In my first class, the instructor told us to take out the handgun we'd brought and place it on the table in front of us. I was the only one who "cleared" the gun, removed the mag, and locked the slide back before doing this . . . two other shooters followed. The instructor lectured the others about this, and told them to follow my example.
One woman couldn't . . . her husband had TOLD her she WAS going to get a CHL, and she had no idea of how to clear her pistol . . . so the instructor demonstrated . . . and discovered it was fully loaded.
During the shooting part of the class, I pretty put all my shots into one ragged hole at 3 and 5 yards, but did get a few outside the main group at 15 yards

. . . but I figured I had a perfect score.
So what was that hole in the target just below the silhouette's navel?
Turned out the woman I mentioned earlier was in the lane next to mine, and missed her target entirely about 8 times . . . one of her errant shots must have hit my target, so I got a 249.

(She still passed!)
Other things I learned from both my first class and renewal . . .
* Makarovs are not the perfectly reliable pistols some claim . . .
* Neither are Kimber or Colt 1911s . . .
* Austin and Pflugerville LEOs can't be depended on to take usable fingerprints.