called cops about a loud party... kid talked back to cops

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Re: called cops about a loud party... kid talked back to cop


Post by KD5NRH »

glock27 wrote:a loud music complaint is not grounds for cops entering or bereaking in a door and cant get a warrant for that type of thing..
It is when they pull up and see a guy they've been looking for on two felony warrants run in.

Much easier in most cases to call the landlord and offer to have the code inspectors take a special interest in the property if the door doesn't get opened very soon, though. Most leases I've seen had special clauses dealing with any illegal activity on the premises.

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Re: called cops about a loud party... kid talked back to cop


Post by Rig Dawg »

Two things I can add to this. We had a problem with the building next door to our property. It's a large metal building about 100 yrds from our house and for years has been leased out to businesses such as a Tire Shop and a Machine Shop, but the last guy to lease it is a Latino who wanted to use it as a Dance Hall/Party Center. The building has no A/C and one small bathroom that has an illegal septic system hooked up, but has 3 large garage bay doors. The first dance they had there wasn't much of a success and broke up before 11:PM. For the next they got a new sound system and from 6-midnight our windows actully ralleled and we could barely make out our T.V. at full volume. I called the Police and the noise was turned down for about 15 mins. and went back up again, so I called again, from my front porch and the dispatcher had difficulty hearing me over the noise. We finally went to the City Manager and after several calls, a $500 fine and gunshots fired at my house while the Police were there, we now have a plastics recycling/drug drop next door, but it's quiet.

Ih 2001, after taking care of my parents the last yr of there lives, they passed within months of each other, it was left to me to stay in their house until the estate was settled for upkeep and maintainance. An old friend from my school days showed up and we decided to tie one on and walked to the store for a bottle. One of my neighbors, who I'd feuded with for taking advantage of my parents when they were ill saw us walking back and called in a noise complaint. We didn't even have a TV on, nothing, just us having a few too many and talking about old times. The Police showed up and when I answered the door, remember, I wasn't doing anything wrong and expected no trouble, they barged in and arrest both my friend and me for PI, so don't for a min think it can't happen. Sue em you say. I'd just spent my entire savings taking care of my parents, couldn't even make bond, had to ride it out until court and then had the grand choice of pleading guilty and getting out or innocent and going back to jail to awat court. Which would you choose?
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Re: called cops about a loud party... kid talked back to cop


Post by jbirds1210 »

Rig Dawg - Did you file a formal complaint with the police department? Will they lie? Let them make that choice and see what they have to say. I am sure the charging document in your case lists a place of arrest. Tough to meet the elements of public intoxication if you were not in a public place.

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Re: called cops about a loud party... kid talked back to cop


Post by Rig Dawg »

jbird, there was video of the arrest from the patrol car and at the station. I personally knew the mayor of the town and requestd he look into it. Funny thing, when it became evident that I was going to persue it, all the video diappeared. Was going to be a battle that I may or may not have won and costly and time consuming. I gave it up and went back to work. I do kick myself now for not going after them.....
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Re: called cops about a loud party... kid talked back to cop


Post by Fangs »

Rig Dawg wrote:Funny thing, when it became evident that I was going to persue it, all the video diappeared.
I've personally seen that happen so often that I'm beginning to wonder if it's SOP for some agencies. :mad5

Without video, the officers should be automatically assumed to be in the wrong. With personal fines that go directly to the citizens they wronged.

I'm sorry, but how do you lose the video from 3 dash cams all at the same time, and just at exactly the wrong (or was it right?) moment.
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Re: called cops about a loud party... kid talked back to cop


Post by Cobra Medic »

That's suspiciously convenient for the bad guys. Reminds me of Las Vegas.
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