... handgunsp/
We must restrict the sale of handguns
Letter to the Editor
Friday, May 4, 2007
When are we going to say enough is enough? No country on earth allows the free access to guns that we do in America and look at the price we're paying in lives in order to preserve and protect our ''right to bear arms.'' Canada and European and Asian nations, without exception, have strict gun laws and infinitely fewer firearms deaths annually than the U.S.
Particularly hypocritical are those on the political right who adamantly (and justifiably) espouse the right to life in protecting the unborn, yet just as adamantly oppose any measures to restrict access to guns. Apparently life inside the womb is more precious than life outside?
Opponents of sensible gun laws dwell on prosecuting criminals. This is fine, but the carnage continues. We must do more. We're not solving the problem.
The majority of gun deaths are from handguns. Handguns are concealable. It's not that difficult to enter a school or business with a handgun.
Let's focus on handguns rather than hunting rifles and shotguns - legislation that will not restrict hunters.
One possible solution: restrict or disallow the sale of ammunition for handguns with the exception of law enforcement personnel. This would allow collectors of handguns to maintain their collections. Persons wishing to purchase handguns for personal protection within the home would be required to purchase ammunition (in very small quantities) from law enforcement agencies following background checks.
We need to persuade elected officials to take action and say no to the powerful lobbying of the National Rifle Association.
Dennis Miller