb while drawing the gun, to keep the holster in the pocket, so it doesn't come out with the gun. (The right-handed version would be a mirror image of this one.)
I carried my XDS this way just last night for the first time, and I have to say that this holster is far superior to the Desantis Nemesis I had been using. I am going to order two more of these to fit my J-frame snubbie and my PM9.
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Re: Pocket carry with no holster


Post by silverbear »

Greybeard wrote:"absolutely always carry with something covering the trigger, that's why you have pocket holsters. safeties can get disengaged, things can catch in the trigger. NDs result."

Well said. One of the most cost effective pocket holsters around is the Desantis Nemesis, available on the 'net and many retail locations.
^^^what they said, I use the Desantis Nemesis for my 642
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Re: Pocket carry with no holster


Post by misterlarry »

I use four Remora holsters, usually for IWB but occasionally pocket carry. I also use them for any loaded guns that I may have in the house.
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Re: Pocket carry with no holster


Post by billfromtx »

sugar land dave wrote: I always have a LCP380 in my pocket secured in a holster. I can draw from it just fine, it does not move out of position, and the trigger is always covered since there is no safety. I also do not put anything else in the pocket since it might catch on the trigger. Concealed AND safe should be watchwords when carrying.
Ditto :txflag:
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Re: Pocket carry with no holster


Post by winters »

Is their any holsters that work without wearing a belt? The only time I wear a belt is at work. I refuse to wear one any other time. Seems like the whole belt thing is from my fathers generation.
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