My first IDPA fun match

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Re: My first IDPA fun match


Post by C-dub »

HenryAKirk wrote:About how much did it cost to to shoot the match?
Round count?
Match Fees?
Any other costs besides gas?
I am kind of on a budget (poor) and want to get into IDPA shooting but I need to plan and save up a little cash before I just go out and play.
I'd bring 200 rounds just in case. If there are only 4-5 stages 100 rounds should be enough, but I'd hate to have to beg 10-20 rounds or buy another box of 50 (if even available) just to finish the match. Whatever you don't use in one match can be saved for the next one.

I already had a double mag carrier and already had acceptable holsters, so I haven't spent one dime on any new or special equipment since I started IDPA. I've only done 4-5 matches, including a classifier, my last match. First match was ridiculous. My first stage of my first match had a swinging target that only came out for 2-3 seconds if that long. I didn't do as bad as I thought I was going to, but not as good as I could have. Points down has gotten fewer and time has increased slightly. I'm happier with the decrease in points down.
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Re: My first IDPA fun match


Post by canvasbck »

Rangel wrote:
canvasbck wrote:
xb12s wrote:Is Arms Room IDPA going to be crowded the next couple of weeks leading up to the Classifier? I was planning to come for the first time this coming Monday, but I wasn't sure if it would be overly crowded the next few weeks.
It's hard to say. We were pretty crowded this week because we had not had matches the previous two weeks and the weather had caused several other outdoor matches to be cancelled. We had 40 signed up online and wound up with 58 shooters. If you keep track of the online signups ... nList.aspx you can generally expect 10-15 more to show up that didn't sign up online.

If you plan on shooting with us, it's really helpfull if you sign up online. It makes imputing of scores much easier and if we know ahead of time that we are going to be crowded, it allows us to build scenarios that run quicker and are easy to reset.
Is team train wreck affiliated with The Arms Room? Or do y'all just go there on Monday? Should I sign up with y'all or just show up at the range?
We are not affiliated with The Arms Room. We just shoot there every Monday night. For the record, our club does not get any of the $20 range fee, we are only funded by the annual membership dues. Members get liability insurance for the price of the membership. We are still in search of an outdoor range so that we can start hosting monthly weekend matches.

It helps us out a lot if you sign up online. When we are inputing scores, we have to manually input the name and E-mail address for new shooters who didn't sign up online. It doesn't seem like much, but when you have 10 shooters that you have to do that for along with inputing all the scores can get pretty tedious. It also helps us get a ballpark figure of how big the crowd will be and we tailor the stages to fit the crowd size.
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Re: My first IDPA fun match


Post by gwashorn »

Piney wrote:
canvasbck wrote:Glad you had a good time! We had a much larger group than normal last night. Usually we can get 6 scenarios done in the time that it took us to do those 4 last night.

If you were who I think you were, then I was watching you pretty close on the first scenario (as I do with all new shooters) and you were indeed good about keeping your finger off the trigger and maintaining good muzzle control. ( I was the fat guy in the pink vest).
*still politely chuckling @ someone's wife's pink vest*

Good group them Trainwreckers. Fun to shoot with and quite patient with new shooters.

Hope you keep coming out.
That pink vest is not his Wife's! Randy ordered it with pride and wears it proudly. I am working on one to out do Randy's Pink Vest. I have a bright red one I wear right now. I am one of the other regular SOs on Monday night but was not there last night due to shoulder surgery. I will be there next Monday night and run Squad Two. Not allowed to shoot yet darn it and miss this a lot. We do enjoy helping new comers to this sport and always come ask any of us or the other regular shooters for help or information. That is why we do this. Looking forward to meeting you next week.
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Re: My first IDPA fun match


Post by Wodathunkit »


If an executive order to remove semi autos from America happens, will IDPA add a SSBB category (standard Service Baseball Bat)? "rlol"
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Re: My first IDPA fun match


Post by Rangel »

im signing up on TTW page, does it matter which squad I choose for the 28th?
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Re: My first IDPA fun match


Post by Wodathunkit »

Rangel wrote:im signing up on TTW page, does it matter which squad I choose for the 28th?
Not really, everyone seemed really nice, I'm prolly gonna shoot with squad 2
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Re: My first IDPA fun match


