Nobody but Ilhan Abdullahi Omar

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Re: Nobody but Ilhan Abdullahi Omar


Post by WildRose »

Jason Todd wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 5:16 pm
Oldgringo wrote: Tue Feb 12, 2019 9:45 pm Are there that many stupid-deluded voters in America or are there that many stay-at-home on election day, non-voters in America? Somethings gotta' change or America will go down the tubes in your kids and grandkids' lives.....if not sooner.
America is already going down the tubes. If you're over 40, the America where you grew up is gone, and it's not coming back. Oh, it's theoretically possible, but realistically it won't happen. The federal government isn't going to cut spending by 50% or more and roll back legislative attacks on the constitution. The politicians and special interest groups don't love America enough to use "tough love" to break the epidemic of entitlement addiction.

The American Empire is headed down the same road as the Roman Empire. That can't be stopped.
Most of the leftwing agenda has been implemented through the courts. Get enough constitutionalists in the federal judiciary and it can be undone in the same way. If Trump isn't doing anything else right he's definitely getting that right.
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Re: Nobody but Ilhan Abdullahi Omar


Post by Grumpy1993 »

Most of the leftwing agenda has been implemented through the courts. Get enough constitutionalists in the federal judiciary and it can be undone in the same way. If Trump isn't doing anything else right he's definitely getting that right.
Like how they overturned Trump's unconstitutional bump stock ban?

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Re: Nobody but Ilhan Abdullahi Omar


Post by philip964 » ... omar-words

New York Post denounced for using a Sept 11 photo with Omar's own words. I mean using a person's own words against them, how awful is that.

AOC wants a boycott of the New York Post, because of their racism of using a person's own words against them.

Muslim owned stores and news stands in NYC not stocking the Post.
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Re: Nobody but Ilhan Abdullahi Omar


Post by Bitter Clinger »

philip964 wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2019 11:22 am ... omar-words

New York Post denounced for using a Sept 11 photo with Omar's own words. I mean using a person's own words against them, how awful is that.

AOC wants a boycott of the New York Post, because of their racism of using a person's own words against them.

Muslim owned stores and news stands in NYC not stocking the Post.

Exactly the way political correctness works to protect those who want to destroy our Constitutional Republic. It allows them to operate in our midst without being challenged.

Consider these quotes with relation to the feigned outrage coming from Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and their buddy Dyslexia Occasional Cortex:
“How dare you show video of Ilhan Omar speaking those words! It’s incitement! It puts her life in danger! She’s a victim!”

The goal is obvious — they want to force us to cut back on the things that they find offensive.

They want us afraid to point out the very hateful and cruel things Ilhan Omar says on a near-weekly basis.
That way, while she is free to spew her hateful rhetoric with wild abandon, we will be cowed into self-censoring our criticism of her.

New Yorkers who experienced the 9/11 attack first-hand must not be angry with Ilhan Omar’s dismissive remarks about it. Instead, they should be angry at the New York Post for putting Omar’s dismissive remarks in the context of the actual event she dismissed.
Because it is an “incitement of violence” against “women of color.”

The Post’s cover is a reminder that Islamic terrorists killed nearly three thousand Americans in the single most deadly terror attack in our history. It is far more than “some people did something” as Omar dismissively said.
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Re: Nobody but Ilhan Abdullahi Omar


Post by philip964 » ... 20490.html

Pelosi calls for security for Omar after Trump's tweet showing what she said.

I agree, she needs full time security, most likely some leftist wacko is going to try and harm her and wear a Maga hat, right before the election. Plus the way she talks, at some point she's going to say something bad about Hillary.

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Re: Nobody but Ilhan Abdullahi Omar


Post by Redneck_Buddha »

philip964 wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2019 9:24 am ... 20490.html

Pelosi calls for security for Omar after Trump's tweet showing what she said.

I agree, she needs full time security, most likely some leftist wacko is going to try and harm her and wear a Maga hat, right before the election. Plus the way she talks, at some point she's going to say something bad about Hillary.
Standard operating procedure. Victimize, then play the victim.
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Re: Nobody but Ilhan Abdullahi Omar


Post by Bitter Clinger »

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Re: Nobody but Ilhan Abdullahi Omar


Post by RoyGBiv »

File under: Circular Firing Squad.

