17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL

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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by ScooterSissy »

It sounds like the judge is going to allow the defense to present the fact that Martin was on drugs, and offer an expert witness that the level would have affected Martin's behavior.

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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by Cedar Park Dad »

ScooterSissy wrote:It sounds like the judge is going to allow the defense to present the fact that Martin was on drugs, and offer an expert witness that the level would have affected Martin's behavior.
If true, thats about that for that.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by fickman »

Cedar Park Dad wrote:
ScooterSissy wrote:It sounds like the judge is going to allow the defense to present the fact that Martin was on drugs, and offer an expert witness that the level would have affected Martin's behavior.
If true, thats about that for that.
She'll allow the toxicology report to be admitted for evidence and for a defense witness to testify about the effects of THC. The prosecution can cross-examine and bring a rebuttal witness.

During the motion consideration, the defense adeptly pointed out that GZ said on the non-emergency call, "He looks like he's on drugs or something." They also pointed out that TM had a lighter.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by drjoker »

Zimmerman is going to jail. He cannot afford expert witness for voice print Analysts. Instead, they're playing he said she said. Zimmerman's mom says screamer on 911 recording is zimmerman while trayvon's mom says it sounds like trayvon. I can't believe that gov't w unlimited resources overlooks voice print analysis. Their analysis probably says screamer is zimmerman so they hid evidence from the defense. This is lynching n railroading.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by fickman »

drjoker wrote:Zimmerman is going to jail. He cannot afford expert witness for voice print Analysts. Instead, they're playing he said she said. Zimmerman's mom says screamer on 911 recording is zimmerman while trayvon's mom says it sounds like trayvon. I can't believe that gov't w unlimited resources overlooks voice print analysis. Their analysis probably says screamer is zimmerman so they hid evidence from the defense. This is lynching n railroading.
The judge didn't allow either side to have voice experts testify.

At this point, having watched much of the trial, I'd say an acquittal is highly probable.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by philip964 »

ScooterSissy wrote:It sounds like the judge is going to allow the defense to present the fact that Martin was on drugs, and offer an expert witness that the level would have affected Martin's behavior.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by sjfcontrol »

drjoker wrote:Zimmerman is going to jail. He cannot afford expert witness for voice print Analysts. Instead, they're playing he said she said. Zimmerman's mom says screamer on 911 recording is zimmerman while trayvon's mom says it sounds like trayvon. I can't believe that gov't w unlimited resources overlooks voice print analysis. Their analysis probably says screamer is zimmerman so they hid evidence from the defense. This is lynching n railroading.
The FBI speech identification guy said after processing the call there was only about 3 seconds of clear audio. That combined with the distance from the microphone, and the poor telephone quality eliminated the possibility of voice id.

See here for an analysis of hit testimony.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by C-dub »

fickman wrote:Keeping a round in the chamber came up today. Very interesting to see how that played in court when discussing what is "normal".
Can you elaborate on this? How did that discussion go?
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by C-dub »

mojo84 wrote:Watching the gym owner has to be hard on Zimmerman's ego. While his testimony helps support that Zimmerman is/was not a fit accomplished fighter, hearing how soft and non-athletic he is has to hurt.

The prosecutor that is doing the cross of the gym owner is doing a poor job and looked ill prepared.
I heard about some of this and thought he was asked about his physical condition when he first came to the gym to lose the weight. Was this his opinion of GZ after losing the weight?
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by mojo84 »

Pretty much how he was when he cane to the gym and the only real improvement was his weight loss. He said he didn't improve much at all as a fighter/athlete. Said he started with very little to work with and didn't make much progress other than weight loss.

In other words, he probably needed s gun in order to defend himself even against a "little angel kid" like Trayvon.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by fickman »

C-dub wrote:
fickman wrote:Keeping a round in the chamber came up today. Very interesting to see how that played in court when discussing what is "normal".
Can you elaborate on this? How did that discussion go?
It sounded like the defense was worried about the perception. They had GZ's friend who is a Federal Air Marshal testify that he told GZ which firearm to buy and told him to keep a round chambered.

The defense attorney asked if it was normal for LEO to keep a round chambered and he said, "Yes." When asked if it was normal for citizens to chamber a round, the Air Marshal friend said, "No," :banghead: but explained that he had told his wife and GZ to do so because they may need it in an emergency.

They also discussed the gun not having an external safety, but he said the gun was safe and would not go off easily.

He said he spent time at the range with GZ practicing.

It's interesting that the prosecution even tried using GZ's KNOWLEDGE of the law (as a studious citizen) against him. They tried to claim that he KNEW about stand your ground so he KNEW how to make things look and how to answer questions to the detectives. The horror!!! He knew what the law says and what is defined as appropriate behavior!
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by C-dub »

fickman wrote:
C-dub wrote:
fickman wrote:Keeping a round in the chamber came up today. Very interesting to see how that played in court when discussing what is "normal".
Can you elaborate on this? How did that discussion go?
It sounded like the defense was worried about the perception. They had GZ's friend who is a Federal Air Marshal testify that he told GZ which firearm to buy and told him to keep a round chambered.

The defense attorney asked if it was normal for LEO to keep a round chambered and he said, "Yes." When asked if it was normal for citizens to chamber a round, the Air Marshal friend said, "No," :banghead: but explained that he had told his wife and GZ to do so because they may need it in an emergency.

They also discussed the gun not having an external safety, but he said the gun was safe and would not go off easily.

He said he spent time at the range with GZ practicing.

It's interesting that the prosecution even tried using GZ's KNOWLEDGE of the law (as a studious citizen) against him. They tried to claim that he KNEW about stand your ground so he KNEW how to make things look and how to answer questions to the detectives. The horror!!! He knew what the law says and what is defined as appropriate behavior!
I know how we feel about keeping a round chambered around here, but he might be right about the general public that keeps a gun close in the house. Remember, the concealed carrying public is only about 2-3% of the population. I wonder if the prosecution would have pushed the external safety thing if the defense would have put up numbers of LE that carry Glocks.
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by bizarrenormality »

mojo84 wrote:Trayvon's dad on the stand now. Should be interesting even though he was not a witness to the incident.
Why would they call him as a witness? It seems like there's very little possible gain and a lot of emotional risk.
Last edited by bizarrenormality on Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by cb1000rider »

What a waste of taxpayer dollars. Without being there, no one except for Zimmerman is ever going to know what really happened.

Beyond that, where are the grounds for prosecuting this case? The PD declined. The local DA declined... It went viral in the news and we suddenly get a special prosecutor involved?

IMHO, this was a needless avoidable death. However, trying to put Zimmerman in for murder is a big overreach...
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by mojo84 »

bizarrenormality wrote:
mojo84 wrote:Trayvon's dad on the stand now. Should be interesting even though he was not a witness to the incident.
Why would they call him as a witness? It seems like there's very little possible gain and a lot of emotional risk.
Apparently he told the detectives it was not Martin's voice screaming for help on the tape of the call. Kind of an interesting twist actually.
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