Post by Rangel »

That's the one I picked.
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Re: My first IDPA fun match


Post by Wodathunkit »

Rangel wrote:That's the one I picked.
I will look you up, I'm signed up under the pseudonym Matthew Grubbs. I'll be disguised as a fat happy guy with a Glock 19 on his hip, if he doesn't hit the targets, it's me! :mrgreen:
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Re: My first IDPA fun match


Post by Rangel »

I'll be the fat guy with the XDm. What cover garment/vest are you using I haven't had luck finding one. I found one but I didn't read the rule book first and it's got mesh on the sides. I also need to find a mag holster. I reckon I can use my stock one for the time being.
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Re: My first IDPA fun match


Post by canvasbck »

Rangel wrote:I'll be the fat guy with the XDm. What cover garment/vest are you using I haven't had luck finding one. I found one but I didn't read the rule book first and it's got mesh on the sides. I also need to find a mag holster. I reckon I can use my stock one for the time being.
If it's your first ever IDPA match, don't worry about a cover garment, we would prefer you to concentrate on the other safety issues before adding a cover garment.
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Re: My first IDPA fun match


Post by Rangel »

Yea I read that somewhere I practice drawing and firing one shot then re holstering all the time with the vest i have at my home range. But I'll need one eventually.

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Re: My first IDPA fun match


Post by ElGato »

See Y'all there, I'll be the Old guy in squad two with a Christian Cowboy cap on. :fire" onclick=";return false;
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Re: My first IDPA fun match


Post by canvasbck »

Rangel wrote:Yea I read that somewhere I practice drawing and firing one shot then re holstering all the time with the vest i have at my home range. But I'll need one eventually.
If you are going to get into the sport and shoot sanctioned matches, then I highly recommend Armadillo Concealment for your vest, I have worn other vests and the ones from Armadillo are superior to any vest out there.

If you are only looking to improve your overall shooting and defensive skills, then I suggest using whatever method that you currently use to conceal your EDC. For club level matches like the ones at The Arms Room, no one will say anything about your mesh sided vest, you would be allowed to use it without any problems.
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Re: My first IDPA fun match


Post by Rangel »

canvasbck wrote:
Rangel wrote:Yea I read that somewhere I practice drawing and firing one shot then re holstering all the time with the vest i have at my home range. But I'll need one eventually.
If you are going to get into the sport and shoot sanctioned matches, then I highly recommend Armadillo Concealment for your vest, I have worn other vests and the ones from Armadillo are superior to any vest out there.

If you are only looking to improve your overall shooting and defensive skills, then I suggest using whatever method that you currently use to conceal your EDC. For club level matches like the ones at The Arms Room, no one will say anything about your mesh sided vest, you would be allowed to use it without any problems.
cool, thanks for the info
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Re: My first IDPA fun match


Post by gwashorn »

Like Canvasbck noted for first timers we actually like you not wearing the vest so we can watch and help with the draw and things like that while you are getting your feel for the things you do at a match. IDPA is fun and more than just standing and shooting a target. You draw, move, have cover, windows and sometimes moving targets. It really adds a lot to keep track of for a first timer but you pick up the idea quickly and will have a blast doing it. Like some have noted above, they may miss the targets but they have fun. After that anything will be fine. Many shoot as Canvasbck noted to practice carrying and drawing with their EDC. So we see shirts on people and officers even.

I saw some of the names here on my Squad #2. Elgato and I will help you with all we can plus others that help run our squad every week like Justin. I will be easy to spot. I will be the cripple in a shoulder sling. Not shooting for a few more weeks yet even though the doctor said he wanted me to wait at least until the and of January. Elgato and Canvasbck will tell you I don't listen very well. I just blame it on being old.

I also give thumbs up to Armadillo Vests and wear them. Waiting on a revision on my Red one and I ordered a second one. Can't be out done by the fat pink boy....No one will steal our vests... But seriously, thanks for coming out and enjoy yourself and above all else be safe. We want you to learn and have fun but safely. It is a blast and the folks in our groups on Monday nights are all very helpful and friendly. See you there Monday night. Now which one do I shoot? the one with the hands? I keep forgetting.
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