Rashida Tlaib Accuses Dem Leadership Of Racism, Says Pelosi Uses Minority Members As ‘Tokens Of Diversity’
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) lashed out at Democrats — not Republicans — yesterday, in the wake of criticism leveled at Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for minimizing the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, accusing Dem leadership, including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), of racism and using Congressional colleagues of color as "tokens of diversity."
Hopefully she's including Black and Latino Americans in her definition. Will be fun to see where this goes.
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Re: Nobody but Ilhan Abdullahi Omar


Post by mojo84 »

Interesting how they are making Trump's tweet the problem and not what she said.
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Re: Nobody but Ilhan Abdullahi Omar


Post by mojo84 » ... y-n2544841
Omar began her speech at CAIR by decrying the recent terror attack against Muslim worshippers in New Zealand mosques. “So we are coming off a tragic, tragic nightmare that has happened to Muslims in New Zealand,” she lamented. Omar then went on to explain how Muslims are victims of discrimination following 9/11, describing the Islamic terrorist attack on America as “some people did something.”

Compare Omar's two terrorist act descriptions from the same speech. An Islamic terrorist attack killing 3,000 people on American soil while injuring an additional 6,000, people of all faiths, creeds, and colors, amounts to “some people did something.” But a non-Islamist terrorist attack killing 50 Muslims abroad is “a tragic, tragic nightmare.” Doubly "tragic," you see, when Muslims are the victims, but just "something" when Americans are the victims.
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Re: Nobody but Ilhan Abdullahi Omar


Post by RoyGBiv »

mojo84 wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2019 10:24 am Interesting how they are making Trump's tweet the problem and not what she said.
When people keep buying trash, why not keep selling it? :???:
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Re: Nobody but Ilhan Abdullahi Omar


Post by mojo84 »

RoyGBiv wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2019 9:29 am
mojo84 wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2019 10:24 am Interesting how they are making Trump's tweet the problem and not what she said.
When people keep buying trash, why not keep selling it? :???:
I agree. Hopefully, if we keep pointing out the trash they are selling maybe there will be some that stop buying it.
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Re: Nobody but Ilhan Abdullahi Omar


Post by Pawpaw »

Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. - John Adams
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Re: Nobody but Ilhan Abdullahi Omar


Post by mojo84 »

I am kind of enjoying watching the freshmen tails wag the democrat dogs.

Unfortunately, the dems have had too many years of watching the Republican infighting.
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Re: Nobody but Ilhan Abdullahi Omar


Post by Bitter Clinger »

Unable to distinguish between peaceful Muslims and Muslim supporters of Islam’s holy war and its goal of Islamic supremacy, progressives like Sanders, Warren and Pelosi conflate the Islamic terror networks with all Muslims. In doing so, they unwittingly serve the ends of the Muslim Brotherhood and the jihadists, who are our mortal enemies. Here is the way Qanta Ahmed, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations views Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and her claim to represent Muslims:

Rep. Ilhan Omar continues to be an embarrassment and a disgrace for me and other American Muslims with her outrageous, ignorant, anti-Semitic and now anti-American comments. And while Omar, a Minnesota Democrat, holds herself out as a proud Muslim, she repeatedly projects a distorted and patently Islamist interpretation of Islam – a religion that in reality stands for the values of justice, peace and ethical conduct.

As for Omar’s remarks on 9/11:
Omar should be honest. There is no escaping the fact that the atrocities of 9/11 were not simply committed by ‘some people.’ Islamist jihadists were responsible and they came from within the Muslim fold…. Living at the time in the Saudi Kingdom – the epicenter of Islam – as the world learned the identity of the 9/11 terrorists, I wondered how my religion had been hijacked by suicidal killers who claimed they had a religious duty to kill innocents. And I knew from that moment that these murderers would now become the face of Islam for many non-Muslims who know little about a religion with more the 1.6 billion followers around the globe. ... d-horowitz
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