Houston police officer enjoys Galveston hospitality

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Houston police officer enjoys Galveston hospitality


Post by seamusTX »

According to a story reported in Tuesday's Galveston County Daily News, a 24-year-old white male Houston police officer was arrested shortly after midnight Wednesday and charged with aggravated assault and indecent exposure.

The suspect allegedly exposed his "privates" to patrons in a bar on the Strand. When patrons and bar staff "escorted" the man outside, he allegedly stabbed one man and hit another with a pistol.

The victim who was struck required surgery for a broken jaw. The stabbing victim in still in the hospital.

A friend of the suspect was also arrested and charged with failing to report a felony. Another suspect is being sought.

http://galvestondailynews.com/story/311894" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

The report does not state whether alcohol was involved.

- Jim
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Re: Houston police officer enjoys Galveston hospitality


Post by Keith B »

seamusTX wrote:According to a story reported in Tuesday's Galveston County Daily News, a 24-year-old white male Houston police officer was arrested shortly after midnight Wednesday and charged with aggravated assault and indecent exposure.

The suspect allegedly exposed his "privates" to patrons in a bar on the Strand. When patrons and bar staff "escorted" the man outside, he allegedly stabbed one man and hit another with a pistol.

The victim who was struck required surgery for a broken jaw. The stabbing victim in still in the hospital.

A friend of the suspect was also arrested and charged with failing to report a felony. Another suspect is being sought.

http://galvestondailynews.com/story/311894" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

The report does not state whether alcohol was involved.

- Jim
They must have decided to save bits and not post the obvious.
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Re: Houston police officer enjoys Galveston hospitality


Post by old farmer »

It is always the out of town people that have problems on the island. This will be interesting to follow.
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Re: Houston police officer enjoys Galveston hospitality


Post by seamusTX »

old farmer wrote:It is always the out of town people that have problems on the island.
All resort towns have this problem. We often have more tourists in a day than the permanent population of the city (100,000 tourists versus 50,000 residents). Probably 99.9% come here, have a good time, get sunburned, and go home.

Unfortunately that 1 in 1000 wants to get drunk, get high, pick fights, or take an approach to the opposite sex that results in trouble.

Every suspect is innocent until proven guilty, of course, but broken bones and stab wounds are pretty difficult to brush under the rug.

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Re: Houston police officer enjoys Galveston hospitality


Post by old farmer »

seamusTX wrote:
old farmer wrote:It is always the out of town people that have problems on the island.
All resort towns have this problem. We often have more tourists in a day than the permanent population of the city (100,000 tourists versus 50,000 residents). Probably 99.9% come here, have a good time, get sunburned, and go home.

Unfortunately that 1 in 1000 wants to get drunk, get high, pick fights, or take an approach to the opposite sex that results in trouble.

Every suspect is innocent until proven guilty, of course, but broken bones and stab wounds are pretty difficult to brush under the rug.

- Jim
:iagree: As an Islander.
One of problems is the police force is for a 50,000 population. We needalarger force.
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Re: Houston police officer enjoys Galveston hospitality


Post by seamusTX »

old farmer wrote:One of problems is the police force is for a 50,000 population. We need a larger force.
The Daily News doesn't seem to think so, but their hatred of the police and fire departments is beyond reason.

I think at least the police department needs reserve officers that can be on duty during peak times without having them on the payroll in the off season.

I realize that Texas does not have reserve LEOs per se, but there are people who are qualified to function as police, such as able-bodied retired officers and officers from other jurisdictions who want to work overtime. They do this now for the really big events like Mardi Gras.

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Re: Houston police officer enjoys Galveston hospitality


Post by JP171 »

Actually Jim, Galveston County and Harris County do have reserve Deputies, they are not allowed to carry as a LEO under the authority of the comission of these departments except when they are on assigned duty. yes they do have all the same training so on and so forth but being TCLOSE Certified does NOT make you a LEO the Comissioning Dep does.


Re: Houston police officer enjoys Galveston hospitality


Post by recaffeination »

If he's convicted, his HPD job is over but is he still eligble to work as a cop in Dallas? :evil2:
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Re: Houston police officer enjoys Galveston hospitality


Post by Keith B »

recaffeination wrote:If he's convicted, his HPD job is over but is he still eligble to work as a cop in Dallas? :evil2:
Not if he is convicted of a felony; he will lose his TCLEOSE Certificaiton.

From http://www.legis.state.tx.us/tlodocs/78 ... 02762H.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
...under current law, TCLEOSE can immediately revoke a the license
of a peace officer convicted of a felony.....
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Re: Houston police officer enjoys Galveston hospitality


Post by seamusTX »

I think it was a joke, Keith.

We all know a convicted felon cannot legally touch a firearm, let alone be a licensed LEO.

However, when you look at the pattern of conduct in some agencies, it seems there are a lot of unconvicted felons with badges. I'm talking about the places where cops are caught taking protection money from drug dealers and that kind of thing.

With an aggravated assault charge and two people hospitalized, I would say this guy has an uphill legal battle. The DA here is all business.

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Re: Houston police officer enjoys Galveston hospitality


Post by Keith B »

seamusTX wrote:I think it was a joke, Keith.

We all know a convicted felon cannot legally touch a firearm, let alone be a licensed LEO.

However, when you look at the pattern of conduct in some agencies, it seems there are a lot of unconvicted felons with badges. I'm talking about the places where cops are caught taking protection money from drug dealers and that kind of thing.

With an aggravated assault charge and two people hospitalized, I would say this guy has an uphill legal battle. The DA here is all business.

- Jim
I knew it was a joke, just pointing out the law as it reads.

And, he will be lucky if he doesn't end up in Huntsville.
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Re: Houston police officer enjoys Galveston hospitality


Post by seamusTX »

I doubt they would put a former cop in Huntsville. He would be sent home in a box.

- Jim
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Re: Houston police officer enjoys Galveston hospitality


Post by Keith B »

seamusTX wrote:I doubt they would put a former cop in Huntsville. He would be sent home in a box.

- Jim
And your point on this guy if he is found guilty is? :evil2:

Personally, I have WAY less tolerance for a cop that does something like this than a non-LEO. :mad5
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Re: Houston police officer enjoys Galveston hospitality


Post by seamusTX »

Keith, if, I repeat if, he is found guilty of aggravated assault, he does not deserve to be brutalized and killed by hardened gang members and career criminals in prison.

As I stated in another thread somewhere, if convicted of a felony his future career will involve a lawnmower or dirty dishes.

- Jim
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Re: Houston police officer enjoys Galveston hospitality


Post by Keith B »

seamusTX wrote:Keith, if, I repeat if, he is found guilty of aggravated assault, he does not deserve to be brutalized and killed by hardened gang members and career criminals in prison.

As I stated in another thread somewhere, if convicted of a felony his future career will involve a lawnmower or dirty dishes.

- Jim
Yeah, I agree Jim, but I really loath a LEO gone bad. If he is found guilty, he needs to do harder time IMO than the non-LEO. But that's just my opinion.
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