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Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:20 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: The most important article you will read
Replies: 8
Views: 1743

Re: The most important article you will read

ELB wrote:I'm reading Andrew Branca's Law of Self-Defense. I haven't finished it yet, but early on he makes a suggestion that I never heard before, but upon hearing, thought "Yes. That is the way to do it."

He said that more important than having the number of a lawyer to call is having the number of a friend(s) you can contact 24/7 who will without fail stay on the job of calling your lawyer or finding you a lawyer until he is successful. If you don't have lawyer lined up already, you are very unlikely to be able to make multiple calls trying to find one if you are in police custody. Even if you have a lawyer "on retainer," it is unlikely you can get more than a voicemail out of him in the middle of the night or on the weekend, and you may not get a chance to call again for some time. Or you may be far away, in another city or state. But if you can call (or text!) a (presumably pre-briefed) friend, he can make as many calls as necessary to get a lawyer lined up for you, and you will know that this has been set in motion.

This makes a lot of sense to me.
It sure can't hurt, but if you are in custody, keep asking for a lawyer every chance you get. When one eventually shows up, maybe one of the court appointed folk, tell him/her to contact your lawyer right away. It probably won't happen as fast as you want, but they can't hold you without a court appearance at some point and that's another opportunity to make the demand. In the meantime, keep your mouth shut, despite all the inducements and blandishments and temptations to do so. What your lawyer says in your behalf is not evidence and cannot be used against you. What you say can be, so zip it!

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