Gun ($792):
Sights ($120): ... ?itmid=710
Guide Rod ($42): ... ?itmid=711
Total new MSRP is $954.
I purchased this gun used a couple of years ago with very little signs of wear. When I got it, it did not function %100 reliably and would fail to feed maybe once out of 50 with Winchester White Box. I tracked down the problem to the guide rod assembly and replaced the original plastic one with Kahr’s stainless steel rod. Since then, I’ve put about 300 rounds of WWB and about 50 rounds of Remington Golden Sabre with no problems. I’d definitely call it reliable now.
The gun comes in the original Kahr Plastic box with the original manual. It includes the 6 round magazine that sits flush with the butt of the gun as well as the 7 round extended magazine. Both magazines have functioned reliable for me, but the 6 round is the only one I really use. I don’t like the extension on the 7 round…
The one modification I made that needs to be disclosed is that I shaved off a little metal on the slide release lever to prevent the slide from locking back when the magazine is empty. There is very little room there and I was worried about the slide locking back prematurely if the nose of a bullet tipped it when feeding. I never carry an extra mag so it wasn’t an important feature to me. Some may feel differently though so I wanted to mention it. It’s easily reversible with the purchase of a new slide release assembly for $25 from Kahr. It's number 27 in this diagram.
I prefer to try and make a FTF sale in the Houston area. Email me if you are interested. I can take more/better pics if you tell me what you want to see.
Front sight. (That's not a defect in the metal on top of the slide. Must have been a drop of oil...)